Proof of Longevity

Chapter 113: Take a shot

Let’s say that after Zhang Shiyang’s Zhuxian Sword Formation was practiced, he couldn’t help chanting that song formula. As soon as this poem came out, a wave of murderous intent immediately enveloped the nine heavens and ten places, inside and outside the Three Realms, and in the endless chaos, even the world has a touch of faintness. The blood red color, but fortunately, the murderous intent comes quickly, and the retreat is also fast, and the murderous intent retreats after the song formula is read.

Not to mention the great abilities of the outside world, let’s just talk about the great abilities of this place. Everyone is covered with hairs and hairs. An inexplicable murderous intent comes from the void, and every one of them has a kind of imminent. The feeling of being completely erased by a terrible thing, Zhang Shiyang's song formula was finished, the murderous intent disappeared, and then he was relieved, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, Zhang Shiyang walked up, wearing white clothes to win the snow, and three thousand jade-like hair fluttering in the wind behind his head, as if it contained endless mystery, and the evil spirits of his body rose up into the sky, but he was like the **** of slaughter. However, those clear eyes, like a baby, did not have a trace of emotional fluctuations, with this feeling of contempt for the common people and seeing sentient beings like ants. It was an unattainable arrogance, and it was a feeling that the heavens ruled. .

Although seeing Zhang Shiyang's state at this time is a bit terrifying, the previous ancestor Baiyun, ancestor burning fire had already boasted in the sea in front of the heroes. However, the two of them felt Zhang Shiyang’s aura that all beings are like ants, and they have already felt jealous. At this time, they really feel like riding a tiger, but they have to express themselves when they are jealous. The reputations of the two were completely ruined, and never want to raise their heads again in the future.

At this time, the ancestor Baiyun stepped forward and bit his head and said: "Friends are polite, poor Dao Baiyun, known as the ancestor of Baiyun, has met fellow daoists." Zhang Shiyang glanced at him indifferently, did not speak, still standing on his own. The ancestor Baiyun flushed and embarrassed when he saw Zhang Shiyang's expression like this, but he didn't expect Zhang Shiyang to be so arrogant. He actually ignored him, the master of the dominating party, and froze in a moment. After all, he had never met him before. In this situation, with the cultivation base of the ancestor Baiyun, where is it not being respectfully confessed by others? Have you ever encountered such a situation? At this time, the ancestor of the fire standing aside found his fellow comrades in an embarrassing situation and had to step forward to clear the siege: "Friend Baiyun, this fellow Daoist is not very friendly to us, let's not talk nonsense, let's just talk about it."

Seeing that there were steps, Patriarch Baiyun quickly took over the words of Patriarch Blazing: "Exactly, exactly, as it should be." With that said, he took a greedily look at Zhang Shiyang. Before seeing the power of the treasure, the ancestor Baiyun and the ancestor of the burning fire both had their own thoughts. Although Zhang Shiyang’s aura and state are a bit weird, everyone can’t see through. , But the ancestor Baiyun and the ancestor of the burning fire do not believe that the two quasi-sages can't get a Zhang Shiyang together with more than a dozen Da Luo Jinxians.

The two are ready to intimidate and occupy the righteousness. They are not afraid that others will help Zhang Shiyang. If Zhang Shiyang can hand over the treasure obediently, then at most he will be injured and sent to reincarnation. If Zhang Shiyang is ignorant, then he can only kill and win the treasure and make his soul fly away. Up. While speaking, the two led a large group of Da Luo Jinxian in a faint formation, surrounding Zhang Shiyang in the center.

At this time, the ancestor of the fire smiled and said: "When the treasure was born, there was a murderous intent all over the week, and when this treasure was refined, it also accumulated so much innate evil aura. I am afraid it is a kind of evil treasure. This treasure is too murderous. Strong, it hurts the heavens and peace, fellow Taoists still hand over the treasure, and we destroy it in front of everyone. Isn’t this a great blessing for the great famine?".

Baiyun Taoist ancestor on the side echoed: "It is precisely this truth, this is a very good remark, and the Taoist friend should hand it over." The ancestor of the silkworm saw Zhang Shiyang coming out from below. Although his aura and image were a little weird, he respectfully saluted: "Senior, are your treasures refined?". Then he turned around and looked at Ancestor Baiyun and Ancestor Blazing: "You are shameless and want to grab someone's treasure. You are still a great power in vain." Turning around and looking at Zhang Shiyang: "My lord, leave this to me."

