Proof of Longevity

Chapter 165: No one can live by fate

Zhang Shiyang healed the wounds on the top, but at this time it was hit fiercely below. Fairy Allure’s white ribbon was waving like a wandering dragon in the air. It was thrown, wrapped, or pumped, and so on. It's eye-opening.

Of course, Fairy Qingcheng’s strip is not an ordinary magic weapon. Although these four fierce beasts were badly smashed by Zhang Shiyang's ultimate move with Dou Zhuan Xingyi, they were seriously injured, but after all, the four fierce beasts are named after them. The heavens, the four prestigious beasts, even if they were seriously injured, their strength should not be underestimated.

The Fa facts and true bodies of these four big beasts have not been recovered yet, each of them is extremely tall and standing upright. Compared with the four big beasts reminding like a giant, the fairy of Qingcheng is like an ant, one flying on the sea. Haiyan.

At this moment, I saw Fairy Qingcheng turn his wrist. It was obviously a strip of gluttonous vegetable, which was violently beaten on his eyes, and then with the help of the rebound force, he drew back towards the fangs with his teeth and claws on the side, which was originally one. I stepped on the fairy Qingcheng, but at the moment I saw the stripped strips, and didn't dare to neglect. Although the strips could not bring any damage to their eyes, the feeling of being drawn on the body was simply unbearable. , It hurts too much, as if drawn into the soul, people can't help but wailing.

But the four fierce beasts are the four fierce beasts after all. This kind of pain from the soul, not only did not retreat from the spiritual energy, but even more inspired his fierce name, roaring into the sky.

After the surrounding monsters heard this roar, their bodies shuddered instinctively, and then each one of them burned potentials, hitting the cap of the great tortoise of the Supreme Master even more crazily, and the flesh and blood flew, and then was absorbed by the great array of the Supreme Master. Transformed into an aura, for the Taishangjiao Great Array to operate.

Fairy Qingcheng couldn’t take down the four badly injured beasts. In the eyes of everyone watching the battle, this is incredible. As long as a discerning person knows that the four big beasts have been severely injured by the huge planet before, but facing Fairy Qingcheng couldn't attack the four severely injured beasts for a long time, but this caused everyone's brains to be stunned, and they couldn't figure it out even after scratching their scalp.

These four fierce beasts, Zhang Shiyang, can deal with Dao Zun realm, ice-bound, and even severely wounded, but as Dao Master Qingcheng Fairy has been unable to attack for a long time, this has to make everyone wonder, when is Dao Master so weak? .

The four fierce beasts that Dao Zun can severely inflict, this Dao Master can't handle it? .

This is too strange. When did Dao Zun be more powerful than Dao Master, then I saw Fairy Qingcheng's strips grow in the wind, and the four fierce beasts were wrapped up in a vicious zongzi. Pulling, pulled the four big beasts together, and the ribbon in his hand flew again, binding the four big beasts together.

Looking at the huge mummy that was hundreds of thousands tall, Fairy Qingcheng gently patted Yu's palm, breathed a sigh of relief, and panted slightly.

Seeing this, the people of the Supreme Master shouted, and the elders breathed a sigh of relief. That's right, this is the strength that the Taoist should have.

Fairy Qingcheng patted with bare hands, turned around, was about to set up a cloud head and flew towards the Supreme Master, thinking in her heart how to concoct these four great beasts, these four guys are lawless, and actually ran to the Supreme Master to make trouble. I am a daring leopard, and even a soil bun. I don’t know my reputation as an educator.

I think that Supreme Master is the first sect of all sects in the entire Origin World. If you are a bullhorn, there is that guy who dares to come to the Supreme Master to be wild.

Thinking like this in my heart, I suddenly heard a "fairy be careful" behind me, and then there was a sound of "tearing" the cloth torn. Before I could turn around, I heard four roars, the waves turned into substance, and Qingcheng The fairy was attacked by Yingang unsuspectingly, like a broken rag doll, before landing, fell into the arms of a Tsing Yi.

