Proof of Longevity

Chapter 202: With a palm on his back, the Demon Emperor broke the formation

Zhang Shiyang struggled to trap the Demon Emperor. Of course, he wouldn't let the Demon Emperor slip away in vain. He gritted his teeth. Although he said that he was now in a mess by the God Thunder summoned by the Demon Emperor’s Jinkou Yuyan, but the Demon Emperor After all, it was oneself that got trapped with great difficulty. If he ran away, there would be no such opportunities in the future.

But having said that, Zhang Shiyang finally noticed the magical power of Jinkou Yuyan at this moment, and the magical powers of this type of magic are the magical powers of this type of magic. It's really weird.

Zhang Shiyang didn't care about the divine thunder that smashed it. This divine thunder was at best causing him to suffer a little skin trauma. If he really wanted to injure himself severely, it would be absolutely impossible.

Moreover, I knew about my own affairs. Ever since the Heavenly Dao Falun was broken by the providence of the Origin World, Zhang Shiyang found that his Heavenly Dao Falun was extremely suppressed when he entered the Origin World. Although it is possible to use the rules again, Zhang Shiyang really has no bottom in his heart. He doesn't know how many rules can be mobilized by the Dao Falun in this heaven. At that time, he will never be able to trap the Demon Emperor, and even once his identity is violent, he may be chased by the northern Ju Luzhou forces.

Seeing the Demon Emperor rushing towards him, Zhang Shiyang sneered, he was really skilled at beating the dog in the water.

The demon emperor rushed forward impatiently when he was in a rush by the **** thunder. Zhang Shiyang let out a cold snort, enduring the pain of the **** thunder body bite, and the Tai Chi picture turned into a golden bridge across him. The Demon Emperor hesitated looking at the Golden Bridge at this moment. The power of the Golden Bridge had been seen before when he was chasing Zhang Shiyang. I don’t know if there is any weird magical power on the Golden Bridge. After all, it’s a natural treasure. The Demon Emperor doesn’t. Dare to be careless.

Zhang Shiyang got up after throwing the Taiji diagram, and took the time to see the demon emperor, only to see the demon emperor standing there hesitating. Snoring coldly in my heart, give me a little more time to wait for me to get rid of these words, and it will definitely not make your wish come true.

Zhang Shiyang decided to add a little more material to provoke the demon emperor. "You demon emperor do not pretend that you have supernatural powers, and your mana can reach the sky. Why, are you trapped here now? Where is your magical powers? What about your mana? You chase after Isn’t I just for that innate treasure? Look, now that innate treasure is under your feet. If you step up to it, it’s at your fingertips. Demon Sovereign, your domineering, your imperial aura, your Dao ancestor’s majesty What?".

These words of Zhang Shiyang hit the weakness of the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor looked ugly for a while, and his expression became even more dilemma. Turning around and looking at the drowning formation, the Demon Emperor had already cut off. I gritted my teeth and had no choice. If that kid was relieved to start a drowning formation, I would definitely be drowning forever, and there would be no way to get out of trouble. And if you set foot on the Golden Bridge and rush past, there is still a way out.

Then, in Zhang Shiyang's extreme reluctance, the Demon King bought Taiji Tu with one kick. Zhang Shiyang secretly cried out from the bottom of his heart when the Demon Sovereign stepped into the Taiji Diagram: "Oh, this Demon Sovereign was forced by himself.

How to decipher this **** Jinkouyuyan, Zhang Shiyang always feels that there is a vague and inexplicable force surrounding him. It was this force that made Zhang Shiyang unable to decipher the golden words.

After the Demon Emperor stepped into the golden bridge, he felt his body sink, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back. However, although this weight will cause a certain load on the body, for the monsters with strong physical bodies, especially the emperors among the monsters, this weight can't crush the monster emperor, he still bears it. Up.

Although the physical body is inconvenient, the demon emperor is a great power to reach the realm of ancestors, and he has understood about 70% of the emperor's way. Wang Tu hegemony is to persevere, stand up, fear all dangers, and overcome all difficulties. Only then was able to see the mountains and small mountains, ascend to the top of the heavens, and control all beings.

The demon emperor used his magical powers, and one step was a hundred miles, a thousand miles or even thousands of miles away. But after taking one step on this golden bridge, the Demon Emperor didn't reach Zhang Shiyang's side, but just took four or five steps.

