Proof of Longevity

Chapter 230: First 识 fairy prince

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, suddenly he was clever: "Junior Brother, I remembered that there were some important things in my cave that I had forgotten. See you later." After talking, Zhang Shiyang didn't wait for the elder to react and instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared in place. Which elder looked at Zhang Shiyang's direction of flying away dumbly: "Senior brother, wait a minute, who will be responsible for the loss of those disciples after you leave." It's a pity, this sentence is destined not to be heard by Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang's retreat is fleeting, and he doesn't wait for the elder to finish. The demon prince on the side flew away when he saw Zhang Shiyang, and he didn’t have time to react. He said to himself: “This guy is going to leave as long as he wants. This prince is still looking for him to discuss something, no, I’m going to catch up. , Otherwise, what should I do if this kid runs away for a while, this world of origin is so big, who knows that he has gone to that point." Turning to face Taishang Daozu and Elder Wang, he said, "Two seniors, I have a discussion with Dao Brother Shiyang. I wonder if Elder Wang can show me a way?".

The elder Wang is old and mature, and as soon as the demon prince said this, he knew that the demon prince was definitely trying to let go of the millions of demon races. I thought to myself: "When I talked about the monster race in the cave before, the Taoist ancestor Taishang was a bit unhappy. If I were to follow suit, the ancestor Daoist wouldn't be able to slap me with a palm." So his expression changed and he suddenly patted his head as if he was suddenly thinking of something: "Look at my surname. A few days ago, it was easy to find fellow Daoist Qingcheng to do some important things, but I didn't expect to give it to you. Forget, I have to go to Fairy Qingcheng's cave mansion again." After saying this, he turned his head and said to the demon prince: "Eight prince, you see, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that I really have something to do. I’m going to Fairy Qingcheng. You are going to Bixiu Peak, which is totally different. Time is urgent. In order not to lose time and prevent Zhang Shiyang from running out again, you should go by yourself as soon as possible. If I finish the work and take you there, I’m afraid it will only increase. In the event of a change, if Zhang Shiyang's kid ran away, it would not take a long time. The origin world is so big, where can we find him."

As soon as this remark came out, the demon king prince nodded: "Since this is the case, then I will go by myself, but the supreme church has a vast territory, and there must be some places that are inconvenient to break in. In order to avoid trouble, please ask your party to do so. I am looking for a disciple who leads the way." As soon as this remark came out, Elder Wang laughed: "It's easy to handle at this time." Then he looked at a disciple wearing a pill refining robe, and said secretly: "That's it." Then he waved his hand: "That disciple, what about you, don't turn your head, it's you." The disciple turned his head left and right, and after he was sure that he was really himself, he immediately ran to Elder Wang and said, "Also, please order from the Supreme Elder." Elder Wang said, "What's your name?" The disciple was overjoyed when he heard Elder Wang call his name. He only felt that he was about to develop, and he calmed down and returned respectfully: " Disciple Niu Chuanshun". Elder Wang nodded and said non-committal: "I think you are still clever in the original work. You can take the Demon Crown Prince to Bi Xiufeng for a trip. After you come back, you will definitely benefit from it, and Zhang Shiyang didn't want to treat you all. Did this disciple's medicine get the fryer? Go and ask for it."

At first, the disciple thought it would be of great benefit, but at the moment it sounded like an errand, he couldn't help but droop. But the elder's order is not easy to violate, who would crush people to death at the higher level. Moreover, he didn't know how many levels he was older than the Supreme Elder, so he had to give a salute: "Disciple obeys his orders." The demon crown prince on one side saw that the candidate had been decided, so he hugged the Taishang Dao ancestor, turned around and said to the disciple: "Lead the way quickly, let's go." This disciple cried secretly in his heart, if this is to tell his fellow students to know that he brought the Demon Crown Prince to Bixiu Peak, and thus the Locking Demon Tower no longer exists, those fellow practitioners of alchemy wouldn't take their skin and bones. You must know that these disciples in the alchemy hall would study the pill when nothing happened, and they hate meditation practice the most. But as a cultivator, that cultivation base can't be left behind. But since the Supreme Master had the Demon Locking Tower, the disciples had the support of Yueyue Essence, and the remaining time was multiplied. If it is because of yourself that the Demon Locking Tower is gone, it will be difficult to be a human in the future. However, the Supreme Elder's order didn't dare to violate, and the bitterness in this disciple's heart was no longer there.

