Proof of Longevity

Chapter 217: Fenghua Peerless

The surrounding beasts worshipped, this is a pressure originating from blood, this is the power of ranks bestowed by heaven. The demon prince was dressed in a bright yellow flood dragon robe, with eight flood dragons surrounding his body on the robe, looking like a **** king who made all living creatures worship. The face is like a crown of jade, and the eyes are piercing, as if it can emit divine light to illuminate the world. Step by step, he walked towards which elder surnamed Wang from the void, leisurely and calmly. With such a peerless demeanor, even the Taoist Wang, who is accustomed to many Tianjiao, could not help but secretly said in his heart: "Good demeanor, good demeanor."

After falling, the eight princes looked at the thin old man in front of him, and he did not dare to care. This nobleman is always a king in the realm, how can he be sloppy, and then he took the lead in paying a salute: "I have seen the king of the king." Elder Wang also smiled at this time: "You don't need to be polite to a good nephew, I am here to welcome you on the order of the Supreme Master, please come with me to meet the Master." The Eighth Prince Demon Emperor nodded when he heard the words: "It has been many years since we had parted with Shishu last time. The beautiful scenery of the good day is still there, but now Xiaoba has grown up." Hearing what the demon crown prince said, the elder Wang patted him on the shoulder and looked at him carefully: "Yes, I didn't expect that the half-old child who had passed thousands of years ago has now grown into an adult. Up". After a pause, he said again: "I remember the last time your father brought you here, you were still a arrogant dude, hey, I didn't expect that you would have changed so much if you didn't see you for a while." The eighth prince smiled awkwardly when he heard the words: "The last time I came here, my nephew didn't understand things, so I told Shishu to laugh."

The elder surnamed Wang patted him on the shoulder when he heard the words: "Anything that is not laughable or laughable is about to become a family." When the eighth prince heard the words, he nodded quickly: "Yes, what Shishu taught is that my nephew knows something wrong." The elder surnamed Wang looked at him up and down a few times, and then slapped his lips: "I don't know what kind of **** luck your kid took, and actually picked off the most beautiful flower of ours, it's really cheap for you." The demon crown prince was also proud of his face when he heard this: "That is, when I first came, Fairy Qingcheng was Dao Venerable, but afterwards, when Qingcheng had an adventure, he threw me away. Otherwise, my cultivation base would definitely be wrong. Pulled in Allure". The elder surnamed Wang nodded: "This is the truth, but when you came here in New Year, you glued it like a piece of brown candy to Qingcheng. That kind of shameless vigor made Qingcheng a lot of nerves." The crown prince would not be annoyed when he heard the words: "The love of men and women is normal. If I like it, I have to work hard and chase, otherwise Qingcheng An will fall into my arms now." Hearing these words, the elder Wang could only smile helplessly. This guy was too thick-skinned: "You are now hidden in your body, but I can't see your cultivation level. It must be the Lord Demon Sovereign who gave it. Hello baby, what is the cultivation base now?".

Said his cultivation base, the crown prince should be full of expression: "Now it is the peak of Dao Zun, and he can break through the realm of Dao Lord at any time." Elder Wang nodded when he heard the words, and said in approval: "It's not rough, it's not bad, and it's not slow to advance. Nowadays, such a realm is worthy of Fairy Allure." Hearing that the eighth prince rolled his eyes: "Uncle Master, what you said is wrong. Even if I am not at the peak of Dao Zun, I am worthy of Fairy Allure. Love has nothing to do with cultivation. I and Allure are two different things. Love each other". Hearing that Elder Wang smiled: "Don't talk about it, you can bring the herbal medicine." The crown prince nodded: "Of course I brought it. Since I heard that Qingcheng's body had something to do with me, I couldn't sit still. I felt like there was a rabbit bouncing constantly in my heart. Up". He paused, and then questioned again: "The person who sent the letter previously didn't explain clearly to me, but he wanted to ask Master Uncle why Qingcheng's body was severely injured, who did it, and waited for me to avenge her." Elder Wang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This is a long story. An elder of my supreme educator has refined a kind of pill. The fragrance of the pill is overflowing, even the great formation of protecting the mountain can't block it. For some reason, the four fierce beasts were attracted by the fragrance of the medicine, so the elders of the outer door went to the inner courtyard because they couldn't stop them. It happened that Fairy Qingcheng was taking turns, so they were seriously injured by the four fierce beasts accidentally. ".

