I haven't logged in to the ranking system for a month,

and this time I logged in and received a lot of game currency and a gacha roll.


even the most advanced gacha rolls seem to be able to draw A+ game cartridges.

If he could,

Lin Tian felt that his next game cartridge was best to choose an S-class test water.

Low-level game cartridges,

he is now a little tired of playing.

After all, S-level game cartridges are the ultimate game that no one has conquered in the past hundred years, and this level of game may be challenging and interesting for him.

If no S-class game cartridges are available, A

+ can barely replace them.

However, after all, this is all an afterword

, at the moment, entering the ranking system,

Lin Tian still immediately opens the ranking first and enters the rush point mode.


[Matching match

] [Matching complete] [The map of this game is: Desert Gray

] [The battle mode is: conditional annihilation mode

] [Time limited to:

60 minutes] [

Kill your enemy within 60 minutes, you will win this match, if the red side detonates the bomb within 60 minutes, it will also win directly, if the

blue side holds the strategic point, If the red side has not installed the bomb after 60 minutes, the blue side will be directly judged to win

] [Both sides can buy guns, grenades and other items at their respective birth points to assist in the battle

] [The opponents in this game are:] [Red side - disconnected (rank: Grandmaster 200 points)] [Blue side - DEATH BOY (Rank: Grandmaster 850 points)


[The game

officially begins! 【

On top of this desert blasting camp, fight your opponents! 】 】


The light flashes.

In the next instant,

Lin Tian appeared in a desert camp.

"This map... Isn't it a must-have classic map in those FPS shooter games?

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him,

Lin Tian couldn't help but miss it very much.

When he was on Blue Star,

the game he was least good at was this shooter FPS game.

However, his favorite

is also this type of game.

Or rather, because he always doesn't play well,

this type of game is interesting and challenging for him.

As the red side, Lin Tian

played the role of a bandit who installed bombs in this battle.

Reaching out

, Lin Tian took out the familiar square C4 bomb from the backpack behind his back, touched his chin with a smile and recalled: "Looking at the type of C4 bomb, this should be the map in the referenced CF, right?" With

a thought, open the

gun purchase menu.

"While the map engine is CF, are the firearms and purchase systems the CS engine? Feel...... It's like playing a shoddy player-made game!

Lin Tian complained casually.

However, after touching this FPS shooting game for a long time

, he immediately rushed to buy firearms and grenades,

intending to practice his marksmanship in the battle.

Walking to door B, throwing a cigarette,

Lin Tian was about to continue to step forward.


A harsh roar sounded, and

in the next instant, dozens of strong armored zombies suddenly came out of the smoke!

"Is the other party a necromancer?"

Lin Tian immediately retreated and quickly pulled the trigger with the AK47 in his hand.

Bang bang bang!!

Tongues of fire spit out, bullets shoot!

Although the guns in this map have obviously been enhanced,

they are still quite inadequate compared to the skills released by Grandmaster level players.

Even though Lin Tian's shot can basically hit the body of armored zombies, and occasionally hit the head of zombies, these powerful zombies in armor have no sign of falling.

High in the sky

, a Westerner in a black magic robe saw Lin Tian below, struggling to resist the attack of the zombies with the guns in the game, and

he couldn't help but snort with disdain: "Want to defeat me with the garbage weapon in the map?" Oh, how did I get to this kind of Grandmaster 200 point fool, did the system fail?

"Forget it, solve it quickly, don't waste time here."

In his hand, a purple ball of light condensed.

The black-robed Westerner shouted lowly: "Destroy the death light!!" "


Before the words fell, the

ball of light burst out, extremely fast!


In an instant, the purple ball of light had already come to the ground!

Just as the corners of the black-robed Westerner's mouth hooked, ready to wait for the victory announcement to appear.

His pupils contracted suddenly!

I don't know at what moment,

Lin Tian, who was still shooting on the ground, has disappeared at this moment!

"You just honestly watch from above, let me play a little longer, okay?"

Behind him, a complaining voice came.

The black-robed Westerner turned around sharply, wanting to attack again,



Lin Tian gently stretched out his hand and already pinched the black-robed Westerner's head.

This kind of opponent of Grandmaster 800 points that Lin Tian had to defeat before without using emperor-level skills, but now he was completely vulnerable in his hands, and with his strong physical fitness and speed alone, he

could easily handle it!

"You !!"

The black-robed Western man was shocked and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.


Lin Tian didn't give him a chance to say a sound, directly stuffed his high-explosive grenade into his mouth, pulled the insurance, and looked naïve and curious: "I don't know, what kind of scene will the grenade be if it explodes in his mouth?"


Seeing this, the black-robed Western man

was full of horror and struggled!

In his hand, the undead scepter continuously emitted black balls of light, attacking Lin Tian's body.

Lin Tian did not dodge, allowing the other party's painless attack to hit him, he just pinched the head of the black-robed Western man with a strange smile, and the other hand pinched the other party's mouth, preventing him from spitting out the high-explosive grenade in his mouth.

After a delay of about a second or two....


With a loud bang, the high-explosive grenade exploded in the mouth of the black-robed western man!

Looking at the eyeballs that collapsed in front of him, the broken braincase...

It's like an abstract work of art.

Lin Tian shook his head, shook the blood off his face, and smiled with satisfaction.

【You killed "DEATH BOY (Grandmaster 850 points)

"】【Duration: 6 minutes 53 seconds】【

This game is "disconnected" to win! 【

Your ranking score is +58! 】 】


In the following days,

Lin Tian began to rush the score quickly.

With his current combat power,

the Grandmaster-level opponent did not have any resistance at all!

Without even using any skills

, with a few mythical equipment on his body and strong basic attributes,

Lin Tian could beat almost any opponent in the same rank!

In just three days,

Lin Tian broke through the Grandmaster rank and reached the strongest king position.

However, even the strongest king division gathered by the world's top combat power and

could stop Lin Tianren still did not appear.

Another week passed

, and Lin Tian almost crushed and hit the strongest king, ranking eighteenth in the world!

In this process

, the combat experience that Lin Tian gained through the emperor-level cultivation skill "Thousand Chance Divine Transformation" also accumulated 1,000 points, reaching the threshold required to evolve the first combat state.

However, since the more combat experience consumed, the stronger the battle form obtained, and the greater the level of the skill, Lin Tian was not in a hurry to evolve the first battle form,

but planned to accumulate more combat experience and directly evolve a ruthless one!

At present, there are still three days left before the gambling war begins


After defeating the sixteenth-ranked strongest king opponent, Lin Tian's own ranking also climbed several places again, replacing the defeated and reaching the sixteenth place in the world.

After exiting the ranking space and peeing,

Lin Tian entered the machine and continued to rank.

Due to the high rank of the rank,

Lin Tian now takes an extremely long time to rank his opponent.

Because of his extremely high hidden score,

he basically can't rank opponents behind him.

Only, wait for the top opponent to go online and enter the queue.

This time, I waited another full two hours.

Just when Lin Tian was confused and almost fell asleep in the ranking system.

Battle again!

[The strongest king peak match is complete! ] 【

Your opponent in this game is...】【

Ranked fifth in the world, the leader of the highest holy knights in northern Europe - Fioria! (Real-name authentication)].

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