Proof of Longevity

Chapter 201: Drowning Demon King

Zhang Shiyang showed an unbelievable look in his eyes at this time, the Demon Emperor was too fierce, and his drowning had been restrained by him, and Zhang Shiyang even a little bit no longer believed in the feeling of love. To say that this drowning is very famous, the birds do not cross, the feathers do not float, I don't know where the drowning came from, and where it is going.

Everyone only hears about this drowning and has never seen it before. According to legend, there is no way to get up as long as you fall into the drowning. No matter how great you have magical powers, you will be drowned by this drowning. But at this time the Demon Emperor actually only relied on Jinkou Yuyan and endless power of faith to temporarily stop the drowning, which showed that the Demon Emperor was not capable of conquering.

After the demon emperor stopped drowning and looked at the surrounding situation, this drowning feather is not a flying bird, and the demon emperor would not actually fly over from the main road, and make an attempt.

This drowning on all sides was besieged by this drowning, and there was only one flaw, and that was the place where Zhang Shiyang was. If you want to break through this drowning formation, you can only escape from birth if you defeat Zhang Shiyang.

Zhang Shiyang didn't pay attention to the demon emperor looking around the way to break the formation. After the drowning formation was frozen, the Demon Emperor also regained his composure. After taking out the Demon King Sword and infusing the mana, he slashed towards one of the drowning rivers. Although the previous hairs have long proved that this is really a drowning river, no matter who it is, there is always a fluke in the crisis. .

But the result was disappointing to the Demon Emperor. The sword that could break the river and break the river in Pingyue actually only turned a small splash on the surface of the water. This result was really unacceptable. Zhang Shiyang looked at the demon emperor who was thinking about breaking the formation, his right hand moved again, and the blue silk thread trembled slightly. The drowning river where the Demon Emperor had settled was about to break again and surge.

The demon emperor looked at Zhang Shiyang: "The emperor has existed since the opening of the sky, and has gone through countless catastrophes and tribulations. After countless tribulations, he has only ascended to the throne of the demon emperor, and unified the demon clan. Then he established the Taoist status and pressure Wherever you go, you will worship from all directions, and the world can’t fight with it. But I didn’t expect this work to be planted in the hands of an unknown person in the realm of Dao. It’s a shame.”

In the old days, the ant, who could squeeze to death with one hand, actually forced himself to such a level, it was really unexpected. But although this game is trapped by you now, if you really want to kill this seat, it will be extremely difficult and the outcome is still between five and five.

Of course Zhang Shiyang sneered at the Demon Emperor's words, but how good the Demon Emperor was, how defying the sky was, it was fortunate to be able to force him to such a degree, the Demon Emperor was too careless to be trapped by himself.

If the Demon Emperor really valued himself, I guess he hadn't set up this drowning formation, and the Demon Emperor would have escaped one hundred and eight thousand miles long ago, but because of the rare opportunity, Zhang Shiyang wanted to really leave the Demon Emperor. Or sink him into drowning, so that he can never live beyond life.

The Demon Sovereign didn't look at the drowning array that had been swaying slightly, but instead looked at Zhang Shiyang: "This work deserves to be trapped here carelessly today, and I deserve to underestimate the enemy."

Looking at Zhang Shiyang’s eyes with the trajectory of laws, the demon emperor said: "I have been fighting with your Excellency for so long. I still don’t know your true face, and I don’t even know your name. I have thought about the entire Origin World, but I didn’t even think about it. Which race’s eyes have a vision of law evolution".

"Also please your enlightenment."

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, his eyes squinted: "The magic spells in this world are undefeable. If this Demon Emperor can curse, once I tell him the name, then I will be in bad luck."

Before thinking, Zhang Shiyang already had a countermeasure: "The demon emperor is joking, and the demon emperor’s ears are not well known under the name. If your majesty wants to know the name of this seat, then first open the drowning formation. Law, or if I win, I’ll talk about it.”

The Demon King heard a gleam of disappointment in his eyes, but the flash of light was veiled by the Demon King, and even Zhang Shiyang didn't see it.

Upon hearing this, the Demon King sighed again and again: "It's a pity, I really don't know the name of the person who can push me to such a situation, and I don't even have the qualifications."

