Chapter 423 : Mental training, double grouping

Time always flies quickly when people don’t know it.

The lunch break time passed quickly. The junior high school students consciously stood up on the 16th court without landing, waiting for the release of the training menu they were going to complete this afternoon.

When they assembled, contrary to the expectations of most junior high school students, someone they thought would never appear again, with a calm expression standing in the Rikkai team.

“Nioh actually wants to train with us! Isn’t he the number one court?”

“Yeah, he followed the high school students in the morning! Why are you back now?”

“The amount of training at Court No. 1 is different from ours, isn’t it because he wants to relax a little bit?”

“Impossible, the coach is so strict, I would never allow it!”

A series of questions and exclamations.

As if he hadn’t heard these discussions, Nioh continued to communicate with Yukimura calmly and quietly.

Sanada and Kirihaya next to them finally returned to their normal emotions at this time, but they still feel a little uncomfortable (who wants to live in a cave and eat so badly!) The two of them are a little awkward and still can’t do it. Communicate with Yukimura and Nioh normally.

However, Nioh was chatting with Yukimura seriously, regardless of the emotional problems of the remaining two teammates.

The emotional problems of the players, this should be the coach needs to solve, right?

If it doesn’t help, it should be the leader who talks to them!

Nioh thought he was just an ordinary tennis player with no duties and no obligations, so he simply let go of the emotional problems of the two teammates.

In the monitoring room, Coach Kurobe was cold.

“Rikkai should already know the specific content of your “mental training,” Saito. ”

“But does it have anything to do with my future work?”

Saitō Itaru asked back.

Based on their knowledge of Rikkai Taisho Election, these Rikkai players do not need to “strengthen their spirit”. Didn’t you see that the head coach San Mifūne Nyudō, who had always been in the back mountain before, gave instructions personally to let the school bus of Rikkai University deceive it in an attempt to turn the entire Rikkai team directly up the mountain?

“I am looking forward to their next game, it will be very exciting.

Saito said with a low smile.

He knew the candidates for the “winner group” and “loser group” by looking at the expressions of the four teenagers on the screen.

“Leave Nioh Masaharu and Seiichi Yukimura, who don’t need to be strengthened but only need to accumulate slowly, and let Genichiro Sanada and Kirihara Akaya, who may be able to break through in a different environment, leave. The teenagers of Rikkai have an idea. Woolen cloth.”

Saito exclaimed.

“Maybe it’s because Rikkai doesn’t have a coach. I heard that their tennis club is choosing people to compile their own training menus.”

Takuchi also came to talk and added in a chatting tone.

“Data Sergeant, Liu Lian, Rikkai’s internal staff member”

“He has some connections with Mitsuya from the First Army.”

Kurobe followed the topic and talked about Liu who was already in Houshan.

“That’s really great. The close relationship between the players can always help our team quickly complete the integration.”

Coach Saito said softly.

The U17 Youth World Cup is a team competition. Although the individual strength is strong, it can only win one person’s victory. The overall strength of the team is very important in this situation, and the players’ previous harmony and understanding will also increase the winning rate.

“The assembly is over, I want to start work.

The long-awaited coach Saito stepped forward with his long legs, under the helpless eyes of his colleagues Kurobe Yukio and Takushoku Ryuji who were too late to stop the “this is the case”–


It’s on the door frame again

“Really, the U17 door is too unfriendly to tall people.”

Rubbing his forehead, Coach Saito, 21.6, appeared in front of the assembled middle school students.

“Wow, so tall!”

Coach Saito drew an exclamation as soon as he came out.

Teenagers who play tennis rarely see such a tall person in the tennis courts.

After all, according to common sense, tall people are basketball enthusiasts. Although the coach is no better than the end, but

“Is this coach really a basketball coach?”

“I hit the door frame when I came out, it seemed very unreliable.”

Someone couldn’t help but began to complain.

