Proof of Longevity

Chapter 194: Difficult to distinguish between true and false

The Taoists in the distance were a little stunned at this time, feeling a bit caught off guard. When you saw Zhang Shiyang's second decisive battle with Hai Donglai from a distance, all the Taoists were quite expecting. I want to see what Zhang Shiyang's strength is, what is the foundation, and where is the depth. But who would have thought that the form would be completely changed and reversed in the blink of an eye.

Hai Donglai was frozen in an instant, and then the ice burst, Hai Donglai was shattered, and the Taoists were too late to rescue him. However, when everyone was thinking about what happened next, Hai Donglai was actually resurrected. Although he looked pale, he escaped after all, even if his vitality was badly injured.

Hai Donglai looked pale and looked at Zhang Shiyang, who was still standing on the sea. The mask concealed his entire face, and his facial expressions were not real, but Zhang Shiyang was surprised by the look in his eyes, but the wave of fluctuations disappeared in an instant. In an instant it became a pool of stagnant water, and he could no longer see his inner performance.

Hai Donglai looked at Zhang Shiyang and adjusted his breath: "I wonder why I was broken into countless pieces and still alive."

Before Zhang Shiyang could answer, Hai Donglai explained himself: "It's a pity, you didn't kill me. The biggest dependency of my starfish clan is the evolution of the flesh, the immortal body. As long as there is a drop of blood all over the body, a single cell can evolve from the ground up. The body is reborn again. This is also one of the methods of my starfish clan to frighten foreigners."

It is terrible to know that you have killed countless times and haven't died, or you have killed countless times but don't know whether the other person is dead or not. This situation is terrible, and such a person is even more terrifying. But what if all members of a race possess this supernatural power? You can imagine it.

Zhang Shiyang had heard of the Starfish Clan in his previous life that even if it were torn in half, this race could still survive, but now which race has its supernatural powers expanded countless times. Zhang Shiyang didn't find it too strange in this fairy-xia mythical world. It's just a little surprised. In the world of Xianxia, ​​everything is possible.

Zhang Shiyang took a deep breath, did not take the words of Dao Master Haixing, but spoke to the other Dao Masters in the distance: "A little Dao Master Haixing was beaten by me with a few strokes, you guys The Sea Clan is really rubbish, even Dao Venerable me can't beat it, and another one will be a refreshing battle for this seat."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Dao Master Haixing: "I said, I said it was acting, but I will take it seriously. I will use all my strength. It's because you didn't put me in your eyes. If I can kill you, I won’t be soft-hearted. If you let this opportunity go, I can tell you to remember your surname, so that you will have this problem again when you save the way and protect me. Then I will give this seat to you. It’s not good to go there. You must know that I don’t want to suffer all the time. I believe it’s uncomfortable. Just remember the last name long."

Hearing what Zhang Shiyang said, Hai Donglai's complexion turned red, saying that Shiyang didn't know what to say. At this moment, the group of Taoists in the distance responded.

When Zhang Shiyang just yelled out the words, he had aroused everyone's anger to the maximum. Think about it, this group of Taoists Pingyue is not the existence that is enshrined by thousands of people and called the ancestors. Especially when this sea area hasn't reached the ancestors, these Taoists are the top existences. Everyone said that the arrogant, high-eyed Lord, how to endure this insult, suddenly the group was angry. They have to step forward to give Zhang Shiyang something to taste, and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

At this time, it was the guy with the short limbs and the turtle shell that was the most stable: "Dear friends, please calm down your anger first, don't be impulsive."

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, the tortoise spirit spoke again: "Since this kid is willing to pick one out of two, why not do it, and simply fulfill him. But this candidate has to be considered." .

Purple Spider King eyes: "Old Turtle, you can speak quickly".

This sea turtle Taoist touched his beard when he heard the words, but he really looked like a wise man: "This candidate must meet these conditions. The first one is that he is not good at fighting."

Everyone was in an uproar at this remark, and they were puzzled. They asked questions. A guy with a big head and lips with his innermost teeth leaned in front of the old turtle spirit: "Old turtle, what do you mean by this?".

