Proof of Longevity

Chapter 231: Hit the snake with the stick, Depot Five Elements Pearl

The demon crown prince was impatient waiting outside the door. Seeing that disciple came to report and lead the way, Zhang Shiyang did not come out to greet him. He was so angry that he was so angry. Respecting such a contempt is absolutely uncomfortable on the face of it. You must know that the demon prince came to represent the demon clan of Luzhou in Beiju, not his demon prince. As the Taoist elder, the elder Wang of the Supreme Master had to personally meet him, not to mention a small Taoist priest. How arrogant the demon crown prince was to respect and favor him in Luzhou, North Ju, instructing countless people. Seeing Zhang Shiyang so rude at this moment, I can be mad enough. But in the end, it was the demon prince who had experienced countless battles in Luzhou, Beiju, and his face remained unchanged at this moment. The disciple came to the front of the demon emperor prince: "Prince, my master invites you in." As he said, he stunned the big formation, revealing a passage. The demon prince followed this boy to the hall where Xu Shijie handled political affairs in Pingyue. Seeing that the hall was empty and Zhang Shiyang was not seen, he asked suspiciously: "Where is your master?"

The disciple brought the fragrant tea: "Don't worry, the prince, my master will be there later." After speaking, the demon emperor prince reacted and went down, leaving only the demon emperor prince facing a cup of fragrant tea in this empty hall. At this point, it was useless to be anxious, the demon crown prince simply stopped, sitting in this hall and concentrating on tasting the tea. After three cups of tea, there was a sound of footsteps coming from a distance, and people heard the laughter spreading before they finished the house: "Prince forgive me, it is Mr. Zhang who is late. Because of something urgent, I delayed some time. I hope the prince will forgive me." The demon prince looked at Zhang Shiyang who was stepping forward with a smile on his face, and in the bottom of his heart he wanted to trample on this face, thinking that his eighth prince was noble, and he had never experienced such idleness, and there was still nowhere to let his anger be. However, there are things that require Zhang Shiyang. Besides, this is too high, not his home court. He stretched out his hand not to hit the smiley face, and the crown prince suppressed the anger in his heart. He stood up with a smile on his face and said, "It's okay, Brother Zhang is really polite. The time for mere tea is really nothing to me and other cultivators."

Zhang Shiyang smiled: "In this case, I would like to thank the prince for his generosity." Reach out gently: "Please". The demon crown prince was not polite, and sat down directly. Zhang Shiyang then sat on the main seat. At this time, a boy poured tea. Zhang Shiyang picked up the teacup and took a sip, and then he said, "Prince, I also want to thank you for the body shaping grass of Luzhou in Beiju, so that the body of Master Qingcheng can be preserved." The Eighth Prince Demon Emperor smiled while holding a tea cup: "What's the thanks? I have a marriage contract with Qingcheng. In the future, Qingcheng is not going to marry into my Beiju Luzhou. My family will help my family. I can't be a Taoist friend. child". Zhang Shiyang heard that the tea cup in his hand shook lightly, and then smiled: "That's not what I said. Now, although Fairy Qingcheng has a marriage contract with your Beiju Luzhou, after all, the ceremony has not been held yet, since it hasn't gone yet. You Beiju Luzhou, the master Qingcheng is still my great educator, but this Xie Zi wants to say." The demon crown prince smiled when he heard the words, took a sip of tea and stopped arguing. Zhang Shiyang put the tea cup down and said, "Prince, I don't know what to do in Bixiufeng?". Zhang Shiyang didn't bother to talk nonsense with the demon prince, a beast with fur and horns, Zhang Shiyang really looked down on him.

Hearing the words, the Eighth Prince Demon Emperor put down the tea cup, and said with a serious face: "I came here to get along with Brother Dao, and the other is to pick up a good destiny, and I hope Brother Dao will make it easier." Zhang Shiyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and he carefully studied the words of the demon prince, and then said: "The prince is a joke. I have never had any intersection with Luzhou in Beiju, and the prince. How can I say that it is good fortune? , I am afraid that the prince came to the wrong place and found the wrong person." When he said this, thoughts flashed in Zhang Shiyang's heart, "To make a good bond, is it possible that the demon emperor of Luzhou in Beiju found that he was not able to fight with him in the chaos. The so-called good bond is to make himself. Untie the brand of slavery, but how do they know that it belongs to them? No, it's impossible. Let's just wait and see the changes for the time being." Facts have proved that Zhang Shiyang's nervousness is the first to eat radish to lighten his heart, and things are not what he thought. Seeing Zhang Shiyang’s doubts, the demon crown prince no longer concealed: "Brother Dao is like this. Please also ask Brother Dao why this Qingcheng’s injury came from?". Zhang Shiyang glanced at the demon prince, and secretly figured out the purpose of the demon prince. As the saying goes, "there are countless three treasure halls", the demon prince must have a purpose here.

