It's like being rammed by a brute charging at full speed!



With a huge collision sound, several guards of Ximu Town, who were besieging up, suddenly cracked the iron armor on their bodies, and their figures flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line, smashing on the wall of the tavern, and instantly vomited blood to death!

"What, what!"

The captain of the guard was completely frightened by Lu Bu's blow, his pupils contracted, staying in place, the arm holding the weapon was also weakly drooping, and his voice trembled.

Finally, he reacted, and when he turned around and tried to escape the tavern,

it was already too late.


As if thunder burst out under his feet

, young Lu Bu's figure slammed out again, like a tough male lion slaughtering its prey, and in an instant he arrived in front of the guard captain and the remaining guards!


Fang Tian's halberd swiped again.

With the roar of a hurricane, the huge air flow even set off a wave of air!


A beautiful arc stroked

, and the remaining guards were also under this blow, their figures flew out, and they were killed with one blow!


[You attacked and killed the security guard of Ximu

Town] [Ximu Town's favorability towards you was reduced to -20] [The relationship between Ximu Town and you was reduced to an enemy

] [You violated the laws of the Eastern Han Kingdom] [The favorability of the Eastern Han Kingdom towards you was reduced to -30

] [You have become a serious lawbreaker, please be careful of the security soldiers of the Eastern Han Kingdom] [You have

won a battle



Your level has increased! 【

Your soldier's level has increased! 】 】


Seeing Lü Bu's understated sweeping guard,

the two militiamen who led the Ximu Town Guard were dumbfounded.

In the tavern, other onlookers also showed shocked looks.

"This, what kind of monster is this!"

"How can it be so strong! The number one fierce general under those great warlords of the Eastern Han Kingdom is just that! "

A powerful warrior who uses a halberd? I heard that there seems to be such a subordinate under the great warlord Dong Zhuo of Western Liangcheng..." Seeing that

Lü Bu had crushed a guard squad with just two moves

, Lin Tian's eyes lit up, and he also showed a look of joy:

"It is worthy of being the strongest combat force of the Three Kingdoms, flying general Lü Bu!" When there is really a husband in charge, there is no courage! A lowest-level young man Lu Bu is so fierce, this requires a few more high-level ones, then it will be necessary! Seeing

that the situation in this game finally began to improve,

Lin Tian's mouth hooked into a smile.

However, this is far from the time to relax.

At present, he has become a serious criminal in the Eastern Han Kingdom.

Moreover, they are also in enemy territory.

After learning that the guards were defeated

, the official government of Ximu Town will definitely send more soldiers to intercept Lin Tian, although Lü Bu is brave, but this game is not the kind of unparalleled game of cutting grass after all, but an orthodox war strategy game with a high degree of reality.

No matter how fierce the general, once surrounded by a sufficient number of soldiers on the other side,

he will eventually lose due to lack of physical strength.

Even if the three Lü Bu were superior in combat strength and were enough to deal with the garrison of Ximu Town, it was still unknown whether just these three subordinates could safely escort themselves away when the other side formed an encirclement.

At present

, the situation is still urgent, and it is necessary to leave Ximu Town as soon as possible.

After seeing that the guard was defeated

, Lin Tian turned over and rode on a Lü Bu, and immediately commanded: "This place is dangerous, it is not advisable to stay for a long time, leave quickly!" "


The three young Lu Bu echoed in unison.

Two charged in front, and one carried Lin Tian behind, immediately

rushed out of the tavern and quickly left Ximu Town.


It is said that the red rabbit among the people and Lübu in the horse.

Lü Bu, who was called General Fei, had strong feet, and

after about five minutes,

the three Lü Bu took Lin Tian and ran to a position thousands of meters away from Ximu Town.

Seeing that there were no pursuing soldiers behind him

, Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile: "After getting out of danger, the next thing is easy to do, as long as you develop steadily and recruit more Lü Bu, soon, the small Eastern Han Kingdom should not pose any threat to me." Remembering

that the battle just now had raised his level,

Lin Tian immediately opened the attribute panel and checked it out.

[Lord: Lin Tian

] [Identity: Fallen nobles of the Eastern Han Kingdom

] [Level: 2] [Force value: 5 (affects personal combat effectiveness and equipment

use)] [Intelligence value: 5 (affects the use of occult arts and the learning of various skills)] [

Command value: 8 (affects the maximum number of troops and troop morale, the maximum number of current troops: 40)]

Charisma Value: 5 (Affects the results of communication with NPCs and transactions with merchants)] [

Remaining Free Attribute Points: 5] [Gold: 40

] [Troop: Youth Lv Bu X3]

"Is there 5 Free Attribute Points

for leveling up?"

Lin Tian glanced at the panel, thought about it, and decided that it was still the main point to control the value, and increase the number of Lü Bu he could recruit, thereby increasing the upper limit of his team's combat power.

Although, in this game

, his idea is to lie completely flat, purely relying on his little brother to fly.

However, other properties should also be slightly bit.

After all, you may get powerful equipment that increases the commander's value.

Or, some secret techniques that can greatly increase the combat power of your troops,

as well as some powerful skills.

The value of certain equipment and occult skills

will completely exceed the attribute points of these few dominating points.

Therefore, a balanced increase should be the choice to maximize returns.

As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian added two attributes to the ruling value.

The remaining three attributes

are added to the strength value, intelligence value, and charm value.

After adding points

, Lin Tian obviously felt that his physical strength was a little stronger, his mind was a little clearer, and in his mind, he also had more understanding and insight into the method of commanding the troops.

"By the way, my soldiers seem to have also upgraded in the battle just now."

As soon as his mind moved,

Lin Tian tried to check the attribute panel of his troops again.

[Young Lü Bu

] [Type: Infantry

] [Level: LV3

] [Force Value: 125] [Intelligence Value: 45]


It was found that only the Lü Bu who had just fought with the guards had been upgraded

, and moreover, it had only been upgraded by one level, and had not yet reached the fifth level that could be advanced.

Lin Tian didn't care too much.

Closing the properties panel,

Lin Tian began to think about his next course of action.

"At present, it must be inconvenient to operate within the scope of the Eastern Han Kingdom."

"To be on the safe side, let's leave the Eastern Han Kingdom first!"

"On the way, try to get some more money and recruit some Lu Bu."

Riding a

Lü Bu, Lin Tian took the remaining two Lü Bu and headed west.

Not long after, on the road,

Lin Tian encountered a team that looked like thieves.

The team is about 20 people, and the equipment is quite good.

"Here comes the money!"

"Up, try to keep alive, live can still sell money, can maximize profits!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up, and he immediately sent two Lü Bu forwards to attack this group of thieves, while he himself stood from a distance under the protection of another young man, Lü Bu, to observe the battle from a distance.

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