Proof of Longevity

Chapter 164: Move the mountains and the sea, and the stars move

Zhang Shiyang saw that the huge body of Chaos began to tremble, knowing that it was not good, so he increased the output of supernatural powers and mana.

However, Zhang Shiyang’s result was doomed to fail. When Zhang Shiyang just increased his mana, he saw a roar coming from within the ice layer, and then saw cracks in the ice layer on Chaos Chaos body, clicking, clicking non-stop. Zhang Shiyang is not deaf, and he has supernatural powers and can naturally hear the sound of cracking ice.

The brows couldn't help but he knew that things were a bit big. It was okay for the universe to suppress the four fierce beasts in one's sleeves, but it was simply impossible to regain the four fierce beasts with the universe of sleeves.

Zhang Shiyang made a decisive decision without wasting time. He immediately collected his supernatural powers and landed on the ground. Within a few breaths, Zhang Shiyang's body began to grow bigger. Before the four big beasts had time to react, Zhang Shiyang had become as big as them. The giant is now.

Such supernatural powers not only stunned the four great beasts, but even the Taoist priests in the Supreme Sect, as well as the disciples, were also stunned.

Although Zhang Shiyang has all kinds of magic weapons, they cannot be easily used. Those magic weapons are at the level of the heaven and earth treasures, and they are easy to attract people. Once Zhang Shiyang has swaggered through the market, you will never want peace. There will be Dao ancestors looking for them. Come here.

While these four fierce beasts were stupefied, Zhang Shiyang took the lead to attack, and his huge arm smashed towards the gluttonous food on the side. This gluttonous gluttonous mouth could swallow the world. If he accidentally swallowed it, the trouble would be great.

Glutton was kicked back three or four steps by Zhang Shiyang's move. Zhang Shiyang took advantage of his unsteady figure and couldn't get past it. With a round of fisting, he hit the Glutton straight to the south, east, west, northwest, and then threw it over his shoulders. , Threw it hundreds of miles away, smashing countless beasts to death.

Seeing the other two fierce beasts rushing towards him, Zhang Shiyang's figure instantly recovered to its original size, turning into a streamer and standing on the starry sky. Seeing the murderer who rushed, Zhang Shiyang shouted: "Shan Lai ".

The ten mountains around the Supreme Master levitated out of thin air, and quickly shrank and fell into Zhang Shiyang’s palm. Seeing the two fierce beasts running like him, Zhang Shiyang ignored them and used his magic tricks. These ten mountains quickly escaped from his palm. Smashed towards the gluttonous one hundred miles away.

As these ten mountains got out of hand, they changed back to their original size in an instant. The people of the Supreme Master looked dumbfounded again, the elder in charge of the formation was dumbfounded at this time: What a magical power this is, it can actually move ten mountains.

The rest of the people were all dumbfounded. Some of the junior disciples were deterred by Zhang Shiyang’s god, and all of them were drooling. The little fat man who was in charge of the battle was even more dazed at this time: "Too handsome, I am too good. Do you teach this trick to move mountains? Using big mountains to smash people, this is the method created by which ancestor, it is simply too talented."

However, although this technique of moving the mountains was so handsome and terrifying, with the blessing of Zhang Shiyang’s mana, the weight of these ten mountains was absolutely unclear. The glutton who was about to stand up was smashed and fell again. It was crushed to the ground by ten big mountains.

Zhang Shiyang clapped his hands, and just breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a roar, ice cubes shuttled in the sky, and the sky was broken and broken by the ice cubes. Zhang Shiyang used his mana to form a defensive protective layer on the body's surface. As soon as this protective layer was formed, I heard a crackling sound, and dense ice cubes hit the protective layer, swaying in circles, this time the chaos broke out of the ice.

Zhang Shiyang had no way to stop it. When the ice in the sky dissipated, Zhang Shiyang saw a big hairy paw spreading over the sky and covering the ground, and he was in no hurry to avoid it. The big paw abruptly covered Zhang Shiyang's body. , And then Zhang Shiyang like a bowling ball, across the sky, flying into the sky.

The glutton not far away also overturned the mountain on his body at this time. The four fierce beasts gathered together, and after a few days of four roars, the four fierce beasts were again ready to pounce on the Supreme Master. A plain word came from the sky: "Take the stars and pick the moon."

