The black cloth fluttered to the ground,

and a man covered in deep scars and dressed in a prison uniform appeared naked!

His figure is not tall, but it gives people an extreme sense of terror and oppression.

His face was not vicious

, but his eyes, full of mad paranoia and absolute rationality,

made it impossible to look at him.

It seems that the existence that appears in his field of vision

, at any time, will be torn to pieces by him!


The moment the black cloth floated away

, on the side of Daxia, the group suddenly quieted down.

Everyone stared at the man in prison uniform in the distance, with a horrified look on their faces!

"Damn it! How did this guy get released?! Feng

Sangu's face was the most ugly, his

fists were clenched tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

On the side, Luo Qi also swallowed his spit, narrowed his eyes and said, "This guy should be locked up in Mefrank's claustrophobic island prison... In order to suppress Daxia, did Mei Frank not hesitate to release this kind of madman to help the Sakurajima country win the gambling war?

Lin Tian was also attracted to the man in prison for the first time.

He felt a completely different aura from the others in this prisoner man, and he asked curiously: "What is the origin of this guy?"

On the side, Dugu Lei explained to Lin Tian with a solemn face: "This person is called Watanabe Kill, a former general of the Sakurajima Country, and the strongest person in the Sakurajima Country, known as the Light of Sakurajima, once regarded as a person who can lead Sakurajima to the top.

"But ten years ago, when the Mefrank Empire was in conflict with the Sakurajima Country, this guy personally killed his lord and father, and went to the headquarters of the Esports Union of Mefrank, killing three ministers with top combat power."

"Subsequently, half of the 'key candidates' team that was cultivated by the headquarters of the e-sports union at that time were slaughtered, causing a huge loss to Mefrank."

"Of course, it was precisely because of his behavior that he completely angered the Mei Frank Empire, and after the Watanabe killing was controlled, Mi Frank launched a large-scale war attack on the Sakurajima Island, which made the Sakurajima Island Country that was soaring at that time directly plummet."

"It stands to reason that this guy should be permanently imprisoned..." Dugu

Lei's face was ugly.

Luo Qi sighed: "Don't think about it, this guy can be released, it must be Mei Frank's action behind his back... This guy did everything, and to ensure safety, I felt that this gamble should be canceled. When

Feng Sangu heard this, he also nodded, and he immediately applied to the man in sunglasses: "There are war criminals in the opponent's team who should have served their sentences, this gambling battle is not in line with the rules, we apply to cancel the gambling war!" When

the man in sunglasses heard this, he seemed to have known that the Great Xia Fang would make this request, and shook his head quietly:

"The opponent's combat personnel did not violate the gambling war establishment treaty, and Watanabe's application for battle was sent to the archives of the international war department three days ago, and everything was in compliance and legal."

"If you choose to unilaterally cancel the gambling war, then this gambling battle will automatically be judged to be the winner of the Sakurajima country, and you need to pay all the bets to the Sakurajima country as agreed!"

Hearing these words,

everyone on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty became even more ugly.

"Do you want to abstain outright? Although the loss will be large, I am afraid that this is the only way to do it without a better solution.

Luo Qi asked in a low voice in Feng Sangu's ear.

"Watanabe killed that guy has been in prison for ten years, and has not entered the game cassette world, the growth of strength should not be large, if we go all out, we should not lose each other in hard power."

Dugu Lei made an analysis, also waiting for Feng Sangu's judgment.

Feng Sangu sighed slightly, but his eyes glanced at Lin Tian on the side: "We are not afraid of a head-on battle, what we are afraid of is mainly Watanabe killing this guy, and may attack Lin Tian regardless of it."

Luo nodded: "This is also what I am worried about, if the three of us consume a lot of physical strength in the gambling battle, we may not be able to save Lin Tianquan from Watanabe killing that guy." Seeing

that a group of people began to hesitate to admit defeat directly because they considered their own safety

, they didn't know the specific combat power of Watanabe's killing

, Lin Tianxin was also quite afraid, his little heart was jumping, and

he hurriedly asked: "Is there any means to help me save my life?" "

Although Lin Tian is already very strong now, he should be able to kill the opposite side alone.

However, even if there is a little unknown variable,

his heart is still very unstable.

Before thoroughly understanding the strength of this Watanabe kill,

it is better to be safe.

When everyone in the Great Xia Dynasty heard this, they thought about it.


, Luo Qi took out a golden hourglass from the storage space with some pain, handed it to Lin Tian, and said, "Holding this hourglass, you will be able to withstand a fatal attack and gain 3 seconds of invincibility time."

"This is a law prop, and I also worked hard to get this one!"

When Lin Tian heard this, he was not polite, and

he immediately took the hourglass from Luo Qi's hand and held it tightly in his hand.

On the side, Feng Sangu thought about it, and immediately took out a piece of crystal from the storage space and said, "This is an extremely fast teleportation crystal, it only takes three seconds to urge!"

"If the situation is not good, you will hold the hourglass and immediately urge the teleportation crystal, which will teleport you back to the Kyoto Honghu Youth Academy."

"Good!" Lin Tian nodded repeatedly, and immediately took the Extreme Speed Teleportation Crystal.

Seeing that these two props cooperated, Lin Tian's safety could be ensured, and

the people in the Daxia team stabilized their minds.

In the center position

, the man in sunglasses frowned and urged: "Daxia side, do you want to abstain?"

Feng Sangu stepped forward two steps and responded, "Don't abstain, let's start!" The

man in sunglasses nodded, took two steps back, and said, "Okay, then start now, this gambling battle officially begins!" Please both sides determine the first players! With

an order, the gambling war officially began!

As Feng Sangu expected

, on the side of Sakurajima Country, the first to fight was not Yamada and Gojo Hide, and Watanabe Takeshi such a main force, but a general who used two swords and took rapid attack as his strength.

On the side of Daxia, according to the plan, General Zheng Tianbao, who was relatively balanced in all aspects, was sent as a temptation.

Personnel from both sides are on the field, and the battle is about to break out!

The weapon used by General Zheng Tianbao was a long gun.

An inch long and an inch strong

, in terms of attack range, he has the advantage.

Moreover, in terms of hard power,

his combat power is also higher than that of the other party.



The weapons of the two sides are staggered, and the sound of metal colliding is loud!

For a time, the double-knife warriors of the Sakurajima Country were

defeated one by one!

"Shadow Blade Slash!"

Seeing that relying on conventional means, unable to get close to the other party, causing a threat

, the double-knife warrior of the Sakurajima Country did not delay, and immediately urged his strongest God of War-level attack skills, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, the two knives swung wildly, with a fierce killing chance, and quickly approached Zheng Tianbao!

"Dragonlance Spurt!"

Seeing this, Zheng Tianbao did not have any intention of retreating,

but instead faced the other party and rushed forward!

In his hand, the red spear emitted the power of a dragon's groan, piercing straight out!



An afterimage approached, and weapons intersected!

A single knife bullet flew out!

The head of the red spear also smoothly pierced the shoulder of the Sakurajima Nation's general!

His arm hurt, and

the other single knife in his hand was also unable to slip!

In this gambling battle,

Daxia successfully took the first city!

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