The old tortoise said calmly: "The most important thing for us now is to consume that kid's mana cleanly, and then capture him or kill him. And he doesn't consume much mana now, and there is a treasure that is good at running away. If we are run away by him, our efforts will be in vain." Seeing everyone's clear expression, the old tortoise shut up and stopped explaining.

In fact, this action was not because he was afraid that Zhang Shiyang would be scared away by a fighter who was good at fighting in the past. After listening to the words of the Purple Spider King, everyone was not confident that he could be captured. That's an innate treasure, you can't just tell him to run away like that. In the eyes of everyone, this Shiyang and that treasure are all ducks that are about to reach their mouths, so can't you let him fly?

Snake Er looked at the battlefield at this time, and looked at the confronting two: "I don't know who to send over?".

The old sea turtle retracted his neck, not making a sound, but after thinking about it, everyone looked at the old sea turtle. The Purple Spider King looked at the old sea turtle with its neck shrinking, and his face leaked warmly: "Go old, return. You have to ask your old man to go out. Your old man is best at Fang Yu. If you don't know how to use the treasure, you will definitely not be able to break the defense of your old man."

The old turtle rolled his eyes at this moment: "What if this kid has a cramp in his head and uses the treasure? Or is the life of my old man important."

The purple spider king's complexion changed: "Going back, what are you afraid of, we also have a treasure. If that guy uses the treasure, he will be able to hold the defensive power of your old man for a while. This time is enough for us to get the treasure to save you." .

This tortoise was born to be cautious and hesitated after hearing the words of the Purple Spider King. Everyone on the side saw it and came forward to dissuade him. Even though the old turtle had practiced for countless years, he was taken down by everyone's sugar-coated cannonballs. With a hot head, he said loudly: "Okay, I'll go". He flew up slowly as he said.

Hai Donglai over there looked at Zhang Shiyang speechless for a long time. In fact, if Zhang Shiyang had the opportunity, he would definitely kill Hai Donglai without hesitation. Those three conditions were too far away for him. It was like if Dao Master Haixing could capture Zhang Shiyang again, then Hai Donglai would never have any hesitation, and would definitely take Zhang Shiyang instantly. As long as Zhang Shiyang is taken down, not only the treasure is his, but even the magic formula can be slowly questioned. At that time, if you want to hammer it, you will not let the Dao Master Haixing have the final say.

Seeing Dao Master Sea Turtle flying over slowly and getting closer, Zhang Shiyang closed his eyes: "Dao Master Sea Star, don't forget the previous agreement." After speaking, there was no rest, just standing quietly waiting for the turtle master to come.

Although the speed of this tortoise is very slow, the speed of a tortoise in the realm of Taoism is no more than a few breaths before reaching the two of them. Saying hello to Dao Master Haixing, the old tortoise turned his head and looked at Zhang Shiyang calmly, and then said: "The old man is the elder of the sea turtle clan. The way is "Reunion". You can ask me to be a master." .

When I introduced myself to Zhang Shiyang, there was no reaction, and the old tortoise was not angry. He still said in the same tone: "Looking at fellow Taoists, the magical powers are very clever, and the monks who are far beyond the same realm are really geniuses. Alas, there are countless Taoists today. The Lord is eyeing his eyes, and I advise fellow daoists to hand over the magic weapon to avoid fighting, and everyone regards peace as the most important thing."

Zhang Shiyang heard this old tortoise’s words, and suddenly felt speechless. Where did this superbly come out? He was obviously a robber, but he seemed to be persuading others to do good. He deserves to be an old guy who has lived for countless years. She really didn't have the face to say.

Zhang Shiyang had to open his eyes again, looking at the short guy in front of him with a big shell on his back. Paired with Zhang Shiyang's eyes, the old turtle's words were all held in his stomach. At this time, he was shocked by the vision in Zhang Shiyang's eyes. Zhang Shiyang looked at this guy and jokingly said, "Old guy, I'm very interested in the shell behind you. Why don't you give him to me if you think of harmony as the most important thing, so as to avoid fighting between you and me."

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