There is no need to conceal the prince about this matter. When such a big incident happened, the entire Supreme Master was going to talk about it. As long as someone with the intention to inquire about it, people can't hide it. The crown prince was stunned when he heard the words, and said with solemn eyes: "I don't know what kind of medicine it is that actually caused the four big beasts to go crazy and come to **** it regardless of their surnames and fate." Elder Wang shook his head when he heard the words: "I don't know, no one knows what kind of medicinal pill is, what kind of surname is that pill, and its efficacy. All these are a mystery." When the eighth prince heard the words, he was taken aback again: "Uncle Master, don't you know that as the elder of the Supreme Master?". The elder Wang shook his head, and the demon crown prince became interested: "Now I am curious about the identity of the alchemist. I don't know which power is in the alchemy, but you didn't even ask Master Uncle. right". Elder Wang watched everyone standing outside the mountain gate staring at both of them, so he said: "Let's go up the mountain first, and talk while walking." The two first walked into the mountain gate. Elder Wang looked at the curious gaze of the crown prince, and said with a wry smile: "Speaking of which, the identity of this guy is an outlier to my master." The crown prince said "Oh": "Alien?". Elder Wang nodded: "This guy’s parents are both high in the status of my elders, and now they are even higher than the elders of my elders. I have seen that kid, he is extraordinary, he is rare in the world. Outstanding people, the speed of cultivation is so fast, even if you are a good nephew, you are not even worse than him."

Hearing these words made the crown prince look suspicious and unbelief: "Uncle Master, it's impossible, right? You are not joking." Elder Wang shook his head: "There is absolutely no falsehood. That kid is recognized by the entire Origin World as the first person in the same realm. You have definitely heard his name." The eighth prince of the Demon Emperor showed a straight face: "Please also ask the uncle for advice." Elder Wang narrowed his eyes slightly and said faintly: "Zhang Shiyang". The crown prince was shocked when he heard the words: "It turns out that it is him, Zhang Shiyang, who used to beat all the Taoist priests when he robbed the world gold list?". Elder Wang stopped talking, just nodded. These pieces of information do not involve the secrets of the sect, and as long as the interested people inquire about it, they can know it. So there is no need to conceal it, it is better to say it openly, or it seems to be too educated, so as not to be underestimated by the demon clan.

The demon crown prince was rare to be quiet, did not speak any more, and suddenly said after a while: "Uncle, I don't know where this Dao brother rested, so I can visit such a distinguished person and pay my respects." When Elder Wang heard this, he naturally knew what the demon prince meant, and he secretly sighed, "I'm still young, and eager to compete." It must be the eight prince who has always been arrogant in Pingyue to the world's first person in the same realm as Zhang Shiyang I am dissatisfied with the title and want to ask for advice. He stroked his thin beard: "That Zhang Shiyang often wanders around and his whereabouts are erratic. A few days ago, he has disappeared again after seeing Fairy Qingcheng got injured. You may be disappointed if you find him to compete with him. If you can succumb to the four big fierce beasts and a million monster beasts alone, it won't be too late to find him to compete."

The demon prince squinted his eyes: "The last are the four fierce beasts he surrendered and the million beasts. Elder Wang nodded with his hands behind his back, and the demon prince suddenly said: I don't know what happened to the million monster beasts now? ". Elder Wang laughed when he heard the words: "It can be regarded as that kid has the ability. Have you seen the huge beam of Yueyueguanghua?" The crown prince had already seen the huge beam of light condensed by the moonlight tens of miles away: "My nephew is not a blind man, naturally he has seen it." Elder Wang heard the words and looked at the huge beam of light and said: "Shiyang took away those millions of monsters by special means, and asked them to vomit the essence of the moon every day for the low-level disciples of my supreme master to meditate and practice. It really made a great contribution to my sect. what".


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