Cultivation skill books are a rarer type of skill book than combat skill books!

As a cultivation skill,

it must have a strong growth potential!

Generally speaking, cultivation skills exist in the form of passive skills, providing a large number of attribute and characteristic blessings for skill holders, and

skill owners can continuously improve the level of this skill in various ways, improve the attributes of cultivation

skills and bless certain cultivation skills, and unlock some powerful moves after raising the level to a certain level


Cultivation skills, almost for e-sportsmen,

the biggest improvement, is also the most comprehensive type of skill in the direction of improvement!

What's more,

this cultivation skill book provided to Lin Tian by the Great Xia Dynasty

was still emperor-level!

The fact that the Great Xia Dynasty could give Lin Tian this extremely precious emperor-level cultivation skill book was enough to see that the entire country's attention to Lin Tian had reached the extreme!

Daxia really gambled the future of the entire country

on Lin Tian alone!

Reaching out and picking up this skill book,

Lin Tian also felt the pressure rarely.

Although he is not an extreme patriot, he still understands the truth of the exchange of courtesy, Da Xia is so devoted to him and goes all out to cultivate him, and

it is natural

that he will also do what he can for Da Xia.

As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian checked the skill book in front of him.

[Cultivation Skill Book: Thousand Machines Divine Transformation

] [Quality: Emperor Level] [Learning Requirements: Level ≥lv110

] [Effect: After learning this skill, you can accumulate combat experience through continuous fighting, the stronger the opponent, the more combat experience you get, and by consuming the accumulated combat experience

, you will evolve a unique battle form] [

The level of this skill will increase each time you evolve a new battle form, The more advanced the evolved form, the more obvious the

level increase, the increase in skill level will increase the combat power of all your battle forms, and for every 20 levels of skill level, the battle state you can retain will increase by an additional one, and the initial number of battle forms that can be retained is 1].

"Through combat, can I evolve different battle forms?"

"It's kind of interesting!"

"This skill is cultivated to the later stage, and if used properly, it should be able to evolve several powerful forms that can be used in different environments... After the blessing of my Heavenly Mandate Emperor Suit, if I upgrade to the Heavenly God level again, the effect should be even stronger!

Lin Tian looked at the skill introduction in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

On the side

, Dugu Lei saw Lin Tian's joy after getting the three skill books, and he couldn't help but show an envious smile, sucked saliva into his mouth, and sighed: "Two God of War books and one emperor-level skill book in one breath..."

"This treatment, I guess besides you, should only be experienced by that Adam of Meiferrank!"

Lin Tian got cheap, but he didn't sell well, and

he thanked him seriously.

After learning all of these three skill books,

the skill column that he has been free can finally be filled in and play the maximum effect.

However, when he took the skill book in his hand and was about to study immediately,

Lin Tian showed a hesitant look again.

Seeing Lin Tian stunned in place, thoughtful

, Dugu Lei thought that he was frightened by these three extremely high-quality skill books, and couldn't help laughing: "You can rest assured to learn, although these three skill books are precious, they are all deserved by you, don't think too much."

Lin Tian shook his head and frowned: "No, I think this emperor-level is okay, the problem is that these two God of War level books are a little weak, will it be a bit wasteful of my skills if I learn it?" "

Dugu Lei: ...

Dugu Lei fell silent.

Is the imperial level okay?

The God of War class is a little weak?

What the hell are you talking about!!

With a wild roar in his heart,

Dugu Lei's face couldn't help but twitch.

You know, as the strongest man in the military department

of the Great Xia Dynasty, he is also the key training object of the first ten years of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Dugu Lei's own skill configuration

is only 4 God of War levels and 6 king levels!

(After LV100, level up will no longer provide additional skill slots, but turn on the rune function and obtain rune slots)

His configuration, in the range of Blue Star,

is basically the top!

He himself is extremely precious, and as a powerful killer, the God of War-level skill, in Lin Tian's eyes, it actually belongs to the category of wasteful skill slots...

Dugu Lei was a little speechless for a while.


, considering that Lin Tian's performance in every game has almost reached a level beyond ordinary people's understanding, Dugu Lei can also guess that Lin Tian should already have a lot of high-quality skills and equipment on his body now, and his

dislike of God of War-level skills should not be for pretending

, but, he really feels that the God of War-level skills are not strong enough.


Dugu Lei suddenly realized that

although he and Lin Tian

were both college entrance examination champions and geniuses of the times,

the gap during this period was bigger than that of a special man and a dog!

A faint egg pain surged up in his crotch, and

Dugu Lei's expression was a little complicated: "Regarding the problem of skill slot occupancy, you don't have to think about it, in some high-level phantom dark realms, a law prop called 'Stone of Oblivion' will appear." "

Using this Forgotten Stone, you can clear the skills in the skill slot, and there are still stocks of Forgotten Stones on the military side, and there are also many Forgotten Stones in the Great Xia Treasure Pavilion, if you need, I can adjust them for you at any time."

When Lin Tian heard this, he was relieved and thanked him again.

After Dugu Lei finished sending things and left,

Lin Tian immediately took out three skill books and studied them together.

【Ding! You have learned the skill "Thousand Machines God Change (Emperor Level)"】【

Ding! You have learned the skill "God Blood Escape (God of War Level)"]

[Ding! You have learned the skill "Asura

Power (God of War Level)"] [Skill Bar (9/9)] [Thousand Machines God Transformation LV1 (Emperor

Level)] [Broken Star (Emperor Level)] [Ten Thousand Ghosts Night Walking (Emperor

Level)] [God Blood Escape (God of War Level)] [Asura Power

(God of War Level)] [Demon King Transformation (God of War Level)]

[Lord of Original Sin (King



[Dementor Strike (King

Level)] [Blood Slash (Elite Level)]


Three Emperor Level, three God of War

Level, two King Level, and one Le Se Level.

Lin Tian's skill bar is now finally completely filled!

After that, to obtain higher quality

skill books, Lin Tian can ask for some forgotten stones from the military department at any time, replace the elite-level and king-level skill books, and may replace the God of War level in the later stage...

"Anyway, it's ready for now."

"Now, it's time to start ranking!"

After learning the skills

, Lin Tian stepped into the "Personal Exclusive Global Combat Power Ranking Login Machine" like a black phone booth next to him, swiped his card, and entered the combat power ranking system!

In front of him, a pitch-black scene was quickly dispelled by white light!

[Dear "disconnected", welcome to the global combat power ranking system! ] 】【

Last month's rank reward has been issued

】【Since your rank is: grandmaster level

】【Get reward: game point card X10000000, top game card with gacha ticket X1

】【Reward has been distributed to the storage space

】【Bring game card gacha ticket to the municipal esports sports union, you can play cassette gacha】【

Top game cassette gacha ticket: Clear the gacha machine can be drawn, You can get B-A+ game cartridges, the higher the cartridge level, the lower the probability of obtaining them].

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