Proof of Longevity

Chapter 127: Rebirth against the sky, strayed into the mysterious yellow book

I saw this mysterious yellow beam of light one after another, reflecting the entire Dazuo Empire, and the whole country became a mysterious yellow kingdom. Then I saw a vague shadow appearing in this mysterious yellow beam of light, and countless streams of light appeared in that mysterious. Flowing among the yellow beams of light, the auras of the heavens, and even the aura of the prehistoric world, were extracted by this mysterious yellow beam of light, and then countless streamers formed a vague figure, and countless auras and crazy servants came from the surrounding area. There was a gust of wind, and the officials were unsteady, sitting on the ground one by one, staring at the beam of light in a daze, with different thoughts and thoughts.

Soon a fuzzy figure was completely formed, and then bones, flesh and blood, skin, meridians, skin and hair were all derived out of thin air, until a complete Zhang Shiyang was derived.

At this time, the underground ministers were all dumbfounded. Even the martial sages were dumbfounded, each of them opened their eyes wide, reorganizing their souls, and reborn in flesh and blood. What realm has your Majesty reached today? This is everyone present. The doubts, especially those Wu Sheng as the most.

Wu Sheng is already at the pinnacle of this realm, and no one knows the way forward, but now seeing Zhang Shiyang’s supernatural powers, everyone seems to vaguely see the road in the future, they are all excited and inexplicable, but Zhang Shiyang is the number one in this realm. The title of a strong man was confirmed once again, since ancient times, it has never been heard of anyone who can be reborn from flesh and blood.

The continuous compression of the beam of light, the range of illumination gradually converged, and it was quickly absorbed into Zhang Shiyang's body. This time, Zhang Shiyang gained great fortune and inadvertently mastered the power of the origin of Xuanhuang. This is the world. One of the most powerful auras, is as famous as the Hongmeng Purple Aura, and is one of the highest gases in the universe above the Qing Aura, the Yuqing Aura, and the Shaoqing Aura.

However, it is said that Zhang Shiyang was crushed by the will of heaven at that time, the body, and even the law wheel of the heavens were also bombarded to scum, but Zhang Shiyang cultivated the most mysterious Xuanhuang Qi in the world, this Xuanhuang Qi is in the universe, the most inside and outside the chaos One of the most high gases, the biggest special name is Xuan Huang, which is indestructible forever, between gathering and dispersing and invisible, and the thing that seems to be a vertical eye on Zhang Shiyang’s life soul actually retains a trace of Zhang Shiyang’s remnants at the critical moment. soul.

And this eye didn’t know what it was, what material it was made of, and there was no damage under the mighty sky, it felt like a breeze blowing on the face, and the mighty sky was relaxed. Was resolved. After the Tianwei of the Origin World receded, a trace of Zhang Shiyang’s remnant soul was released. Zhang Shiyang’s soul was already refining and regaining the emptiness, and when he was transformed into the Xuanhuang indestructible soul, the sky is indestructible, and the earth is immortal. Difficult to bury, gathering and dispersing are invisible, although most of them were shattered by the will of Heaven, leaving only the remnant soul, but Zhang Shiyang was able to regroup again soon.

However, at this time, most of Zhang Shiyang's soul flew away, leaving only the instinct of the soul. He wanted to run the art, summon the lost soul, and reorganize the soul. However, this mysterious and yellow energy does not exist in the world. After Zhang Shiyang's call, there was no response. Instead, an inexplicable call came, and the remnant soul instinctively followed the call and flew towards the source of the call.

After the chaos and chaos, Zhang Shiyang actually came to a world full of mysterious yellow, and his perception of the particles of the soul became clearer. Zhang Shiyang increased the power of the mysterious art, and countless particles flew in the distance, and gradually Zhang Shiyang was remnant. The soul is complemented, and the soul is reborn. After Zhang Shiyang opened his eyes, he saw this world full of black and yellow colors. When recalling the journey of the remnant soul, Zhang Shiyang didn't know where this place was, and he didn't know the way to go out. He summoned heaven. Falun did not react at all.

Zhang Shiyang didn’t know that the Heavenly Dao Falun had been severely damaged, but thought that the second secret realm was mysterious and weird, and cut off the connection between the spirits and souls. There was no way, Zhang Shiyang began to wander in this mysterious yellow world. Flying to find a way out, while practicing.

The world of Xuanhuang doesn't count years. Zhang Shiyang doesn't know how long he has been flying in this world or what's going on outside, but there is no way to be anxious. He can only follow his feelings and fly towards the place where the atmosphere of Xuanhuang is strong.

