Proof of Longevity

Chapter 114: Receiving power in the palm of the world

Although he won, Zhang Shiyang was still expressionless, without surprise and joy, as if he was a wooden person. Every face was like an iceberg that would never melt forever, always the same, looking at a few people.

Zhang Shiyang said lightly: "Your strength is too weak." After hearing this, a few people had the urge to vomit blood and then yell at them. Who is weak? It's not Da Luo Daozu or Quasi-sage, OK, or your strength is too abnormal, OK?

But I can't say this, I can only listen obediently. Zhang Shiyang stared at a few people and continued blankly and said: "For me, you guys have the guts to offend this seat with something like you ants, so this work will definitely set you down, but The general knowledge of the few ants of you is not good enough."

Several people heard that the chicken nodded like a pecking rice. Although this sounded ugly, as long as they could save their lives, they didn’t care. Compared with dignity and surname, which one is more important is free to know, and these people The old guys are all old monsters who have lived for countless years, so what can't be seen. At this time, Zhang Shiyang's topic changed: "However, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes are inevitable, but they still need to be punished. Otherwise, wouldn't it be detrimental to the majesty of this seat."

Then I looked at the people whose faces turned ugly again: "Give you a chance to escape with your greatest strength. I will give you time for an incense stick. After the incense stick, I will take action. If you can't escape by then Don’t blame this seat for being cruel.”

After hearing this, a few people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. To say that there was a time to flee for their lives, all of them were sure to escape their lives under anyone’s hands, and there were still so many people, when the time came. This abnormality must be too late to catch up one by one, and then it will be done by means. If anyone is accidentally caught up by Zhang Shiyang, then he should silently appoint him.

Several people share the same thoughts. Among them, the four quasi-sages have the greatest confidence and look at Zhang Shiyang: "Okay, just do what the predecessor said. If we escape the surname, the cause and effect of the predecessor and us will disappear in the future. If we are caught by the predecessors, then let the predecessors handle it." Zhang Shiyang nodded and waved his hand, and a piece of incense appeared in his hand, then lit it and stuck it on the ground.

When several people saw that Zhang Shiyang had lit the incense, they rushed in all directions one by one, each in a different direction. There must be a fluke in their hearts, and they said: "If this freak goes after others, there will definitely be no time to go. Chasing yourself, you can run away long ago, and never see this freak again, no, no, no, if you run into this freak in the future, you will go far away." While watching the lively group of heroes looking at these powers that are the same as themselves, at this time, they rushed to the distance like a bereaved dog, not knowing whether they should laugh or be sad.

After cultivating for countless years, the dignity is lost at this time, in order to escape, people chased like a bereaved dog, hahaha, what a great irony. Huzu’s smile solidified on his face, and he couldn’t laugh anymore. Looking at the quasi-sages who were like bereavement dogs, I could feel the sadness in their hearts, the kind of running without dignity in order to survive. He didn’t even dare to turn his head back, for fear of wasting a second of time and he would be surpassed by others. You must know that this is the best group of people in this world. But now that? Is this scene so funny? .

What is the purpose of practicing for countless years? Ugh,,,. Everything is to survive. I can't blame them for being so embarrassed. If they think it must be a different place, then I will be the same as them. This is also a kind of sadness, a kind of sadness that belongs to everyone. At this time, these superb characters are quietly waiting for the result, with a serious face. This is a game. If you win, you will be free, and if you lose, you will be at the mercy of others.

Zhang Shiyang stood quietly in the void, without saying a word. He looked at the quasi-sage who was seriously injured in the distance, stretched his right hand forward, spreading a huge amount of mana, and sucked the quasi-sage in front of him. , And then stand silently.

Looking at the quasi-sage who was unconscious, all shuddered secretly. That was the quasi-sage, that was not a chicken. Zhang Shiyang stared at the stick of incense quietly, watching it burn little by little, as if there was nothing more important than looking at the incense, and he was reluctant to remove it.

The group of heroes was also infected by Zhang Shiyang’s aura, and one by one, they focused on the incense stick, staring at it, burning it out little by little. The incense sticks determined a group of strong men who dominated the world and became the ancestors. Destiny, the world is impermanent, the man who was still awe-inspiring at the moment, has changed his destiny at this moment, and has become the dog of the mourning family. It has to be a different kind of sigh.

In the time that I usually feel is very slow, it is so fast at this time, and people can't wait for the ability to change time. But no matter how you sigh, no matter how you practice fantasy, time will still fly like that, and will not be shifted by personal will, unless you have the same law of heaven as Zhang Shiyang or you have become the master of time, but it is a pity, this kind of Zhang Shiyang's power against the sky hasn't been heard before and in this life, who can master it.

Watching this stick of incense burn out a little bit until the last trace was burnt to ashes, Zhang Shiyang said faintly: "Time is up." Although the voice was not loud, all the heroes present could hear clearly, and all of them trembled.

Zhang Shiyang naturally did not care about the expressions of the surrounding heroes. With his left hand stretched forward, a miniature dimensional space gradually formed, the dimensional space gradually evolved, and then became a small thousand world, and then inexplicably attracted to spread all over the nine heavens and ten places, but The power of this small thousand world is obviously not enough to absorb the group of Da Luo Daozu and even the quasi-sages.

The Little Thousand World is evolving rapidly, and the suction power is also being strengthened a little bit. Soon this little Thousand World has actually evolved into a Middle Thousand World, and a huge force of restraint envelops the quasi-sages who have flown millions of miles. Da Luo Daozu slowed down his flight speed. At this time, these Da Luo Daozu and the quasi-sage obviously felt that something was wrong, and all of them exhausted their cards, desperately overcoming the suction force, and flew farther, but obviously Their efforts are destined to be useless. The world in Zhang Shiyang's palm has evolved to the great world. Within a few breaths, a simple great world was formed, and then this suction force suddenly strengthened. With the improvement of the world, the strength The weaker Da Luo Dao ancestors were all rolled back by this suction force, and then they became countless times smaller and fell into the world in the palm of Zhang Shiyang's slaughter.

However, this great world is obviously not enough for the other quasi-sage. Zhang Shiyang once again urged the world in his palm, and soon an initial primitive quasi-preliminary world was formed. Said to be a quasi-preliminary world, it is actually only tens of thousands of times larger than the ordinary world. The vast world of China is far from reaching the level of a quasi-primordial world.

However, with this tens of thousands of times bigger world, it can already deal with the power of the quasi-sage realm. Amidst the exclamations of several quasi-sages, the suction suddenly strengthened, and all of them were rolled back. Seeing that the world in Zhang Shiyang's palm was getting closer and closer, one by one suddenly burst out unwilling exclaims. Under the eyes of you Da Neng, they were inhaled into the world in the palm, none of them leaked.

All the great powers outside looked stunned. This is simply too powerful. The quasi-sages who have been impacted already don’t know what to say. Is this the realm that a monk can reach? ? , Is this also the power that monks can have? , Everyone is full of fighting spirit at this time.

"I will have this kind of power in the future." The monks screamed in their hearts, but this is obviously unrealistic. One of the reasons why Zhang Shiyang has such power at this time is because he was brought into by the Law Wheel of Heaven at this time. The realm of Hedao, this is the realm reached by the ancestor Hongjun, the predecessor of the predecessor, which is one level higher than that of the saint. Secondly, this is Zhang Shiyang's world, so he can easily join the Dao under the leadership of the Law Wheel of Heavenly Dao. The third is the strange eye on the life soul, which is the main reason. Just the first two are enough to keep them out of the door.

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