Zhang Shiyang picked up the tea cup and secretly guessed the purpose of the demon crown prince, while casually saying: "Naturally, the four big beasts attacked the mountain gate of my supreme master, and looked at my supreme master's treasure." Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang secretly said in his heart: "This guy didn't come to Xingshi to inquire, right?". The demon crown prince looked sad when he heard the words: "Hey, every time I hear this, I feel heartache. This is my fault in Luzhou, North Ju, because we did not restrain the demon clan in the world, which caused the allure. The division was almost reincarnated by soldiers". Zhang Shiyang didn't understand the meaning of the demon prince at the moment, but he already felt the purpose of the demon prince, but this play still has to be accompanied by the prince, and he can't be asked to sing a solo drama. He comforted: "The prince does not need to be like this. Although Beiju Luzhou is said to be the holy land of the world's monsters, commanding the world's monsters, but this Dongsheng Shenzhou monster is not under the control of your Beiju Luzhou. It’s not Beiju Luzhou’s fault that the responsibility is placed on oneself. To be honest, this matter has nothing to do with Beiju Luzhou. I am too grateful for the body-sculpting grass of Beiju Luzhou, so that Master Qingcheng can keep his surname. Fate".

As soon as this remark came out, the demon prince became anxious, and said in his heart, "This matter has nothing to do with Beiju Luzhou, so what excuses can I find to get those clansmen back?" So he said sadly: "Brother Dao, don't comfort me, this is indeed my oversight duty of Beiju Luzhou." Zhang Shiyang did not object after hearing the words: "Since it is your responsibility for Beiju Luzhou's misinvestigation, then these monsters have caused great losses to my master. I don't know if Beiju Luzhou can compensate?" . "Compensation?" The demon king prince asked in confusion. Zhang Shiyang nodded: "Exactly, the group of monsters rushing into the mountain caused great damage to me, and countless disciples failed in alchemy because of this. Even the mountain guardian formation suffered irreparable damage. Since it is you The responsibility of the demon clan, that body shaping grass power should be taken out by you in Beiju Luzhou, but I don’t know what compensation the demon emperor has for my supreme sect?" The demon emperor prince was surprised when he heard the words, "well, the clansmen don’t have it. On the contrary, it is necessary to make up for the rescue first. It is really a snake and a stick." Thought for a while: "If you change the name to Beiju Luzhou and then send compensation, then it will definitely be impossible to save the tribe now, and I heard that Zhang Shiyang's whereabouts are often erratic, and don't send compensation when the time comes, but there will be no people." .

There was a trace of flesh pain on his face, and the light in the hands of the demon emperor prince flickered: "Brother Dao, I am already ready for this compensation." Zhang Shiyang looked at the five beads and said with doubts: "These five beads?". The corner of the demon crown prince’s mouth twitched: "Brother Dao, this is the five element beads I found in my demon clan’s treasure house last time. They are all innate spiritual treasures. Bringing them around can accelerate the accumulation of the five elements. The proof is the Taoist fruit status". Zhang Shiyang had a heartbeat, but after listening to the demon prince's words, he secretly cursed: "The prodigal son, I don't know the goods, these five-element beads are simply dusted by him, how can the innate spirit treasure five-element beads be used like this". Seeing this demon crown prince with a look of reluctance, Zhang Shiyang quickly took the treasure, observed it in his hand, and then said: "It seems that the fellows of the demon clan are really interested. Zhang Shiyang is here to replace all my fellow teachers and brothers. , And the disciple of the disciple thanked the prince." Zhang Shiyang happily played with the Five Elements Bead, and found that the Demon Crown Prince had never practiced this treasure. Although the demon crown prince on one side was a bit painful, he thought that it would be worthwhile to rescue those demon races. He made a great contribution and begged his father to go to the treasure house to choose a good one.

ps: The original code has become a habit, I feel empty without code, let’s resume two changes a day, I will try my best to code, hey, thank you for your support.


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