Their volume couldn’t be lowered, so Coach Saito smiled more gently and kindly.

“Hello everyone, I am Saitō Itaru, the spiritual coach of U17 training camp!”

“I will be responsible for your training tasks this afternoon. Spirit is also very important in tennis, so next, let me strengthen your spiritual level!

“I believe you who are so outstanding will be even more outstanding after “mental training”!

Saito coach said.

After experiencing “mental training”, the players definitely felt their own strength progress in the U17 training camp.

Saitō Itaru’s expression was thoughtful and gentle, he didn’t lie.

After all, all the players who did not resist the pressure of “mental training” finally left here! Even if they went to the back mountains, those who did not cheer up did not get the head coach’s permission to return!

“Now, the content of the training is actually very simple.”

“Everyone, please make a free combination of two people first to deal with the next small game.”

Feeling excited, confident, and a few clear sights from the middle school students, Coach Saito said softly.

Originally, although his height and the white coat that looked like a medical staff were very oppressive at first, Saito deliberately suppressed his momentum and softened his voice and the rough voice of the morning Takuchi coach. In contrast, Coach Saito has perfectly established a “gentle and good-tempered coach image” in the hearts of most middle school students at this time.

“A doubles game?”

“Awesome! With doubles, the winning rate is even greater.”

“Let’s go together!”

The unknowing middle school students fell into a trap.

Kirihaya wiped his fist with his right hand, and concealedly placed it on the corner of his mouth and coughed twice.

The second grader of Rikkai University has a deep understanding of what is meant by “a gentle person has a black heart.”

But seeing so many people doing something stupid in Kirihaya’s eyes, who knew the truth, Kirihaya’s mood improved.

Especially when he saw his two roommates form a duo with their respective ministers, Kirihaya, who was standing next to his minister, felt even better at this time.


#By the way, second-year students of the third school, are you ready to receive new roommates from Shitenhouji#

#同苦难, show your true feelings! To meet new roommates, let’s start by living in a cave together with “together with adversity”#

And when other people or with a certain degree of confidence found their favorite partner or hurriedly swayed and prepared to try their luck and look at the face to grab a partner, Sanada, who was mentally prepared, had already begun to burn–

“Come on! Nioh!”

Vice Minister Rikkai’s voice was full of anger, which made the junior high school students look at him.


When was the relationship between Sanada and Nioh so good?

The eyes of the junior high school students of the other school who knew the internal situation of Rikkai University drifted over.

“It’s for Yukimura and Kirihaya to form a combination!”

This is most people’s guess.

Then they subconsciously glanced at the two ministers of Hyotei, Seigaku, and the second-year successor standing next to them. Everyone suddenly realized that they happily accepted their own explanation.

And Atobe and Shoujia are not immune. They think Yukimura should have the same idea as them-use this doubles game to teach younger generations!

As for Nioh and Sanada

“One of them is the player of the No. 1 court, and the other is the deputy minister of King Rikkai. This combination must be no problem!”

Someone analyzed it.

“Nioh Masaharu is said to have an incredible talent for doubles! Maybe they will suddenly be in the same tune when they hit the doubles. It’s not impossible!”

But more people are heartbroken.

Rikkai’s doubles talent is really unscientific, who has seen a player who can seem to tune so many people at will?

These two combinations of Rikkai seem to be very strong, I really don’t want to meet them!

Let Minister Hyotei and Minister Seigaku do this kind of thing!

Some middle school students who have formed a combination that thinks they want doubles are constantly slandering.

The Minister of Hyotei seemed to have heard the voices of those junior high school students. He tapped his forehead gracefully with his finger and looked in the direction of Rikkai.

“Ah, I don’t know which group of Rikkai older I will meet.”

Atobe raised his head and said openly and arrogantly.

Hiyoshi Wakashi next to him appeared to be somewhat restrained from his minister, but the warlike eyes that looked directly at Kirihara Akaya, who was standing next to Yukimura, had already indicated the thoughts of this Hyotei’s future successor.