Immediately afterwards, I saw a planet dragging its tail and slamming toward the four big beasts at lightning speed. The sky became dark. The diameter of the planet was about a thousand miles in size. The four big beasts couldn't escape the last thing they saw. The picture is a big fireball.

With a bang, the earth in a radius of one million li was shaken, and the veins were all shaken. The elders and disciples in the Supreme Sect were dazzled. First, Zhang Shiyang used the technique of moving mountains to smash the gluttonous food. Then the chaos broke through the ice again, Zhang Shiyang was enveloped in the sky full of ice, and then an angry chaos waved his big palm towards Zhang Shiyang under the cover of the ice, Zhang Shiyang flew up into the sky, disappeared, and then gluttonous. After getting out of trouble, the four fierce beasts were about to turn around to attack the Supreme Master again after four consecutive roars, but a star fell in the flames, and then the world was shaken, and the four fierce beasts were smashed into the ground without knowing what to do. Traces, a large pit with a radius of thousands of miles appeared on the earth.

Everyone was stunned by this process, and their brains were a bit unable to turn. At this time, a fragrance came, and the elders flashed in front of them, and the penalty elders first reacted: "I have seen the Taoist master." The rest of the people were also awakened by the punishment elder's words: "I have seen Dao Ancestor".

The visitor was Lu Qingcheng, one of the four masters. It is still as elegant as before, with an undiminished appearance and an ethereal temperament.

Seeing the chaotic scene outside the big formation, Fairy Qingcheng frowned, her lips opened slightly, and a voice that resembled Xianle came out: "Elders, I don't know what happened here, where is Shiyang's nephew? ".

When the penalty elder heard Fairy Qingcheng's question, he was about to answer: "Return to the Dao Lord...".

Before I finished speaking, I saw the earth trembling, and the earth veins that had been immovable for ten thousand years began to move slightly, and then I saw a huge ball flying into the sky, and the four big beasts stood up in the sky. After being smashed into the ground, the four big beasts used force together to throw the planet into the sky, and the four big beasts took the opportunity to stand up again. Looking angrily at the huge tortoise shell.

When Fairy Qingcheng saw that there was no time to listen to the elder's explanation, there was a big formation between the flashes of her figure, her clothes fluttering, and a white ribbon that could extend infinitely was drawn toward the four big beasts, and a melee began again.

It is said that after Zhang Shiyang was smashed into the sky, he finally stopped between the flashes of his figure, but this time Zhang Shiyang was not lightly injured, and he couldn't stop the bleeding, and Zhang Shiyang took his index finger and gently tapped his lips. , Opened his eyes, and the eyes were bright red.

For many years, I was injured and vomited blood. This is the first time I vomited blood. It is really memorable.

Zhang Shiyang flicked his sleeves, looked at the stars in the sky, and muttered: "I'm hurt, I'm actually hurt, hahaha, the four **** beasts, the sin is unforgivable."

As he spoke, the magic tricks flew again in his hand, and a forbidden talisman formed. Zhang Shiyang waved to the distant starry sky. The huge planet turned into a projectile, which fell into Zhang Shiyang’s palm and merged with the forbidden talisman. At the same time, seeing the four fierce beasts gathered together, Zhang Shiyang smiled sternly: "Hahaha, you four fierce beasts are doing their own lives, God will take your lives, since In this way, that seat is not welcome."

Seeing the right time, the star projectile smashed downwards, and the moment it left the hand turned into a thousand li-sized body, smashing the four fierce beasts into the ground.

Just by this, the four fierce beasts were seriously injured, and they no longer had the monstrous power they had before. After throwing away the projectile, Zhang Shiyang slapped the gourd on his waist, and a pill that shone with four-color glow appeared in his hand.

Zhang Shiyang couldn't help sighing helplessly: "I didn't expect that the first pill will be taken under this condition after the medicine is released, but I have to take it if I feel distressed. You must know that the four fierce beasts are good babies. If you tell them to run away, then you will be in vain, and you will be badly injured and have no gain. I am afraid that when you wipe your neck, you will have the mood to wipe your neck. No matter what, these four fierce beasts are finally hit by the quilt. Just wait for a while. Just go down to clean up the mess after the injury is good."

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