Proof of Longevity

Chapter 126: Immortal body, immortal soul

It was said that Zhang Shiyang heard a clicking sound in his ears, and then the heavenly law wheel composed of countless laws and the immortal innate aura emitted by the eye-shaped ball integrated into the soul of life, at this time, cracks gradually appeared.

It broke into dozens of petals with a "pop", floating around Zhang Shiyang's body, and then the mighty force of will directly penetrated Mingming, acting on the soul, and before Zhang Shiyang hadn’t reacted, the soul was lost. perception.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Shiyang was still floating in the air at this time, but then everyone felt a huge pressure passing by, and then they saw the Falun around Zhang Shiyang gradually become fragments, and then they saw a "pop" , The Falun was broken into dozens of petals, and then Zhang Shiyang’s entire body had changed, and a black pattern began to appear in his body. Then bursts of glass cracking sounded, and Zhang Shiyang’s body had more and more black patterns. In the end, the black lines spread all over the body, and then with a bang, the whole body exploded into dust and dissipated in the air.

A minister looked stunned, not knowing why, but everyone knows one thing, that is that Zhang Shiyang may have suffered misfortune. Everyone has seen the state of Zhang Shiyang before, and no one thinks that Zhang Shiyang can be spared. Difficult, but no one dared to make any changes.

Everyone knows that Zhang Shiyang’s supernatural powers are vast. Without absolute certainty, no one will easily stand up and shoot a shot. Although there is no gun in this world, these old guys still understand the same principles. At this time, everyone should What we do is to wait. Your Majesty today has no heirs or relatives, but this throne is not inherited. I don’t know what will happen in the future. Moreover, at this time, the division of civil and military affairs, the future situation of the country is hard to say, and there is no current Majesty on it. Suppression, will today's ministers of civil and military affairs cause trouble?

After all, the power is jealous. Who doesn't want to hold the power, and God knows these princes, the frontier generals will not enter the capital under the banner of the Qing prince, and your Majesty has not passed down the art of immortality, why is there an accident at this time? what. At this time, Wen Tianji screamed awful in his heart, and glanced at the dozen or so martial sages. These martial sages were all cultivated by the imperial palace itself, and Wen Tianji winked at them.

However, it is said that these more than a dozen martial sages are also unclear at this time, and don't know what happened. These more than a dozen people have grown up in the palace since they were young. After countless brainwashing, the idea of ​​loyalty to the royal family has long been firmly planted in their minds. , Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong at this time, these ministers looked different, but they didn’t know what to do. After seeing Wen Tianji’s wink, several people were not idiots who could cultivate to the martial sage realm. It was the elves and the super-minded Lord, so a wave of blood and wolf smoke rushed into the sky, and then a dozen people moved quickly, before everyone had reacted, they had already controlled the doors of each place, and then motionless, with a word. Don't send.

Now the minister saw these martial sages acting like this, but they changed their colors. I am afraid that this is to put everyone under house arrest, but the situation is indeed better than that of people. These dozens of martial sages are enough to be worth 100,000 soldiers. Ma, you must know that sometimes the qualitative gap cannot be made up by the quantity. These ministers can calm down. At this time, it is still unclear. What happened to Zhang Shiyang is still unknown. Wait for a while, wait for everyone. Let's talk about the results that have been confirmed in the bottom of my heart, and then there will be excuses for going crazy.

As time passed, the place where Zhang Shiyang exploded into ashes on the altar remained silent. Some of the younger ministers were a little restless at this time, and the skill of nourishing qi was not as powerful as these old foxes who had been in the court all their lives.

Looking at the sun in the sky, the restlessness in the crowd became more and more severe. At this time, the Ministry of Households Shangshu glanced at Wen Tianji: "Master Wen, what is going on with this, Your Majesty?". Wen Tianji had been closing his eyes before, when he heard Hubu Shangshu's words and slowly opened his eyes: "I don't know, Tianwei is unpredictable." One sentence blocked Hubu Shangshu back, but the unpredictable sentence of Tianwei shocked Hubu Shangshu in a cold sweat. Today, your Majesty has vast magical powers. No one knows where his magical powers are. I can't sink so quickly. I was mad, if once the emperor came back, wouldn't it be miserable if he blamed him.