As soon as the two of them left, Taishang Daozu glanced at Elder Wang and gave him a look that counted you, and then instantly turned into a escape and flew away. Elder Wang patted his chest, his heart bounced and he finally fell back into his stomach. Turning his head to look at the disciples present: "Let’s see, don’t go back to meditate and practice, our cultivators are fighting for fate and time, each of you has never attained the status of fruition, but is so wasteful of time. After a lot of hard work, he turned into flying ash, and once again entered the cycle of rebirth. "The disciples who watched the excitement saw things drag themselves to themselves, and they scattered like birds and beasts. Those disciples who came to collect debts looked back at Elder Wang in two steps and three times. Elder Wang felt his scalp numb for a while, but he still said confidently: "What to see, don't hurry back, how can we cultivators be greedy for foreign objects, and strive to cultivate ourselves is the right way." In the sad eyes of the disciples, Elder Wang turned around and walked towards the refining hall. Elder Wang even suspected that if he didn’t leave quickly, he might kill himself with his eyes, one hundred times, one hundred times. .

After a while, the two stopped to escape, looking at this spiritually-rich mountain, rain and mist, what a fairy family holy land. Niu Chuanshun looked at the demon prince and said: "Prince, here is Bixiu Peak. You can go up by yourself. The disciple's potion of medicine is about to be released. Don't dare to delay the time, so I will go back." After all, without waiting for the demon crown prince's consent, he flew away in the light of escape. The demon prince was a little strange, and he was too busy to be a teacher, and he was all chasing rabbits one by one. This Bixiufeng is blessed by the mountain guarding formation. The demon crown prince did not dare to rush into the big formation. He just alarmed the big formation. A disciple who guarded the mountain got out of the formation: "Who are you and why did you come to Bixiufeng?". The Demon Emperor's prince looked proud: "Go and tell your peak master, just say that the Demon Emperor's prince is visiting." The fact that the demon prince came to the Supreme Supreme Master has long been spread throughout the entire Supreme Supreme Master. Bi Xiufeng did not close the mountain, so naturally he knew it. Hearing that the other party was the demon emperor prince representing Beiju Luzhou, the disciple did not dare to neglect: "Even so, wait and wait for me to pass on for you." Speaking, the boy got into the big array again. The demon prince was annoyed for a while, the Taoist ancestor of the supreme emperor was reasonable to himself, and the Taoist greeted him personally. This little Bi Xiufeng actually left himself outside when he heard that he had arrived. How could this make him not angry.

Zhang Shiyang had just returned to Bixiufeng to take his seat, and was about to tell people about his disciples. It was indeed Zhang Shiyang's negligence as a master who had not seen him for so many years. However, at this moment, there was a slight fluctuation in the cave mansion formation, and then I heard a whisper: "Peak Master, the demon prince has come down from the mountain, and I want to visit the mountain." After listening to this disciple’s report, Zhang Shiyang pondered for a moment, and said in his heart: "This demon emperor prince came to the Supreme Master to deliver medicine for Fairy Qingcheng, but he has never had any interaction with this demon prince. Why is the demon emperor so so How capable he does not visit, but chooses himself." Zhang Shiyang's eyes dimmed slightly, and a cold light flashed. The grievances between him and Beiju Luzhou could not be resolved, and even death feuds. Moreover, the demon crown prince actually dared to fight Fairy Qingcheng's idea, which is simply unforgivable. In Zhang Shiyang’s heart, this demon prince was already a candidate to kill, so the big sleeve waved at the disciple outside the door and said: "Put in the demon prince and lead it to the main hall. go with". This demon prince took the initiative to send it to the door. If he didn’t take the opportunity to do some tricks, he would really be a great young man of the 21st century. Although he said that he could not kill the demon prince in the Supreme Master, but if he did it, Where is the place of the Supreme Master? .


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