The Demon King frowned again, and he couldn't believe he took another step. Facts have proved that it is indeed only a few steps.

The distance between Zhang Shiyang and the Demon Emperor was about one mile, so it would take a while to get to Zhang Shiyang's side.

Looking at Zhang Shiyang, who was devoted to dealing with Tianlei, the Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and left. Seeing that Zhang Shiyang couldn't break this golden words for a while, he only had to reach Zhang Shiyang before then. Zhang Shiyang watched the Demon Emperor walking step by step, and he was about to come in front of him, his eyes were slightly small, because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see his expression.

At this time, the Demon Sovereign was rushing to see how Zhang Shiyang dealt with the sky thunder. Yinyin smiled in the mouth: "Junior, the taste of this golden mouth is still good, but you are the first to taste it. When this seat comes to you for a while, you have to cramp and refine your soul. How many years Now, some teenagers haven’t tried this taste. For so many years, no one has pushed this seat into such a desperate situation. Congratulations, you have successfully aroused the anger of this seat, and you can deal with it easily. How about a little spice for you?".

The Demon Emperor didn't wait for Zhang Shiyang to answer, so he shot it away from time to time, no, no, no, it should be a mouthpiece: "Jingkouyuyan, in my name, "pardon" and imprison those who offend Tianwei. The wind blows the body."

As soon as the Demon King’s voice fell, he saw inexplicable power emerging from the void again, confining Zhang Shiyang’s body in the void, and then a series of lightning strikes on Zhang Shiyang’s body, only the corners of Zhang Shiyang’s mouth twitching, but his body was Can't move.

Zhang Shiyang hated him secretly. He really said to go wild, but today he asked Yan'er to cut his eyes. Obviously it was a great form, but because of his carelessness, he made it into the current situation. But before Zhang Shiyang complained, he heard a whimper, and a yin wind blew up at the Yongquan acupoint on the sole of his feet, blowing directly toward his internal meridians.

Zhang Shiyang was shocked. This is what the old **** Demon Emperor said. Seeing the Demon Emperor who was getting closer and closer, Zhang Shiyang's eyelids throbbed, and he couldn't let the old fellow Demon Emperor succeed. But now that he can't get out of trouble, he can't use treasures yet, and now the only thing that can be mobilized is the Law Wheel of Heaven. Give it a try, I don't know if this Heavenly Dao Falun can crack this weird power.

Although the body can't move, the thoughts are possible, and a silver-white thread emerges between the thoughts: "spatial isolation".

Following Zhang Shiyang's thoughts, an inexplicable space appeared, dividing Zhang Shiyang into another space alone. The weird force disappeared by itself after failing to find the target.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the demon emperor who was about to walk in, with a sullen smile on his mouth: "Old guy, you can stay in it obediently".

The Demon Emperor had been staring at Zhang Shiyang. At this moment, seeing the smile at the corner of Zhang Shiyang's mouth, he immediately felt an unpleasant feeling. He speeded up and he was less than fifty meters away from Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang stepped forward and walked to the golden bridge, chanting a curse, and the golden bridge suddenly stretched. Everything is changing, but the golden bridge is moving.

Jin Qiao suddenly grew up under Zhang Shiyang's control, and the Demon Emperor was caught off guard and was sent into the drowning formation again. Zhang Shiyang chuckled: "Demon King, this seat can guard you this time, you don't want to get out of trouble this time."

When he stretched out his hand to take a photo, the underground golden bridge disappeared into the invisible, once again turned into a scroll and fell into Zhang Shiyang's hands.

Zhang Shiyang's finger wave law silk thread controls the drowning and constantly impacts the demon king's golden mouth. The Demon Emperor also noticed something wrong at this time, and the drowning seals around him were even more shaky, and he was about to drown towards him.

"Pardon, in the name of the demon emperor, drowning and retreating, from where to come and where to go, there is no cause and effect, do not commit each other."

But this drowning was a little puzzled at the moment, I didn't know whether it was listening to the transfer of the law or listening to the jade law of the demon emperor. Suddenly Zhang Shiyang and the demon emperor began to fight for the authority to control drowning. Whoever can control the drowning has the upper hand.

But at this moment, Zhang Shiyang suddenly felt a wind blowing in the back of his head, and before he could react, he was slapped in the back. This palm saved the Demon Emperor, who was an old antique. He seized the time and took advantage of Zhang Shiyang's no time to react to break through the great formation and escaped into the sky.

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