Chapter 1699 Six people looked up to!

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence for so many years have actually speculated about Xia Qing’s identity.

Therefore, for Xia Qing’s identity.

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence were not too surprised.

On the contrary, it was Liu Jie who completely crushed Long Tao with a few insects and cancer spirits during the first battle with Long Tao.

It can be said that Long Tao’s Ascension to Diamond-level fantasy sea king chalky dragon basically has no means to fight against it.

Originally, Liu Jie was a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, ranking in the top 30 positions.

It can be said that Liu Jie’s strength came from Ascension suddenly.

And two years ago, Liu Jie was unable to fight because of the damage to the female origin of the main battle psychic insect.

The former Baizi sequence members are all clear about the matter of exiting the Baizi sequence.

Therefore, everyone has been shocked by Liu Jie’s strength of Ascension.

Now Liu Jie is here in the first place in the Baizi sequence in a real sense.

It turned out that Liu Jie became the disciple of Master Ye Si!

Looking at Liu Jie and Xia Qing, they walked in front of each other side by side.

Zuo Ming, the left-hand minister, and You Zhe, the right-hand minister, were half behind Liu Jie while walking.

Two imperial envoys followed Xia Qing.

The audience on Starnet had a heated discussion.

[Time is like love: Gan! I have always liked Liu Jie in the Hundred Sons series. Liu Jie hasn’t appeared in two years, but I have never been a fan. It turns out that Liu Jie is the disciple of Master Ye Si! As a person in Frost City, I will never forget the contribution that Master Liu Jie made to Frost City! 】

[I’m staring at you: I am a member of the Frost Guard. When I arrived, Master Liu Jie had exhausted his Spirit Power and the insect mother was also seriously injured, but he was still in charge of the almost all disabled insect infestation. Dimensional creature battle! Master Liu Jie is worthy of respect! 】

[Yun Ying: Xia Qing and Liu Jie are both disciples under the crown. One is ranked first and the other is third. If these two can join, then the team led by Master Liu Yifan has a high probability. Win! 】

[Star Dahai: To tell the truth, I have now reached the Temple of Ladder, and the record can be checked! Look at the few anonymous, very young people in the palace, they are almost all disciples! The strength of the other disciples is not necessarily weaker than Liu Jie and Xia Qing, and may even be stronger! Don’t ask how I knew it, because I seem to have encountered it! 】

[Jengmu: Why do I think that Hei and Lin Yuan are more and more alike! Except for the mismatch of the spirit, the age, height and even temperament are all the same to me! If a person can divide the collocation of spirits into two, I can’t believe it no matter what! 】

There was a heated discussion in the comment areas of the major live broadcast rooms on Starnet.

If it’s normal, it’s time for everyone to play hard.

But now, no one is going to play with it.

Because these audiences know that there will be ten people who can represent the glory of heaven.

Will be gambled on life and glory, and a desperate battle with the Free Federation.

Those scholars, Master Di, if they are put before.

I will definitely pick Xia Qing, Liu Jie.

Even go to analyze the black spirit.

But right now, these scholars and creators don’t have this thought.

Instead, he held his breath, prayed and supported in his heart.

After Liu Jie and Xia Qing stood on the golden stone pillar.

Quan Huiyao’s eyes couldn’t help but hold his breath to look at Liu Jie, Xia Qing, Zong Ze, Gu Lang, and An He.

Four men and one woman, these five are undoubtedly the most powerful young people under the age of twenty-five.

Although everyone had little understanding of Anhe, Zongze, and Gu Lang.

Little is known about the methods of Liu Jie and Xia Qing.

Even the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence don’t know what Xia Qing’s main battle spirit is.

And Liu Jie, how many carcinoid insects does Liu Jie have?

However, everyone has just seen how Gao Feng can assist a team of tens of thousands with one person.

And let this team survive the worm tide.

Therefore, no matter how strong the other disciples are, they must be able to reach the high wind level.

At this moment, Liu Jie and Zongze, who were standing behind Ye Qingyue and Chef Zun, couldn’t help but their eyes fell on Lin Yuan.

When the six people discussed tactics together.

Lin Yuan gave Zongze a large box of pollen from the horoscope Zhitan.

Although Zongze’s curse has not been completely eliminated.

But I just used that big box of horoscope Zhitan’s pollen.

No matter what kind of influence he receives, Zongze can bear it fearlessly.

Thinking of this, Zong Ze couldn’t help clenching his fists.

Zongze at this time, and Zongze at the Siye Conference, had already undergone a qualitative change in strength.

It’s not the same at all.

As for own Ascension, most of them have to thank Lin Yuan.

I gave myself a goddess-level elemental pearl with the goddess hail.

It is this celestial woman-level elemental pearl that contains the goddess hail, which makes Zongze’s wild blood and spiritual objects burn the sky and purify the blood.

The physical strength of the bloodline of Huangzhi is more dependent on the bloodline than the level.

Before Zongze’s desolate bloodline spirit thing burns the sky, it can leapfrog combat.

Leapfrogging combat has become easier for Zongze at this time.

A few months ago, I was still competing with Lin Yuan.

Now he is very likely to join forces with Lin Yuan to fight the enemy.

Zongze is a very fighting temper.

Most like to play against powerful opponents.

However, compared to the original enjoyment of playing against Lin Yuan.

Zong Ze wants to join forces with Lin Yuan to fight against the group of enemies who have violated the glory of Hui Yao!

Liu Jie’s mind was very simple. He played by himself and stood in front of Lin Yuan to protect Lin Yuan’s safety.

Perform your duties as a rebel.

Then do everything possible to defeat the opponent.

An He’s gaze fell on Liu Yifan on the side of the colorful stone pillar.

It can be said that from a very young age, An He has been looking up at Liu Yifan to grow up.

Follow in the footsteps of Liu Yifan.

Now Anhe wants to go to the battlefield together with his senior brother Liu Yifan, and work together against the enemy!

If the brother can see his own growth over the years.

If you follow Anhe’s previous character, Anhe will definitely try his best to fight for it!

But now Anhe doesn’t do this anymore.

Because Anhe is very clear about his position in the team.

The position of his brother Liu Yifan faintly overlaps.

Playing by yourself is simply not a good choice for the battle.

Of course, all of this can be done without thinking about it.

Who will end up in the competition for a while depends on how the Free Federation mission will choose.

At this time, Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian were three.

As well as other members of the Freedom Hundreds Sequence, they have already walked to Qian Yu’s side.

Because I am afraid that there will be accidents on the road.

Therefore, on the side of the free federation, there are a few more members of the hundred sub-sequence.

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