………For flowers…

“Haitang, be prepared, don’t carelessly go on the ground!”

“Victory belongs to Seigaku!”

Since the end of the national competition, Kunimitsu’s aura has been constantly changing.

His introverted character for a long time reveals his inner sharpness like it has been washed out.

Looking at the direction of Rikkai as well, Shoujia is looking forward to any combination of Rikkai.

Seiichi Yukimura has always been the opponent he wants to meet.

In any case, Sanada Genichiro and Kirihara Akaya have defeated him.

And now as we all know, Nioh Masaharu’s strength is unfathomable

It’s been a long time since I feel that Shoujia hasn’t realized this kind of relaxed mood that he doesn’t want to do except tennis for a long time.

“It’s a pity that Cai Qian is not here.

Shiraishi said with a sigh.

Then the minister of Shitenhouji looked at his partner with some obvious and deliberate disgust in his eyes.

“Shiraishi, do you regret that you replaced me in the semifinals?”

“Hmph, if you don’t change people, maybe your partner is Caiqian now!”

Oshitari Ken also snorted coldly.

“Hey, does Qian also have an opinion on me?”

Chitose, who wanted to retire but was pulled back by his teammates from the entire tennis club, squinted and said.

“Seniors should get along well!”

“Don’t lose the doubles game directly! I still want to fight Shiraishi!”


As Kintarou Tooyama said, he turned somersault in the air beside Chitose.

Toyama, who was excited as soon as he heard the game, looked forward to the next coach’s arrangement.

And Momoshiro Takeshi, who was injured in the doubles match in the morning because of his injury, may drag his teammates back.

He was caught by the excited Sengoku Kiyosumi.

“lucky! ”

“Aren has gone to team up with Hecun, let’s get together!’

“Lucky Thousand Stones” was indeed the one who was favored by the goddess of luck.

No one knew that when their mental coach who was standing on a high platform smiling and watching them choose their partner uttered the next sentence, many people would wait to grab the ground and want to change a partner with Sengoku on the spot.

“Everyone is in high spirits, Akaya, we have to cheer for the next game.”

Under the eyes of everyone, Yukimura said nonchalantly.

This was like saying that an agent was monitoring a cipher, and one sentence just automatically formed two meanings in different people’s ears.

Yukimura smiled and looked at Kirihaya with a sense of encouragement from the senior to the younger. He appeared to be ignorant of the trap of “mental training”, just like a good minister preparing to bring his juniors to play doubles.

“I will work hard, Minister!”

Keeping a solemn expression, Kirihaya, who said these words, was bleeding in his heart.

“Sanada, don’t relax?”

Nioh deliberately used a question.

“Don’t release water deliberately!”

Sanada was choked for a while, and then insisted.

They also acted as if they were about to face another set of opponents.

Not far away, it’s actually on the middle floor of the tall building opposite Court No. 16. I found a rooftop and watched the actions of middle school students with Oni and Tokugawa. After seeing this scene, Irie praised the “performance” of the Rikkai players.

“Really talented junior.”

Irie seemed to praise the tennis of Rikkai Taisho Election.

However, his roommate did not comment on this–

“A boring game.”

Tokugawa said coldly.

He has always been serious about tennis training. After training with some people this morning, he wants to make up for it in the afternoon.

“How about warming up with me?”

The ghost said immediately.

The two tennis training enthusiasts reached an agreement and left their roommates who love to watch the lively breeze and left straight away.

“It’s really two guys who are’incomprehensible’!”

Irie looked at the back of the two with a smile, and then turned his attention to the direction of the two groups of Rikkai.

“However, I should also act.

He spoke softly.

“You must do what you promised Shuji, I’m a person who believes in my words!”

In a cheerful tone, Irie said, turning and leaving from the other direction.

PS: This is timing soil.

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