Proof of Longevity

Chapter 193: The immortal from Haidong

Thinking of this, Haidong looked at Zhang Shiyang's gaze a little differently, a kind of green light came out of his eyes. Just calling Zhang Shiyang a trembling body, this old fellow of the Starfish tribe, wouldn't it be back to the mountain?

The big bottleneck that Zhang Shiyang has not encountered is that he can't understand Hai Donglai's mood. The opportunity for breakthrough is right in front of him. No matter what his innate treasure, so many people have very little chance for themselves. But if you can get Zhang Shiyang's spell, chances are you can still see a trace of the law of good fortune with this, and it is also possible to advance to Dao Ancestor's. At that time, I will be the first Dao ancestor to break through in this vast ocean.

Thinking about the majestic and prestigious scenes of Wan Xiu coming to the dynasty in the future, the saliva of Hai Donglai was going to flow. Taking this opportunity to strike, Haidong looked at Xiang Zhang Shiyang: "Friends of Taoism, please take your time, and listen to the next words." Zhang Shiyang took this opportunity to adjust his breath secretly. At this moment, it is good to regain a piece of power, or it is this power that becomes a life-saving straw to reverse the world at a critical moment. It is the straw that overwhelms the camel.

Zhang Shiyang's eyes flickered, he glanced at Hai Donglai, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath: "Let's talk."

Hai Donglai took this opportunity to speak sharply: "Your Excellency is now carrying a heavy treasure, and this group of Taoists is eyeing it. It is like a sheep facing a pack of wolves. Even if your Excellency handed over the treasure, I am afraid Everyone will not let you go. The old man thinks that your thaumaturgy just now is quite mysterious, and now he has a wonderful idea, I don’t know if it should be said."

Zhang Shiyang didn't know what medicine this guy sold in the gourd, so it didn't hurt to listen to it for the time being: "Let's talk about it and listen to it."

Hai Donglai heard the words and smiled: "I am very interested in your wonderful method, and I don't know if you can grant it. Of course, if you receive your benefits, the old man has no intention of taking this muddy water, so he left. ,how is it?".

Zhang Shiyang sneered when he heard the words: "Old guy, you are greedy for my spells, and you dare to speak so high-sounding. I have no grievances with you, but you have offended me for no reason, and you are still coveting this son's innate treasure. Now you actually say it. If you want me to take a look at this magical magic with you, you really said it, you don't have a face, and after betraying the same people, they found out that you don't know how to deal with yourself."

Having said that, Zhang Shiyang's heart is secretly strange, this old guy is not the treasure of this book, why is he actually interested in one of the strange spells of this seat now, be careful, be careful of this old guy Deceit.

Who knows that Zhang Shiyang's irony is so ugly. If a man of great cultivation was so humiliated by Zhang Shiyang, he would have turned into anger from the verbal abuse, and he would have done it endlessly. But Haidonglai is Haidonglai after all. This guy has been peeping at Daozu's realm for a long time, but he can't do anything about it. Now seeing the chance is like a cat that sees a mouse, how willing to let go.

Hai Donglai did not show the slightest anger on his face: "Friends, you gave me a look at this wonderful magic, but the benefits are great. As soon as I don’t entangle you, I even release water to give you a certain amount of help. There is a glimmer of opportunity to escape from birth and crack this mortal situation. And if you come to this seat to become a Taoist ancestor, and you can successfully escape from birth today, then you will be allowed to do three conditions, and you can be free of charge. I ask this seat to do three things for you. No matter what it is, you will never shirk your excuses if you go up to the poor blue and fall down to the yellow spring. If there is any lie, this seat will die under heaven's punishment."

The words of Haidong came to Zhang Shiyang's heart, and Daozu's three unconditional promises would be moved by anyone. What's more, Zhang Shiyang doesn't feel at a disadvantage in exchange for such a big promise with a small home magic spell nowadays.

But looking at Hai Donglai's eagerness, Zhang Shiyang knew that he couldn't just agree to it so easily, he wanted to amplify the benefits. Zhang Shiyang opened his eyes and looked at Hai Donglai with a sincere expression, and slowly said: "If you want to say that this spell is my teacher's secret method, I don't dare to pass it lightly without my teacher's life, but now it's because of your sincerity. If you want you to promise me something, I will fight the sect’s punishment and agree to you.”