Maybe Zhang Shiyang’s luck is really good enough to go against the sky. After flying for a while, he actually felt that the profound yellow gas in the distance seemed to be liquid, and Zhang Shiyang’s spirit was shocked. Such a place must contain good fortune or a treasure. Zhang Shiyang is like a fish in this world of Xuanhuang, without the slightest discomfort in this world. After diving into the water-like Xuanhuang aura, Zhang Shiyang only feels that the soul is comfortable, and he is constantly strengthening. I don’t know how far he has flown, for a while. After the transformation of time and space, Zhang Shiyang Yuanshen was dizzy and finally came to the center.

I saw a stream of water flowing thinly, but it was not an ordinary stream of water, it was a stream of water composed of Xuanhuang Qi. Zhang Shiyang was stunned for a while, so that's okay, this is too extravagant. There is a spring of black and yellow gas, and it is not one mouthful, but seven mouthfuls.

Take a closer look, but it’s wrong. Although it looks like seven mouths, it’s actually one mouthful. I don’t know why, but it feels like this anyway. Moreover, this spring is divided into seven, forming an inexplicable large formation. The mysterious yellow aura is constantly produced out of thin air in the large formation, and then it turns into a stream and flows out of the spring. So it seems that these seven springs are actually the foundation of the great formation, the formation eyes.

Zhang Shiyang Yuanshen kept wandering around this black and yellow energy, but it was the dog who bit the hedgehog and couldn't speak. Suo, since he couldn't start, soak in spring water.

Zhang Shiyang sat in the stream outside the spring, ran his profound arts, and entered a state of cultivation. In a trance, Ming Ming Miaomiao, Zhang Shiyang's thoughts actually communicated the mysterious yellow energy, and then countless mysterious yellow energy swarmed into the soul. Zhang Shiyang was very happy at first, but soon he discovered the mysterious yellow energy here. There are countless, they are simply inexhaustible, and there is a feeling of bulging from the soul. Zhang Shiyang feels that the big thing is not good, although the black yellow is not extinguished, but God knows whether this spirit burst by the black yellow gas will be complete. Dissipate.

I feel that I have withdrawn from the cultivation state, but it is still a bit late. Under the influence of the habitual surname, countless black and yellow energy is still pouring into the primordial spirit, and my soul will be scattered again when I see it, but at this time the fate that was ignored by Zhang Shiyang There was a suction from the ball like the vertical eye, and countless excess Xuanhuang Qi was absorbed by it. Zhang Shiyang secretly sighed that his character was good, when a message came from the vertical eye, after Zhang Shiyang watched it, he yelled "Time is also fate". It should be what I should get, and I shall be the master of Xuanhuang.

After the vertical eye absorbed the Xuanhuang Qi, it calculated some conditions here. This place is the Xuanhuang Heaven, the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and the place where the Xuanhuang Qi originated. This place is quite secret, and even the saints would never want to get a glimpse of the origin of Xuanhuang. The reason why Zhang Shiyang was able to come in was that once all the qi of Xuanhuang inside and outside the chaos dispersed outside, it would be absorbed by the source of the mysterious Xuanhuang and into this Xuanhuang secret realm. Zhang Shiyang cultivated the Xuanhuang imperishable, and the original spirit was all Xuanhuang, the remnant soul was mistaken for the Xuanhuang aura scattered in the world, and came to this world under Mingming's call.

And this spring eye is the eye of the origin of all Xuanhuang Qi. That big formation is called the Xuanhuang Origination Great Fortune Array, which can transform all the gases in the heavens into the Xuanhuang Qi, and then a deception technique is passed down. There are seven people. The soul can be combined with the Xuanhuang Great Formation, refining the Great Formation, and mastering the origin of the Xuanhuang Formation from then on.

Zhang Shiyang itself has the indestructible body of Xuanhuang, which is relatively simple to refine, but his realm is not enough, and it is estimated that he can only be roughly refined. Zhang Shiyang didn’t care why this ball was able to perform such tactics. In short, the realm is not high, and it doesn’t make much sense to pursue the tactics. After comprehending for a period of time, the tactics have been understood in his heart, and Zhang Shiyang’s expression changed. The **** split abruptly, and the seven souls split out one by one, and then under the blessing of the Fa Jue, they plunged into the seven spring eyes without any hindrance.

It’s a holiday, brother, I’m going home, I’m uploading it in advance today, because the journey is a bit far, and it’s a few days to make a train, and I can’t afford a network card, so the next update can only be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The inconvenience caused, respectfully Please forgive me, thank you.

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