Lin Tian also couldn't help but frown and said, "

What garbage!" How is it so weak!

"Oh, Bai Temo is scared!"

Seeing that this famous Watanabe killing, it was just

that, and even the strength currently displayed was worse than the Fioria that Lin Tian had fought before, far from being able to threaten his own safety, Lin Tian

was also relieved, and shook his head a little self-deprecatingly and snorted.

Pinching the hourglass and teleportation stone in his hand,

Lin Tianxin said, "It seems that these two things are useless." Since

he couldn't use it, it was a matter of course

, Lin Tian's mind moved, and he put the two precious props back into his storage space and kept them properly for Luo Qi and General Feng Sangu.

Then, he raised his head and

continued to observe the battle situation on the field.

Watanabe killed a punch, and

Dugu Lei flew out like a sandbag!

Just when his figure was about to collide with the surrounding boulder, Watanabe Kill's feet trembled slightly, and his figure disappeared again!



In the next instant, he appeared on Dugu Lei's side in mid-air, and his phantom-like fist smashed down with a popping sound that tore through the air!

Dugu Lei's spirit was tense, unable to observe the movements of the other party, and the long stick in his hand could almost only be swung by instinct.




In mid-air, just three seconds.

The two completed nearly 50 moves!

Just when Dugu Lei finally slightly adapted to the speed of the other party and found an opportunity to swing

the stick to counterattack, Watanabe Kill did not block it, and with his strong body, he carried the stick hard, and at the same time an elbow blow from top to bottom smashed into Dugu Lei's chest!

Like a fired cannonball

, Dugu Lei's figure smashed to the ground, smashing a huge deep pit in the ground!

He received two blows in succession,

both of which were severe in his fragile chest.

At this time, Dugu Lei was already confused.

Blood, constantly pouring out of the mouth.

And Watanabe killed hard to resist Dugu Lei's stick, but there is only one more bruise on his body, and there seems to be no other impact on it.

Seeing this scene,

everyone in Daxia gritted their teeth and clenched their fists nervously.

Luo Qi's face was gloomy: "It is estimated that his cultivation-type skill Blood Battle Body has reached the realm of great consummation, right?!"

Feng Sangu also saw that Dugu Lei's state was no longer able to fight Watanabe, so he immediately raised his hand and said loudly: "This one, we lost!" The

man in sunglasses nodded when he heard this, and stepped forward to check Dugu Lei's injuries.

Just when he stretched out his hand and was just about to cast a healing skill on Dugu Lei,

Watanabe's figure of killing Yin Yi had already appeared behind the man in sunglasses.

"Fuck off."

Staring directly at Dugu Lei who fell to the ground,

Watanabe said coldly.

When the man in sunglasses heard this, he turned back slightly: "The other party has lost its combat power and has admitted defeat, this battle has temporarily ended, please step back to the rear and wait for the next player of the opposing team to play."

Watanabe didn't seem to hear of it, and

he still coldly spit out two words: "Go away." The

man in sunglasses frowned when he heard this, and seeing that Watanabe did not listen to the advice

, he reached out and took out the red flag from his pocket, and he was about to send him out of the field.


However, before he could speak,

blood sprayed out, staining the ground red.

The cold fist suddenly

penetrated the chest of the man in sunglasses.

With a shocked look on his

face, the man in sunglasses knelt on his knees, his face was pale, and his body quickly lost its vitality.

The manpower of both Daxia and Sakurajima was also stunned by this sudden change.

Seeing Watanabe killing the body of the man in sunglasses, and continuing to walk towards the unconscious

Dugu Lei, Luo Qi was the first to react, his figure suddenly flashed, and he instantly came to Dugu Lei's body to escort, while shouting angrily: "Dare to kill the referee of the union headquarters?" Watanabe kill, are you crazy?!

On Watanabe's cold face, a stiff smile was evoked: "Don't you understand? This referee is a trade unionist, and I am now at the behest of the Imperial faction, and his death was already doomed when I landed on this island. "

Although the Mefrank Empire now controls the headquarters of the entire e-sports union and has a huge force, its internal unity is not completely united, and at present, the entire force is mainly divided into two waves: the imperial faction and the union faction.

The former, the Imperialists,

basically acted to ensure the prosperity and development of the Frankish Empire.

The latter, the trade unions,

stand in the perspective of the e-sports unions and operate against the interests of Blue Star human civilization.

These two, in the vast majority of the time,

can ensure the same direction and symbiotic interests.

However, there are often open and secret fights within the personnel of the two factions.

This time, the act of releasing Watanabe to kill and let him interfere in the gambling war between Daxia and Sakurajima was handled by the imperial faction.

Hearing Watanabe's words

, Luo Qi only felt that his heart had sunk to the bottom, and a black short blade appeared in his hand, and said coldly: "So, from the beginning, you didn't plan to let this gambling battle go on normally, did you?"

Watanabe smiled calmly: "Miflank wants to borrow my hand to suppress your momentum, and I also want to take this opportunity to reduce your strength and help Sakurajima win the next war..."

"War? What war?

When Luo Qi heard this, he was startled again.

However, what answered him this time

was Watanabe's fist that crushed him!


Even though, Luo Qi had already urged the skill for the first time, attaching power to the black short blade to resist.

However, Watanabe's killing blow still directly knocked Luo Qia's figure flying far away!

At the same time that Watanabe killed his hand,

Feng Sangu arrived!

He turned into a sharp knife palm and stabbed Watanabe into the heart of the killer at almost the same moment.


Seeing that the attack was successful

, Feng Sangu smiled and continued to stab into the depths: "Watanabe, it seems that the ten years in prison have not made you smarter!"

Hou's heart was stabbed fiercely by

Feng Sangu, but Watanabe's expression remained flat, and he looked back at Feng Sangu and said indifferently: "You are still as naïve as ten years ago." "


Before the words fell,

Watanabe's body suddenly turned red and his muscles contracted!

Feng Sangu's sharp knife palm, just three centimeters away from Watanabe's killing heart, suddenly stopped, and then...


Suddenly broken!!

"Cut off your throat!"

Feng Sangu was shocked, and he couldn't think about the broken palm, and immediately waved his other arm and tried to kill Watanabe again!

"Blood Battle Body Explosion!"

Watanabe killed Zhou's body, and a huge red energy burst out with a wild might!


Hit by this red energy,

Feng Sangu's figure also instantly retreated tens of meters!

After casting the bloody battle body,

Watanabe's overall strength has increased again!

With a blood-red afterimage

, he instantly came to the side of the unconscious Dugu Lei, his fist was raised high, his tongue licked his lips, and the fierce light flashed in his eyes: "First kill Dugu Lei, and then remove Lin Tian, and the Great Xia Dynasty will be completely finished..."

Thinking like this

, the moment the fist fell

, he tacitly assumed that Dugu Lei was dead,

so he subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction where Lin Tian was.

However, in the next instant,

Watanabe's heartbeat stagnated and his breathing froze.


Lin Tian's smiling cheeks had already been pasted to his eyes!

The faces of the two

are almost attached to each other!


Watanabe Kill could feel the touch of Lin Tian's

snort spraying on his face!

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