As soon as Haidong came to hear that there was a door, he immediately struck a snake with a stick: "What's the matter?"

Zhang Shiyang smiled: "Wait for you to protect me for thousands of years after you become the ancestor of Taoism." Hai Donglai's expression relaxed when he heard it. He thought it was something, isn't it just a waste of thousands of years of time. For him, a mere thousand years is a retreat or a nap. So I didn't hesitate to respond right now.

Seeing Hai Donglai so relaxed, Zhang Shiyang even muttered in his heart: "Is it because I have said less time?" However, considering the majesty of a Taoist ancestor, Zhang Shiyang did not dare to be too harsh. Thousands of years are enough time for Zhang Shiyang to do a lot of things.

Zhang Shiyang's eyes rolled: "Since this is the case, then you should be able to do it."

Haidonglai was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you fellow daoist, I don't know when I will have a look at this wonderful magic."

Zhang Shiyang rolled his eyes at Hai Donglai: "Now the situation is unknown, this seat cannot be trusted for you. This time this battle, this seat will definitely be able to retreat, you don’t need to worry, you should go to Dongsheng Shenzhou to find a secret place. Hidden in the ground. After taking me away, I will go to find you."

Hai Donglai's expression changed when he heard the words, but now he didn't take the initiative, so he had to respond: "Daoist, how can I recruit a Taoist when I find a secret place?".

Zhang Shiyang said: "Don't worry, I have my own way to find you." After speaking, Zhang Shiyang's eyes flashed a gloomy look: "But before that, you have to do a scene with Ben." Hai Donglai's eyes flickered: "A scene?".

Zhang Shiyang nodded: "Although it is a play, if you don't act seriously, you can be killed by this seat."

A group of Taoists in the distance looked at Zhang Shiyang and Hai Donglai who were standing still on the surface of the sea, and they were all confused, and a guy with short limbs and a tortoise shell on his back muttered: "What is Elder Hai doing? Moth, it stopped suddenly when it hit halfway."

The rest of the people are also talking about it. The purple spider king looked gloomy and used his mana: "Elder Hai, why did you stop suddenly?" Before I finished speaking, I saw the two flew together and started a new round of fighting. Haidong’s walking stick was useless, so he took out a whip and flicked it lightly, and the crackling sound rang through the sea. The air throbbed.

The mana in Zhang Shiyang's hand shot towards the sea below, and a cloud of turquoise water was suspended in his hand. Under the operation of the magic formula, the sea water instantly turned into profound ice, and then suddenly burst, turning into thumb-sized ice cones, shooting towards Haidong under the control of Zhang Shiyang's mana. Hai Donglai danced the whip so tightly that the water could not splash in. He only heard the jingle, and all the ice cones were shot one by one.

But how could Zhang Shiyang's moves be so simple? The cone of ice did not fall into the sea after being bombed, but continued to fly in the air, constantly circling around Haidong. Zhang Shiyang lifted his right foot and stomped down suddenly, and the surrounding sea water flew up and turned into waves.

Under Zhang Shiyang's mysterious technique, the waves instantly turned into cones of ice. For a time, countless ice cones shuttled across the sky, covering Hai Donglai's figure. Zhang Shiyang smiled, once again there was sea water suspended in his palm. But this sea water is like plasticine, and with Zhang Shiyang's squeezing, the plasticine takes shape. A long sword that exudes endless cold air is so successful. Zhang Shiyang flew up gently, and the long sword stretched forward and pierced into the vortex formed by the huge ice cone.

For a while, time seemed to stand still, and then the huge ice cone tornado spread out. The ice cone was dissipated by a huge force and hit in all directions. With huge force, the air hissed.

Looking at the scene in the sea, at this moment Hai Donglai had a white giant sword stuck in his chest, and you, Shiyang, showed a face of disbelief. I wanted to say something, and then instantly was frozen by the power of that ice sword. Suddenly, the ice image from the east of the sea turned into pieces and fell into the sea. Zhang Shiyang looked at the other Taoists. At this time, those Taoists were stunned by the huge change. The reversal was only in the blink of an eye, and everyone had no time to react. At this moment, the sea suddenly exploded, and a new Hai Donglai appeared on the sea, but at this time Hai Donglai was obviously pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

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