Zhang Shiyang wouldn't be fooled. The Demon Emperor's fierce Zhang Shiyang had already experienced it a long time ago, and he actually had to goug his own eyes to practice the device. How could such a vicious person be in such a state? The only answer is that the Demon Emperor pretended to be.

Zhang Shiyang took the words of the Demon Emperor: "It’s okay, it’s okay, your Majesty doesn’t need to be sad, I will call your Majesty to be by my side forever. I heard that the monsters are all treasures. When the Demon King dies, he will kill the demon. Dan, trained your Majesty’s body into a magic weapon, and asked him to accompany me day and night, so that not only this seat has a magic weapon, but also satisfies the demon king’s heart of fist and fist. This is the best of both worlds. This is what Jai Ma is most willing to do. Jai Ma is very willing to help others, especially his eyes will be refined into magic weapons, in order to repay His Majesty’s kindness, Jai Ma will certainly satisfy His Majesty’s wishes."

After speaking, Zhang Shiyang looked up to the sky in a sad state, and wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve.

Rao is a demon king hero, hegemonic temperament, the old antique who has lived for countless years, has been bearish on most things in this world, but at this time he almost jumped up with anger: "Too shameless, too shameless, How can you be so shameless as a human being, and how can you say such high-sounding words?"

However, the Demon Emperor hadn't asked clearly about some things, so he couldn't just be so angry, restrained his temper, and the Demon Emperor sorted out his emotions: "I have a doubt and ask fellow Daoists to solve it."

The Demon Emperor begged for help, even lowering his tone a lot, shouting one by one fellow Daoist.

Zhang Shiyang was curious about what the Demon Emperor was thinking about: "Let's talk about whether this seat can answer it for you."

"Then thank you fellow daoist"

The demon emperor stared at Zhang Shiyang: "It is said that drowning is three thousand, and the feathers are not floating, but few people in this world know where the drowning is. I don't know if the daoists can tell me what method the daoists use to control this drowning." .

Zhang Shiyang was taken aback when he heard the words, but he really didn't expect the Demon Emperor to ask this question: "I don't know, no comment."

After saying these words, Zhang Shiyang didn't keep his hands, lest the night would have many dreams. This Demon Emperor must have been able to survive since Kaitian until now. He must have had a great means and trump cards. Zhang Shiyang didn't want to drink the Demon Emperor to fight his mouth.

The right hand violently waved the law of drowning again, and the ten springs shook suddenly, and the seal of the demon emperor was disintegrated, and the drowning river once again flowed towards the demon emperor, trying to submerge it and be immersed in the water forever.

The Demon King was almost **** off by Zhang Shiyang’s answer, so he asked him in a humble manner, just to ask what the method was, and didn’t ask about the cultivation method, but he didn’t tell himself. This guy is really cautious and a bit scary. , It's just not leaking.

The Demon Sovereign's anger suddenly began to go wild, okay, since you can't ask anything, then just see the real chapter under your hand, this work has gone through thousands of times, and I don't believe it will really be planted in your little dirt pit.

The demon emperor looked at the drowning rushing, and once again said: "I am the son of emperor, acting on behalf of the sky, I mean the will of heaven, my heart is the heart of heaven, forgiveness, and drowning is still."

As soon as the words drowning in the fruit really stood still, Zhang Shiyang stood by and Yu Yue said: "Demon King, skill is poor."

The demon emperor ignored Zhang Shiyang's words: "Pardon order, drowning back."

Zhang Shiyang was really stunned at this moment. The drowning was really going backwards. Although the speed was not fast, it would surely take the Demon King out of trouble in the long run.

When Zhang Shiyang was about to mobilize the law again, the Demon Emperor spoke again: "Pardon order, restraint."

An inexplicable force surrounded Zhang Shiyang, restrained him, and could no longer move. Just when Zhang Shiyang wanted to mobilize the Heavenly Dao Falun, the Demon Emperor took the opportunity to pursue him: "Pardon order, thunder punishment." Tian Lei, who didn't know where he came from, smashed his head like Zhang Shiyang's mindlessly, and only called Zhang Shiyang complaining.

Sure enough, these old antiques that have lived for countless years, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, they are all cheating. Fortunately, Zhang Shiyang's Xuanhuang Indestructible Body is now strong, so Zhang Shiyang must not be hacked.

The opportunity cannot be missed and will not come again, the Demon Emperor took advantage of this to fly towards Zhang Shiyang, and was about to flee.

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