Zhang Shiyang glanced at Canzu faintly, without the slightest feeling of emotion in his eyes: "Retreat." The voice did not fluctuate at all, but there was an inexplicable majesty, and the silkworm ancestor subconsciously withdrew. Looking faintly at the ancestor Baiyun, the ancestor of the fire, Zhang Shiyang slowly spoke, but this time he spoke to everyone: "Who else?"

Nothing else, just one sentence who has already displayed his arrogance and domineering vividly, and there are also a few Da Luo and Zhun Shengqi besides Zhang Shiyang's contempt and unreasonableness, and they stand up and jointly surround Zhang Shiyang. Looking around, Zhang Shiyang said faintly: "It's gone?"

Then he turned to look at the quasi-sages and Da Luo Daozu who surrounded him: "Just a few of you, five quasi-sages, and eighteen Da Luo Jinxians." This sentence almost made the noses of several people crooked. These people are not enough to deal with you. One of them, Da Luo Jinxian, is furious: "Vertical arrogance." Zhang Shiyang ignored him: "I only use one ten-thousandth of my strength, otherwise it will seem to be bullying you." This sentence made the crowd happy. This guy is really arrogant and arrogant. In the face of this lineup, I am afraid that no one in the entire prehistoric world dares to say such a thing. Even the tiger ancestor on one side laughed out loud and looked at Can Zu: "Cang Zu, this predecessor you said is really...". Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a stern look in Canzu's eyes: "Don't talk more, you will lose if you talk too much."

Not to mention the small movements of Canzu and Tiger Zu, here Zhang Shiyang looked at the quasi-sages and Da Luo: "Since you don't make a move, then I will make a move." After that, his left hand became crystal clear as jade, with an inexplicable mysterious force pressing towards one of the quasi-sages.

The quasi-sages and Daluo Daozu here are all depressed, how can they be like this? I don’t play cards according to common sense, and I will shoot directly before the scene is finished. But since the opponent has already shot, then I will wait for someone else. You can't just sit back and wait for death. If you want to say something about it, let's just take action.

The quasi-sage saw this crystal-like jade palm and wanted to push it horizontally by himself, and a fatal feeling of heart palpitations came, and he did not dare to neglect the power of ten percent to meet it. The two collided gently, without shaking the earth, as if it were When the breeze blew, the quasi-sage flew out, smashed through countless wild mountains, penetrated through the space, and finally embedded in the mountains thousands of miles outside, vomiting blood, even the primordial spirit appeared dense cracks, I am afraid It was a very serious injury, and the mana could not be used, and if the injury did not have dozens of Huiyuan, there would be no way to heal it. Zhang Shiyang did not intend to extinct these quasi-sages. After all, this is the high-end combat power of his world. The higher the power of his world, the faster his world will evolve.

Seeing Daluo and Quasi-Sage who were dumbfounded in front of him, Zhang Shiyang still had that calm tone: "Oh, it's too weak, I can't even bear one ten thousandth of my strength."

Hu Zu, who was chatting with Can Zu and discussing the battlefield situation on the side, unexpectedly burst into a **** at this time: "Damn, that quasi saint is made of paper. It's too shameful. Why didn't you find a piece of tofu and hit him to death? One ten-thousandth of the strength cannot be withstood." Canzu glared at Tiger Ancestor: "It's not that the quasi-sage is too weak, but the adults are too strong. This is not a grade at all."

Don't talk about Tiger Ancestor at this time, that is, the four quasi-sages and Daluo Daozu are all frightened. They are quasi-sages, and they are flying with such a light palm, and the quasi-sages did not get up and fly at this time. When I got up, I didn't know my life or death, and the worst was a serious injury.

At this time, everyone didn't even have the courage to take action. It was very cruel and violent. The scene stopped for a while, and the scene was cold. A breeze blew, and at this time, whether it was the four quasi-sages and Da Luo who were facing Zhang Shiyang, as well as the quasi-sage Taoist ancestors who were in the field battle, they were all silent, afraid to move at all, for fear of attracting Zhang Shiyang's gaze.

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