Two young Lü Bu charged forward, like a tiger entering a flock!

This group of patchwork bandits are not even comparable to the guards of Ximu Town.

Just two minutes passed, and

the two Lü Bu cut a group of bandits backwards.


the two Lü Bu had already tried their best to recruit and avoid hitting the enemy with the blade of their weapons.

But the strength is too great, and the slight swing will smash people to death

, and among the more than twenty thieves, only 8 can survive by luck.

[You defeated the bandit squad

] [Zangba Bandit Group's favorability towards you has been reduced to -10] [Zangba Bandit Group is hostile to you

] [You defeated the illegal chaotic forces

] [Your moral value has been increased from -20 to -19

] [You have won a battle] [

Your level has increased! 【

Your soldier's level has increased! 】 】


After this battle,

Lin Tian's level was raised again.

Of the 5 attribute points obtained by leveling up

, he still follows the previous idea

, two attribute points are added to the ruler, and the remaining three points

, one point each of strength, intelligence, and charm.

At the same time, his other two young Lü Bu levels were also increased to LV3, and their combat power was slightly improved.

Of course, for him at this stage,

the biggest gain from this battle must be financial.

Defeating this bandit team,

Lin Tian directly obtained up to 300 gold coins!

If you strip the equipment on these bandits and sell them to equipment merchants, you should still be able to harvest about one or two hundred gold coins, and

finally sell their bodies to slave traders, the amount of gold coins harvested should not be less, these bandits are physically strong, at least worth more than those ordinary villagers!

"After having a certain combat power, it is really easier to earn money!"

"And morality is starting to pick up, which is a good sign! The character problem, which has always been criticized, should be solved through this game!

"I must prove my Lin Tian's noble ideological and moral realm to the world through the live broadcast of this game!"

Looking at the eight mountain thieves who were still alive in front of him,

Lin Tian smiled and reached out to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

However, for the Zang Ba mentioned in the pop-up prompt in front of him,

Lin Tian also paid a little attention.

Although, Lin Tian is not familiar with the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

However, as one of the four famous books that the school required to read in junior high and high school, he

still read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms several times.

Zang Ba this person, he has an impression.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

, this Zang Ba should be a very famous thief king in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, but later submitted to Cao Cao and became a general of the Wei army, and subsequently, this Zang Ba also played a great role in the war against Sun Quan of Eastern Wu.

"Beat the wave thief, and as a result, offended a famous warrior in history?"

"However, it doesn't matter, after all, he is just a thief king, and the threat should not be as great as offending the entire Eastern Han Dynasty... However, for the sake of safety, it is better to improve your strength as soon as possible and destroy this Zang hegemony. Letting

the eight living thief slaves act as trucks, responsible for carrying the equipment of other dead thieves, Lin Tian led the team and continued to move west.

Because he did not know much about the current location and the situation of the entire Eastern Han Kingdom

, on the way,

Lin Tian asked one of the captains of the bandit squad he had captured about the situation.

The captain of the mountain thief squad was also very cooperative in answering all of Lin Tian's questions.

First of all, the location where everyone is located is the northwest of the Eastern Han Kingdom.

Along the current road, if you continue to walk west for two days, you will enter the Western Han Dynasty.

The supreme ruler of the Western Han Dynasty is the ancestor Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty, and on the whole, the national strength of the Western Han State is stronger than that of the Eastern Han State, but because it is adjacent to the powerful state of Qin, there have been constant disputes for many years, and the great warlord Xiang Yu of Chu has also continuously invaded the territory of

the Western Han in recent years, which has led to the fact that at present,

the Western Han State has almost become the most chaotic situation among several nearby countries.

However, in the Eastern Han Kingdom where Lin Tian is located, the current situation is not much better.

There were eunuchs who interfered in government, and Liu Xie, the emperor of Han Xian, was seized of power.

Outside, three great warlords, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan, fought for territory in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

At present, the power of the Eastern Han State can be maintained, completely because the great warlord Liu Bei is the patriarch of the Eastern Han Dynasty, forcibly interfering to maintain the continuation of the Eastern Han regime, if it were not for Liu Bei standing on the field

, the powerful Sun Cao and the two families, at this time, it is estimated that they would have already rebelled and officially broke up with the Eastern Han State


Listening to this magic revision of the history of the Three Kingdoms

, Lin Tian groaned slightly, and his eyes flashed.

However, after a moment

, he still shook his head and put some thoughts that he could not use for the time being: "At the moment, the most important thing is to gather enough powerful forces to gain a foothold on this chaotic war continent and ensure your own safety."

With three Lü Bu and eight mountain thief captives

, Lin Tian rushed west at full speed, wanting to leave the Eastern Han Realm as soon as possible.

However, at the national border, relevant ports are often established.

At the pass, there are generally heavy soldier handles.

If he wanted to forcibly break through,

Lin Tian's current manpower would definitely not be enough.

Knowing from the captives of the mountain thieves that there are usually hundreds of elite soldiers deployed at the pass

, he squinted slightly and thought:

"Before breaking through the pass, it seems that it is necessary to further improve the combat effectiveness of the troops."

On the way, passing a village called Yangcun, Lin

Tian entered and tried to recruit new soldiers.

Spending 150 gold coins,

Lin Tian successfully recruited 3 Eastern Han State militiamen.

After joining the team, the three militiamen flashed with golden light.

In the next instant, like the three militiamen recruited before, he transformed into a powerful young man with a combat power of up to 120 points!

The number of troops increased by three, and

the combat power of Lin Tian's team suddenly doubled!

After recruiting new soldiers

, Lin Tian tried to ask the village chief again: "Excuse me, is there any task that can be entrusted to me?" When

the village chief of Yang Village heard this, he immediately said with some excitement: "Are you willing to help me?" This is wonderful!

"To tell you the truth, in fact, my daughter was kidnapped by a gang of bandits on the mountain outside the village, and they demanded a ransom of 200 gold coins from me, otherwise they would sell my daughter to the green building!"

When Lin Tian heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "I understand, so, you want me to help you rescue your daughter, right?"

The village chief of Yangcun was stunned when he heard this, and shook his head and said, "In fact, I want you to help me go to the surrounding towns to inquire about intelligence, see which green house is better treated, so that the bandits can send my daughter over." "

Lin Tian: ...

Lin Tian: "You are such a kind and good father!"

The village chief of Yangcun touched his beard and smiled: "It is the responsibility of parents to care about the employment of your children!" How, are you willing to accept this task?

Lin Tian shook his head.

Currently, he is wanted by the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Entering the towns of the Eastern Han Kingdom is very risky.

However, the conversation with the village chief of Yang Village

still allowed Lin Tian to get information about a bandit, which can be regarded as a gain.

After leaving Yang Village,

Lin Tian immediately led his troops to encircle and suppress the bandits on the nearby mountains.

This group of bandits is not even as powerful as the group of bandits encountered before.

Ordering the four young Lü Bu to charge forward

, like cutting wheat, Lin Tian easily leveled this bandit camp.

[You defeated the bandit camp

] [You defeated the illegal chaotic forces

] [Your morality increased from -19 to -18

] [You won a battle] [

Your level has increased! 【

Your soldier's level has increased! 】 【

One of your soldiers has reached the level required for advancement!】

"Young Lu Bu, can you advance?"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

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