Chapter 422 : Lunch break in the 205 dormitory

After lunch at noon, Hiyoshi of Hyotei and Kaido of Seigaku arrived at the gate of the 205 dormitory almost at the same time.

When they met at the door of the dormitory, they each glared at each other, and then glared at their dormitory door without speaking.

“Are you going in first?”

The scene was a bit cold, and Hiyoshi’s words broke the somewhat embarrassing cold situation where the two met at the door of the dormitory.

“You go first.”

Haitang didn’t even hesitate, so he gave way.

Then the scene was deadlocked again.

Hyotei’s second-year student and Seigaku’s second-year student stared at the door of their dormitory, and no one wanted to open the door.

Both of them knew what they would face after pushing the door.

The guy Kirihara Akaya will laugh at them loudly!

Whoever pushed the door first gave him a chance to laugh at!

In fact, if it is something else, Hiyoshi and Kaido are not afraid to choke with Kirihaya.

But this morning, the feeling of powerlessness from the heart

Already hammered.

They really lost.

Middle school students, and second-year middle school students, all have a lot of face! Especially facing people of the same age!

It’s not that Hiyoshi and Kaido can’t afford to lose, they are just feeling awkward for a while.

Juvenile character, but so.

However, they can’t just stand outside the door of the 205 dormitory, standing in the corridor aisle.

There are always people’s eyes that make them look down-

Even though Shoujia, Fuji, and Atobe have completed their training tasks earlier than them, and are now taking a lunch break in the dormitory, but in whose school 043, there are not many seniors or teammates at the same level who eat slowly or move slowly for various reasons?

Momoshiro Takeshi of 203 dormitory passed by the door of dormitory 205 with a depressed look. Although he did not quarrel with Kaidoh due to his injuries and fatigue after training, Kaidoh Kaoru also gave Kaidoh Kaoru a look of contempt.

Seigaku’s second-year student was about to blow up immediately.

Fortunately, at this time, another wounded number helped someone who was exhausted and nearly half-life passing by, and the atmosphere was alleviated.

“Oh, is Xiao Ruo standing guard at the door?”

Hyotei third-year student Oshitari Yuushi, with a bandage on half of his face, dragged his tired and weak doubles partner, passing by.

Mukahi Gakuto’s 204 dormitory is just across from 205.

Only his face was hurt but his body was okay, and his physical strength was good. Oshitari had a companion and lovingly helped his stamina partner Xiangri after completing the training task and eating lunch to the restaurant and then back to the dormitory.

Oshitari, who is just “good day”, did not expect that their Hyotei’s always reserved and indifferent junior would give him such a big “surprise”. This made his desire to vomit soaring.

“Xiao Ruo is too tired to open the door? Would you like Senior to open the door for you?”

After sending Xiangri back to the dormitory, Oshitari smiled and made a very considerate look.

Hiyoshi’s face became cold in an instant.

“Oshitari-senpai should go to the infirmary first to check if there is any problem with his injury. If the picture is broken, it would be really embarrassing.

Wasn’t my face smashed by the tennis ball you gave Kirihaya?

This is really full of malicious complaints.

Oshitari didn’t expect Hiyoshi to still have the potential to complain!

The future of their Hyotei really has infinite potential!

Oshitari Yuushi exclaimed in his heart for his junior while being blocked.

“Then seniors won’t delay your rest, you’d better open the door quickly.”

Very pleased, Oshitari exhorted.

“I think your roommate Kirihaya-kun has been waiting for a long time.”

Before he left, he added another sentence kindly.

The two second-graders standing in front of the door immediately became depressed. They watched the back of Hyotei’s genius leaving, were silent for a while, and then suddenly spoke together–

“Open the door together!”

“Let’s open the door together!”

Reach an agreement.

Converging their emotional expressions, Hiyoshi and Kaitang pushed open the door of the 205 dormitory together.

However, it was not Kirihara Akaya’s ostentatious voice that greeted them, but an extremely depressed silence.

Hiyoshi Wakashi and Kaidoh Kaoru looked at their roommate from Rikkai University with a look of impenetrable expression, and then looked at each other again. The second-year students with their faces are thinking about something else.


Hiyoshi frowned and shouted.

No response.

“Kirihara Akaya!”

Kaidoh Kaoru shouted fiercely.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Still with the expression of unlovable birth, Kirihaya is like kelp with excessive water evaporated, and the whole (bhcj) person is in a state of withered ginger.

After all, they were roommates who were in distress. Hiyoshi and Kaido looked at each other and decided to ask for their understanding.

“what happened to you?”

Hyotei’s second-year student asked first.

Kirihaya didn’t answer dullly.

“Hiss–what the hell happened!”

Haitang is actually a very careful person, he pretended to be ferocious.

However, even though it was pretending to be fierce, Kirihara Akaya still hung his head and muffled.

The second-year student of Rikkai University was full of despair at this time, and he could no longer choke with his roommate.

Kirihaya is now able to insist on not speaking out his own voice at the limit. He really can’t pretend to be calm and peaceful in front of the bad news that he has just learned before.

“You are so annoying! It’s lunch break now!”

Kirihaya yelled when he felt the two gazes seemingly cold but with care and concern.

“Hey, tell you one-”

“It’s best to take advantage of this to sleep a little longer, after that, there will be no such good treatment!”

After yelling those two words before, Kirihaya slightly relieved the depression in his heart.

He remembered the friendship with the two students at the same level in the foreign school again, so he reminded him dryly.

Hiyoshi and Kaido were very annoyed when they heard the first two sentences of Kirihaya, but when Kirihaya’s last two sentences came out, both of them realized that their roommate definitely got some secret news.

Could something big happen next?

Looking at Kirihaya’s low mood, it won’t be a good thing to think about it!

“Kirihaya, you one-”

Hiyoshi just wanted to ask more, but found that his Rikkai roommate was already lying on the bed and making a sleeping appearance.

He closed his mouth helplessly, and the question was interrupted.

Hiyoshi’s heart seemed to have thousands of feathers fluttering gently, and his heart itched extremely.

However, he is not an unreasonable person who does not know good or bad. Kirihaya is kind enough to tell them that there is a “big event”.

Hiyoshi himself can think of it without asking, that this news should have been told to his roommate by the seniors of Kirihaya Rikkai. There is a great possibility that Kirihaya’s news comes from the number one court player who has not revealed his identity until the morning.

So, with a solemn expression, Hiyoshi solemnly closed his eyes on his bed under Kaidoh Kaoru’s gaze, and took a nap.

And the second-year Seigaku who witnessed all this hesitated.

In fact, the soft-hearted Haitang is not the kind of person who only cares about himself and ignores others.

A teenager at this age has unique blood and justice.

Maybe Kirihaya can get the answer by asking Kirihaya, but will such an answer be what he deserves?

Even if something bad is about to happen, will Kaidoh Kaoru be afraid?

The vision of the hand is very good, and the heir of Seigaku has his own perseverance and pride.

He faintly warned Kirihaya, who was already quickly asleep, and then took a lunch break by himself.

205 dormitory was immersed in sleep. Perhaps it was because of their trust and fearlessness. Unexpectedly, each of them slept soundly and peacefully.

PS: Regular release,

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