Proof of Longevity

Chapter 219: Adopting a boy, Daozu is also tricky

Elder Wang on the side screamed "Bitterness" from the bottom of his heart when he heard these words, but his physical eyes looked at Fairy Qingcheng more attentive, like a cat that saw the fishy smell. People who didn’t know would think This is an old pervert who is disrespectful and disrespectful. It’s not good to see the Demon King Prince’s words. It’s not good if the Taishang Dao ancestor doesn’t express it at all. These million demon races are not a small number, but because of the big plans of the two factions, the Taishang Dao ancestor has to nod his head. "Oh, there is such a miracle, that seat, but take a good look at what kind of miraculous restriction it is actually difficult to get Elder Wang." Speaking of Elder Wang, Taishang Daozu secretly cursed in his heart: "This idiot, this kind of words can also be said, sincerely to make trouble for this seat, that Zhang Shiyang's identity is now even three points afraid of this work. , This matter is not easy to handle."

Taishang Dao Ancestor felt helpless, this is a thing that is not pleased by both sides, if he does not make a statement, what will the Demon Emperor think? What should I do if I use this matter as an excuse not to help myself at a critical time in the future. But on the other side, Zhang Shiyang is not that easy to fool. This kid is talented himself, and his parents, as his right-hand men, have been helping him all the time and have made great contributions to the Supreme Master. Moreover, his parents are now about to break through the realm of Dao Ancestors, and it is estimated that their cultivation level should break through after passing through the customs. Then, facing the gaze of the right arm and right arm, it will be bad for me.

Thinking of this, the divine light in Taishang Daozu's eyes flickered, and he secretly decided: "Let's go and see the situation over there." Immediately cast his gaze to Elder Wang who was pretending to be on the side: "If this is the case, Elder Wang, then let's go and see how mysterious that kid's prohibition is. It is actually helpless to call you, the Taoist master." When Elder Wang heard this sentence to himself, he had to bite the bullet and lower his head and say: "Taozu, the two princes, please come with me." He went out first without raising his head. Taishang Dao Ancestor sees the appearance of Elder Wang, and he is not easy to blame. Now it is a troubled time. When employing people, it is not good if the other party is discredited because of his own rebuke. After all, Dao Master is a precious resource wherever he is. , Isn't it? There are not many people on this mountain all the way. On the top of this mountain are usually elite disciples, all of whom are meditating and practicing Qi, or practicing Taoism and supernatural powers. Although immortal cultivators have a long life span, if they can’t work diligently. , Polishing the Mana Xin surname, after all, one day the learning will become loose and enter the cycle of reincarnation.

From a distance, I saw a mountain peak full of rich Yueyue Essence, which was so thick that it was about to become foggy. A few people did not drive the clouds, just walked there. The view of the sect of the Supreme Sect is really good. A few people across the mountain can see a huge tower on the opposite mountain. The body of the tower was covered by the dense mist-like essence of the moon and the moon. It was unrealistic, but the huge tower was really not small in terms of its appearance. In the thick fog, where are the countless disciples sitting vaguely beaten and tempered. Jin personal speeded up, and he was in front of the tower in the blink of an eye. The arrival of the three people didn't alarm the disciples who were cultivating here. Looking around, there were about 300 people practicing here. Looking at the center of the many disciples, there was a pagoda standing in the middle of the crowd. This pagoda has nine floors, and it is said that Zhang Shiyang forcibly sacrificed millions of monsters to form this tower, but the scene with countless monsters as several people imagined did not happen. The entire pagoda didn't have a trace of monster energy, and it seemed that it had no contact with the monster beast at all. Anyone who has not seen this pagoda beforehand will not associate this pagoda with a million monster beasts.

