"The first battle, the Great Xia Dynasty wins!"

"Please send the Sakurajima Country team to the second player!" Seeing that the Sakurajima Kuni player lost, raised his uninjured arm to signal that he was admitted defeat, the man in sunglasses immediately gave instructions for the next step.

Everyone in Daxia was beaming.

Dugu Lei said with a smile: "Although General Zheng Tianbao is usually low-key and looks taciturn, his achievements in marksmanship are among the best in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Feng Sangu also nodded slightly: "Moreover, winning this battle, Zheng Tianbao has hardly lost much physical strength, maybe we can take one or two more pawns sent by the other party to consume our physical strength."

Lin Tian also praised: "Long and long-lasting, one person can do several, General Zheng Tianbao should really raise our country's prestige!" "

Everyone: .

Just when the Daxia side thought that the Sakurajima side would continue to send the little minions on the field to consume the opponent's physical strength

, Yamada, who was the main general on the sidelines, suddenly glanced at Watanabe, nodded slightly, and then stepped forward to the center of the battle area.

"Yamada is the second on the field? Did the other party change tactics? Seeing this, Dugu Lei narrowed his eyes and showed a suspicious look on his face.

Luo Qi stood aside, his hands around his chest, but he made a different judgment:

"No, the tactics may still be the original tactics, but the pawn responsible for consuming the opponent's physical strength, and the master of the final finale will be replaced."

When Feng Sangu heard this, he also nodded slightly, and grinned: "Let Yamada be the pawn, and let Watanabe kill to finish the end... It seems that they have a lot of trust in this prisoner who has been in prison for ten years! "

It doesn't matter, Watanabe kill will be handed over to me, I have experience in fighting him, as for Yamada, it is still up to Lei Zi to deal with it, Zheng Tianbao's side will try to consume the other party's physical strength, there is no need to fight hard with the other party."

While speaking,

Feng Sangu made a gesture to Zheng Tianbao on the field.

Zheng Tianbao nodded in response, holding a spear to face Yamada, the current number one general of the military department of Sakurajima Country, and his face was also fearless.

"Good! Both sides are ready!

"Second battle, begin!"

The man in sunglasses waved.

With a battle order

, Zheng Tianbao did not retreat, and the red energy above the red spear in his hand gushed, and he went straight to Yamada Middle Road with a blazing killing chance!

"You're not worthy of being my opponent!"

With a disdainful sneer, Yamada slowly took out a katana that flashed with a dazzling cold glow from his waist.




With his feet standing in place

, Yamada stood still majestically, and he easily swung his knife to stop Zheng Tianbao's stabbing blow, and his feet did not even move too much during the period!

Seeing this, Zheng Tianbao's calm eyes also flashed a trace of anger, but he instantly suppressed this anger, but took advantage of the other party's arrogant kung fu and suddenly unleashed his own kill!

"Death shooting, killing !!"

With a loud drink

, Zheng Tianbao was rendered by red light, and the blood vessels around his body were exaggeratedly bulged, and then he launched a series of powerful attacks with extremely fast movements, and the gun moves were like fast-running bullets, constantly hitting Yamada!

Seeing that this move was powerful

, Yamada also put away the arrogance on his face, released the state amplification skill, and quickly wielded the katana to constantly resist!




Intense weapon collision sound triggered by high frequency!

In the process of resisting the attack, Yamada's steps continued to retreat, and his breathing became slightly messy.

However, with his solid physical strength and superb knife skills,

he still successfully resisted Zheng Tianbao's slaughter!

Seeing that after Zheng Tianbao released his trick, he stopped in place and gasped tiredly, Yamada

showed a sneer: "Finished fighting?" Next, it's my turn!

Above the katana, a light blue light condensed, and

it was clear that Yamada began to charge a powerful attack.

At this moment,

Zheng Tianbao raised his hand and said seriously: "I admit defeat."

Yamada's ready-to-be-ready body couldn't help but stun, his face turned dark and angry: "Nani?

On the side, the man with sunglasses nodded, stretched out his hand to signal Zheng Tianbao to exit, and then said: "Please send the second player from the Great Xia Kingdom!" When

Dugu Lei heard this, he immediately jumped into the field, not giving Yamada too much chance to rest, and quickly said: "Ready, let's start!" "

The strongest man in Daxia vs. the number one general of Sakurajima

, this battle that should have been used as the finale, was staged in advance!

At this time

, General Yamada, who was attacked by Zheng Tianbao with all his strength, and had no chance to fight back, was in a position of anger, seeing his old opponent Dugu Lei on the field, he also did not hesitate, and instantly rushed up, and the katana in his hand flashed with blue light: "Drag the knife to cut the moon!" With

a half-moon arc light, the

behemoth blue sword qi struck straight up with a surging momentum.

Dugu Lei took out the long sword from the storage space, his eyes also became extremely focused, his body sank slightly, and he clamped the long sword on his left shoulder: "A sword splits the Netherworld!" "




The sword shadow is like the wind, bringing a sharp sound of air!

The moment the two weapons collide, the energy attached to their respective moves also collides in the air!

The blue sword light and the dark green sword shadow banged, and the roar resounded!

Skylight, falling into darkness for a while!

The figure retreated, flicked his numb arm

, Yamada frowned slightly, and then smiled excitedly:

"Compared to the last fight, you have become much stronger."

"Good, that's interesting!"

Dugu Lei also put away his posture and said with a smile: "Is it? Does this level alone make you feel stressed?

"I'm afraid you'll lose badly."

Saying that

, Dugu Lei suddenly withdrew the long sword in his hand back to the storage space, and instead took out a dark brown long stick from it, the stick was about two meters long, half a fist thick in diameter, and around the long stick, it was carved by strange pictures of exotic beasts, exuding a thick coercion.

Seeing this stick

, Yamada was slightly stunned, and then tilted his head and laughed: "How?" After losing last time, I found that I couldn't beat me with a sword, and I started practicing sticks?

Dugu Lei nodded calmly: "Not bad, I know, it is indeed a bit difficult to defeat you with a sword." "It's

just that I didn't start with losing to you, but from a long time ago, after fighting Fioria, I realized that if I insisted on using the sword, I might not reach the height of the 'Three Holy Swords of the World' in this life."

"In fact, since a long time ago, I have been majoring in the stick method, and I still use the sword against the enemy externally over the years, but it is just a means to cover people's ears."

When Yamada heard this, his smile converged, and he said coldly: "You mean, all these years, you have been hiding your strength?" The

corners of Dugu Lei's mouth widened, and a weird smile suddenly appeared that made Yamada's heart palpitate:

"Do you think that the strongest man in the Great Xia Dynasty can only rank fifteenth on the global combat power ranking, is this matter reasonable?"

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