Thinking of this, quickly stepped back and returned to the place to wait. After all, everyone is still afraid of Zhang Shiyang's Yu Wei. Although everyone has concluded in their hearts that Zhang Shiyang is more or less fierce, but no one wants to be the bird of the upper hand.

Jinwu Xiluo, everyone was tired and hungry after standing for a day. They were usually pampered elders. When did they suffer from such a crime, each of them grumbled and their calves trembled. It seemed that they couldn't hold it anymore.

At this time, one of the six patrons, surnamed Wang, stood up: "Everyone, I have two things to say." Seeing everyone shifting their gaze to this place, the old patron said: "Your Majesty is no longer here. Now the Golden Uxi is falling. Everyone has stood for a day, and no drips have entered. It is better for everyone to eat some dessert, fill up your hunger, and then make plans. OK? I don't know what your colleagues think?" After speaking, he turned to look at the other five senior patrons.

At this time, the five patrons saw the patron surnamed Wang stand up and nodded in response. So a group of people were about to go out, but when they were about to approach the door, one of the martial sages stood up and said, "My lords have stopped, your majesty has not made any orders yet. I have sent someone to pass the royal banquet. It is rare for adults to enjoy an additional royal banquet tonight." Seeing this martial sage come out to stop, at this time the ministers with their own goals will go back obediently, one of them stood up: "When did your majesty give such an order, I think you are waiting for you to pretend to be your imperial decree, I waited for a day without dripping, so I didn’t get back quickly and waited for me to let him go.”

But that Martial Saint didn't seem to hear the minister's words, he didn't hear anything, and he still guarded the gate firmly.

Seeing this, a group of ministers stepped forward to reprimand. Even the six senior patrons were a little unbearable at this time, and were about to step forward and forcibly drank several people back. At this time, Wen Tianji, who had been standing still and silent, coughed slightly, and then said: "My lord, don't embarrass a few Venerable Wusheng, it is my order." Hearing this, the officials were taken aback, and then they pointed their fingers at Wen Tianji. There were waves of crusades. At this time, an old pavilion surnamed Liu stood up and said angrily: "Wen Tianji, what do you mean, dare to detain the officials? , Is it because you want to seek rebellion?".

This is a bit interesting. He doesn't answer when he hears the secret, close his eyes and rest his mind, the old **** never comes. Although facing the questioning of the ministers and the angry rebuke, I felt very pressured, but in my heart I understood that the dynasty was rooted shallowly. I am afraid that some of this group of ministers were dissatisfied after his majesty disappeared, especially since there is no prince, no Family, if this is to let them out, if your Majesty does not come back for a long time, then I don't know what accidents will happen. I don't know what this great mountain and river will be tossed by them.

At this time, a group of ministers saw that Wen Tianji was gracious, and they did not listen to them. They looked like old gods no longer. They were so angry that they were all yelling. They stood for a day, and they still hadn’t gotten in. It's an iron man who can't hold it, let alone these pampered officials. At this time, some people simply sit on the ground and can't get up.

Wen Tianji also knew the state of these ministers, and he secretly groaned in his heart, but he could only support it. After everyone was making the whole altar where it was like a vegetable market, there was a beam of dark yellow light appearing on the altar at this time. The speed of light was continuous and magnificent, and a group of people huffed. All of them shut their mouths and stared blankly. A sigh that spread all over the world came out: "The immortal body does not destroy the soul. The ancients and the present, the heavens are inexhaustible and the earth is hard to be buried. Hahaha, my destiny is mine. ".

A group of ministers were shocked when they heard this voice. The owner of this voice didn't have much contact with everyone, but everyone was not afraid of it, especially those people who had a strange heart before. At this time, they were even more uneasy and cursed in their hearts: "I knew that this monster could not die, so why did I lose my heart with lard at the time."

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