Look at the four gates on the bottom of the pagoda, namely, Zhengdong, Zhengxi, Zhengnan, and Zhengbei. The scarlet gate was branded with fierce beasts. A torrent of monstrous evil spirit was imprisoned inside the door and was not allowed to be released a little bit outside. A gust of wind blew, and the bell hanging on the turret made a clear sound. The sound of the bell in the ears of many disciples and Taishang Dao ancestors had a feeling of washing the mind, but in the ears of the demon prince, it was like a soul-chasing sound. As the sound of the bell spread, its mana was banned a little bit, the soul was deceived a little bit, and there was a sign that he was about to show his original form when he got up. At this time, the huge tower, accompanied by the sound of the bell, actually produced an irresistible magical power on the Eight Princes of the Demon Emperor, and when he saw it, he would turn into a prototype and rush towards the huge tower. Fortunately, Taishang Dao Ancestor, as a top power, discovered something wrong at the moment when the Demon Crown Prince made an abnormal move, and he uttered a violent drink in his mouth: "Duo, still not awake." Accompanied by Dao Ancestor's divine power mantra, the sound of rebuke immediately awakened the demon king's prince's spiritual platform in shock.

After the demon prince woke up, he immediately understood what happened, and looked at the huge tower with lingering fears. At this time, the bell was fixed by Dao Ancestor's supreme supernatural power, and all the abnormal noises disappeared completely. The demon prince licked his lips: "I don't know what will happen if the prince is confused by that power and hits the huge tower." At this moment, all the disciples who were meditating were awake, and from the source of the violent drink, they all brightened when they saw Taishang Daozu: "What's the situation? He bowed when he entered the door. The person in the painting actually appeared in front of my eyes at this moment." A clever disciple immediately knelt to the ground: "I have seen Taoist ancestors, I have seen old ancestors." The rest of the people were also awakened one by one and fell to the ground and bowed one by one. Taishang Daozu looked at these disciples, and then at the first disciple who was more clever to take the lead in bowing. He couldn't help but think of his two boys being repaired by Zhang Shiyang. , So he asked the first disciple who bowed down: "You are a disciple of several generations, what is the name of the road?". When the disciple heard Taishang Daozu’s question, he immediately felt a huge happiness enveloping him. The happiness came too suddenly. The disciple seized the opportunity, otherwise once he missed this Daozu’s favor because of his own attitude, afterwards But not to regret death. So he replied respectfully: "In return to the ancestors, the disciple is a beginner disciple, and has not yet been apprentice, so there is no Dao title for the time being."

Seeing that he spoke clearly and answered fluently, Taishang Daozu nodded: "If this is the case, then you can worship me and be a boy?". That disciple was almost stunned by this huge joy when he heard the words, this is really a step up to the sky. Although this boy has no status, after all, he can always accompany Dao Zu. Maybe he can get Dao Zu's guidance any time, or if he shows it well, maybe Dao Zu can accept himself as a disciple, and what this boy represents It is the face of Dao Ancestor, there is no need for anyone to be embarrassed with them. Thinking like this, the man slapped his head: "Thank you ancestors for your pity, but the disciple has never had a law name, and I will ask the ancestors to give them a name." This guy used the hot iron to ask Dao Ancestor to give a name. It would be extraordinary if Dao Ancestor gave a name. The disciples on the side hated that they were not clever enough, and had missed this great opportunity for nothing, but Dao Ancestor, suddenly the emotions overflowing with his face surged up. They cried and cried: "Please give me pity from the ancestors, pity me when my cultivation base is low, and let me wait." Khan, this sentence made Taishang Daozu and the rest of the people feel terribly cold, so how come it feels weird after receiving it.

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor gave a soft cough, and the scene suddenly calmed down: "It's not that I don't want to take you back together, but it is really that you are equal to me. The predestined method has long been when this disciple spoke. It's already settled." A group of disciples had a low cultivation base, and how did they know what predestination was, and the scene fell silent for a while. Taishang Daozu looked at the disciples at this time in depression and lack of interest, and secretly said: "This is not good, but there are seedlings of the later sect in it, if you just plant the heart disease in your heart, it won't be good." But the Taoist ancestor was too high to accept so many disciples, but the old fairy is indeed an old fairy, or has been knowledgeable for countless years, and there is a way between the thoughts.


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