Chapter 1698 It turns out that they are disciples under the crown!

“Both parties are gambling items to confirm that they are correct!”


Before Lan Xun finished speaking, Lian Shen interrupted Lan Xun’s words.

Opened his mouth and said.

“Lan Xun, before making a bet, I want to see the eternal mood with my own eyes.”

Hearing Lian Shen’s words, Lan Xun’s face immediately showed an unhappy expression.

Gan! What are you talking about?

You don’t ask to see it when you say it a month later.

Now it’s in my hands, I have finished reading it, but you asked to see it.

Is it because you don’t trust me, or what?

Lan Xun let out a cold snort, grasped the moonstone pendant in his hand, and poured Mental Energy into it.

Then, a heart carved like a crystal appeared in Lan Xun’s hands.

Around this heart, there is a delicate scorpion with silvery-yellow scales flying around.

The silver-yellow scales are dotted with color-changing gems like the starry sky.

These gems shone with strange light.

It’s like opals used to make precious jewellery.

The color of the scorpion tail is different from that of the scale armor, showing a transparent texture.

It’s just that there are many fine gold wires inside.

These golden threads are constantly wandering, converging towards the tail.

Lian Shen saw the crystal heart held in Lan Xun’s hand, and the scorpion beast circling around.

Can’t help but say.

“The heart of the refined Jinpodi mother scorpion!”

“After the month, I am really willing to take out the poisonous spirits, which are enough to be in the top ten of the golden scorpion!”

“It just so happens that this heart is more useful to me, so I will thank you for a month!”

Pity God’s words speak as if they are bound to win.

In response to this, only a cold tone responded after a month.

“Then I would like to thank Concubine Lian first for the supplies that she provided to Huiyao!”

Speaking of this, Yue Xiao said to the candidates standing below.

“This batch of spiritual objects will be sent to those who have performed well in the assessment.”

After the month, the golden-red fishtail of Lian Shen suddenly flicked a few times in the air.

The expression on his face remained unchanged, still with a faint smile.

But the teeth creaked.

Although Li Yuan is under the crown of the Free Federation.

But at this time it was Moon Queen and Lian Shen tit-for-tat.

Li Yuan didn’t step forward and offered to help.

The expression on Lan Xun’s face is very wonderful.

In the world, no one knows the pity god, the title of pity concubine before calling himself a god.

After the month, she now calls Lian Shen as Lian Fei, but she will consider herself later.

Obviously put the position of own above the pity of God.

After the month, he broke through at the level of a five-star creator, and he did have such qualifications.

Moreover, after the moon, he holds an eternal spirit of the heavenly servant.

Even if Moon Queen’s own strength is not as good as Pity God, she still has the qualifications to talk to Pity God on an equal footing.

This is to overwhelm people after a month.

However, Lian Shen couldn’t refute it.

Lian Shen only thought of himself in the bet.

Months later, the bet was given to the candidates. .

Judging from this approach alone, the heart of these brilliant geniuses will be warmed after the month.

Of course, for these situations, the members of the Free Federal Mission are not to be considered.

Because in the environment of a free federation, everyone is used to it.

Under the twelve names of Huiyao, they all knew why Moon Queen would be so against God of Pity.

You fucking openly grabbed the apprentice after the month, with the love and maintenance of the apprentice after the month.

It would be nice not to do it directly with you.

Now in terms of words, I will definitely not leave you the slightest face.

Even at this time, the Huiyao Federation and the Free Federation have not officially broken their faces.

When Qian Yu saw the god of pity under his own crown, he fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation with Yuehou’s words.

Said quickly.

“In Hui Yaofang’s Hundred Sons sequence, there is a disciple under the crown, and we have three patrons under the crown.”

“To be fair, I want to choose two of your shining disciples.”

“The disciples under Mian must have been carefully taught.”

“Therefore, I think we choose people, and everyone in Huiyao should not refuse it!”

After Qian Yu spoke these words, the brows dyed a killing intent.

Zongze suffered bad luck because the turbulent fighting spirit was not controlled, and it was because of the relationship between Tadian.

The Free Federation and Tadian colluded with each other.

If there are no tricks, Master Chef would not believe it.

At the moment when making a choice, the Freedom Federation is likely to choose Zongze to end because of the curse that caused Zongze to go crazy.

If it were placed before, the chef would naturally be extremely worried.

But now, the situation has changed.

Zongze’s bad luck has been suppressed by what Lin Yuan gave.

The current Zongze is no longer what he used to be in terms of combat power.

Moreover, I have been in Closed Door Training before, and it is said that he has made a new breakthrough in the strength of the spirit creatures.

A few days ago, Lord Chef had just performed an Ascension for Zongze’s holy source.

If you really want to choose, the chef really hopes that the other party can choose Zongze.

Since the other party wanted to choose, Huiyao did not refuse.

Soon, Zongze, Gu Lang, Anhe.

The chef, Zhu Jun and the two subordinates behind Ji Changdeng received it on the golden stone pillar.

But all this is not over.

Star network audiences were surprised to find that the left-hand man Zuo Ming behind the head of Ye Si, the right-hand man stung right.

And the two imperial court ambassadors behind the old man in the middle.

Jumped off the golden stone pillar and walked towards the silver stone pillar.

Star network viewers couldn’t help holding their breath.

Is it possible that among the current Huiyao Baizi, there are two disciples failing to succeed?

Thinking of this, I have a very familiar view of the previous Baizi sequence.

His gaze couldn’t help but stop on Zhao Xiaochun, Liu Jie and Xia Qing.

Liu Jie had already withdrawn from the Baizi sequence because of the damage to the main battle spirit.

Today, the glory returns, and he is directly promoted to the first place in the Baizi sequence.

Xia Qing participated in the selection of Baizi Sequence three years ago.

In the first year, he became a member of the Hundred Sons Sequence with a ninety-one pick.

From the second year onwards, it won the first place again.

Only this year, it was broken and retreated to the third position.

Zhao Xiaochun has made great progress.

Directly jumped more than 20 places, and entered the top ten of the hundred sub-sequence.

As for Long Tao, he was not guessed as a disciple under the crown.

Mainly because Long Tao has been ranked third in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Ascension rose to second this time, and Ascension is not that big.

All the way from Ascension to the third place in the Baizi sequence, Long Taoyi spent three years.

More than a dozen people make progress every year.

Therefore, Long Tao did not look as stunning as Xia Qing, Liu Jie, and Zhao Xiaochun.

Just when the audience guessed.

Zuo Ming, the left-hand minister, and the right sting, the right-hand minister, as well as two imperial ambassadors.

All came to the ground on one knee under the first and third silver stone pillars.

And Liu Jie and Xia Qing were already on the two silver stone pillars at this time.

By own means, came to the ground.

Liu Jie stood in the center of the two officials in charge, and Xia Qing stood in the center of the two imperial envoys.

At this time, the identities of Liu Jie and Xia Qing are self-evident.

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