Zhang Shiyang took the elixir in the sky, and just after the clouds fell, he saw the huge mummy, the fairy Allure in plain clothes. He hadn't seen it for a while, and the fairy was still the same, still elegant. Zhang Shiyang couldn't help but stay there for a while. Fairy Shi Qingcheng patted his jade hand and turned around as if he was muttering something. Then he saw the huge zongzi, oh no, it was a mummy, and saw a slit on the mummy's body, and then the ribbon turned into segments. The small pieces of cloth scattered in the air, it seems that this magic weapon is useless.

The roars of the four fierce beasts turned into sound waves. The Fairy Qingcheng was unsuspectingly treated like a ragdoll. He flew into the air to do a free fall movement. Zhang Shiyang saw that the opportunity was not good, and turned into a streamer. Under the body of Fairy Qingcheng, he embraced him, warm fragrance and warm jade, beauty in his arms, this was a beautiful scene that countless men dream of, but at this moment a trace of red blood was flowing from the corner of that beauty’s mouth. Four huge monsters grinning at the two of them.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Shiyang knew that Fairy Qingcheng's body was seriously injured. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that only the reincarnation will be the only way to reincarnate. The world of origin is so big, who knows where the reincarnation will be. The mystery, if you missed Daoji, the trouble would be big.

However, Zhang Shiyang couldn’t think about it anymore. The four fierce beasts once again rushed towards the two. Zhang Shiyang held Fairy Qingcheng in his arms, too late to feel the warm fragrance of the jade, his body flashed, turned into a streamer, and disappeared in an instant. The supreme master’s mountain gate stopped to escape, and his figure flashed, a clone walked out, holding the fairy Qingcheng into the master’s large array, this clone was only one percent of Zhang Shiyang’s strength, and did not affect Zhang Shiyang’s. Mana.

Looking at the four fierce beasts thinking about the four fierce beasts coming, Zhang Shiyang's mouth showed a sullen smile, turned into a streamer, and greeted the four fierce beasts. The purple-red flame, swaying and shifting, landed on Ying Lu's body, pressed his right hand, and then evacuated instantly, flew into the sky, hula, and Ying Lu instantly turned into a big fireball, his whole body The hair was burning, and a burnt smell filled the sky and the earth.

The other three big fierce beasts dodge far away for fear of hitting the pond fish. The gluttonous small eyes on the side, its head instantly enlarged, its big mouth opened, a suction force gushing out of it, and the chaos in the big mouth is looming. , The sky full of flames were all sucked into his stomach, and then shut up, smacking, smacking his lips, as if he was eating something delicious, with endless aftertaste.

Zhang Shiyang was dumbfounded. It was a fire from the purple sky, nothing could be avoided, but it was eaten by the guy in front of him. This is true and false. It's not a lie. Zhang Shiyang would rather have hallucinations by himself.

Having said that, this tough battle still has to be fought, but how to fight it depends on intelligence.

Zhang Shiyang is thinking whether these four big beasts are monsters or not. If they are monsters, then they can use the method of collecting them, but once they are not monsters, they simply waste mana, you have to know the monsters. Dharma is quite mana-consuming, but no matter what, these four big beasts are better to fight first.

Then the palm of the hand pressed against the earth, a monstrous turbid air broke through the ground, and rose into the air to transform into a ferocious giant yellow dragon. A turbid air radiated outwards, and the flowers and plants died wherever it passed. This turbid air is all The nemesis of people who cultivate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth pollutes the soul, and those who practice can avoid it. No one wants to provoke this stale energy.

Zhang Shiyang intends to trap the four fierce beasts with his foul qi, polish his fierce surnames, dissipate his physical body, and then use them as his own assistant, protector, or pet. These guys are quite equivalent. No, even in a severely injured state, the Taoist master will take them in no way.

I saw that the yellow dragon quickly entangled the four big beasts, and then turned into a cover, covering the four big beasts together. Of course, the four big beasts won't be caught with one's hands. They beat the yellow-black cover desperately. From the outside, the cover looks like a rubber band, bulging, flat, bulging, flat, looping back and forth. Outside Zhang Shiyang stood proudly in the void. Seeing the situation below, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at his palm. The line of fate clearly saw a golden light passing by, and the line of fate was dyed into gold. Zhang Shiyang muttered to himself: " No one can live up to fate."

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