Chapter 334 : Determine the opponent and leave directly

“Smart choice.”

When Marui looked at Yanagi with a smile, he heard the voice of his doubles-loving teammate.

“This is not a game they can participate in.”

Nioh said leisurely, getting several surprised glances.

The result of this game did not exceed the expectations of him and the group of people sitting next to him.

In terms of singles, who is stronger than Chitose and Shoujia?

Just look at the eyes of Kunimitsu, who is staring at him. Shoujia, he is a benchmark in the Kanto region!

“Shoujia, he already understood the two realms before he was promoted to the middle of the country!”

It was just sealed before.

Sanada can’t understand the strength of Kunimitsu.

“After defeating this uncle’s hand, how could it be defeated by others!”

Atobe thought so, so he said it directly.

In the previous promotion match, singles was the Atobe player. But this time the two-part battle, the result was exactly the opposite of the previous one.

“Puff, the opponent in the final can be determined, it is Seigaku.”

Nioh’s lips curled up.

[I really look forward to it. 】

17 He glanced at the figure with the black hat sitting in the front row, and lowered his head to hide the anticipation in his eyes.

Yukimura was hospitalized early, so before Mōri Juzaburō served as singles one, a series of changes followed.

Atobe’s strength has been further improved due to gross profit, which has little effect on Rikkai.

But the butterfly flapped its wings, and the storm caused by it was not just this!

The improvement of hand Kunimitsu’s strength was completely beyond Nioh’s expectations. Now that he has gotten rid of the burden of the injury early, the hand family not only participated in the Kanto Youth election and Yukimura formed doubles, but also looked better than before!

Nioh wouldn’t be naive to think that Kirihaya had beaten Shoujia in the Kwantung Youth Election. At that time, it was actually a period of decline in the strength of the hands.

If you want to jump better, you must step back one step at a time.

How strong are the players who have gotten rid of the burden of the injury and have sufficient strength during the recovery period?

“Chitose still can’t try the strength of Kunimitsu, baseline, Kanichiro, leave it to you.”

Yukimura looked at the familiar white light on the hands of the court and said.

The limit of thousands of tempers, and the limit of talent, it seems that it is indeed completely restored!

“I will not relax!

Sanada looked at the hand, the battle intent in his eyes was burning.

Sanada has improved a lot during his three years at Rikkai. Yukimura trusts his Deputy Minister very much. Although he can still defeat Sanada, Yukimura has never underestimated Sanada’s strength.

The strength of the hand family is even better, and Sanada is not without improvement! It’s just that no one has ever forced Sanada to show his strength before.

“6:1, Seigaku’s hand, dry win!”

“It seems that I have always restricted myself. The world of tennis is really big!”

Chitose lost the game, but his eyes brightened.

“A lot of advice.

The player won the game and got his wish to lead Seigaku to the final of the national competition. For a while, his heart was not as calm as before. But showing off in front of the opponent who lost the game has never been Tezuka’s character.

Not knowing what to say, Shoujia simply said this sentence formulaically.

“Yeah, I might as well just leave the team and make it like this…”

Chitose murmured as he shook hands with his hand.

“Senior, you might as well leave the team early!”

Cai Qian looked disgusted, and his tone was more lamentable.

“But we can’t win a game depending on your words!”

Oshitari Ken also pierced the heart of his second-year junior.

Cai Qian was a bit unwilling to try to get involved in the game before, but he simply couldn’t get involved. That game is no longer for ordinary players!

“Sure enough, the winner is Shitenhouji? Good data!”

Inui Sadaharu was not at all frustrated that he couldn’t get involved in the game. He excitedly took out his notebook and started to record something.

“Eh eh, what about me! Let’s have a match ahead of time!”

“Don’t go!”

After the two teams saluted, supposedly they should exit smoothly. Nioh confirmed that their opponents in the finals are also ready to leave. But Shitenhouji’s Kintarou Tooyama started to make noise.

“Kintaro, I’m sorry, wait for next year!”

Bandaged Ishida Gin apologized.

“Xiaojin, that, how about I treat you to takoyaki?”

Chitose who lost the game tried to coax him with food.

“I don’t want it! I want to play with Chao Qian!”

Kintarou Tooyama was angrily.

His predecessors had promised before that they would definitely let Echizen Ryoma fight him!

“Xiaojin! The game is over!”

Shiraishi’s eyes darkened, and he lowered his eyes and said.

Shitenhouji was still defeated after all, not even singles

“No! I want to fight him, Shiraishi!”

“One ball is good!”

The atmosphere was a bit stiff for an instant, until a man dressed up as a race car driver arrived.

“Classmate Echizen, let’s compete with him! Xiaojin ran all the way from Mount Fuji to compete with you!”

“Hey, brother!

At the Seigaku player’s seat, Horio widened his eyes.

In fact, Echizen Ryoma didn’t want to play against Kintarou Tooyama, but he was worried about the finals of the national competition before. In order to ensure his strength, even Echizen had to temporarily stop fighting.

But at this time, he and his predecessors looked at each other–

“Well, then, a matchup is over.


Yuanshan jumped up excitedly and turned somersault.


“Chitose, wait, don’t go! You still owe me takoyaki!”

Taking out the racquet from his tennis backpack, Kintaro deliberately said to Chitose before starting the matchup.

Chitose Senri was taken aback for a moment.

[What the hell did I say just to coax him! Oops, in this case, it seems that I don’t have the money to buy a ticket back to Osaka.)

“Shiraishi, I am still a member of Shitenhouji, am I? You are responsible for the return ticket!

Chitose swishes his head and grabs Shiraishi Kuranosuke, his eyes are extremely sincere.

“Not retiring?”

Shiraishi lowered 993’s eyes.

“When did I withdraw from the department! I didn’t hand in your application for withdrawal at all!”

Anyway, my withdrawal application has been thrown by coach Watanabe, and there is no proof!

Chitose spoke nonsense to Shiraishi with a face of justice.

“Unexpectedly, Chitose, you have become like this now

The minister who Fudomine came to watch the game sighed and resisted his attempt to cover his face.

The younger sister, Ju Xing, who followed him, covered her face, because if she remembered correctly, Chitose had said in front of everyone that he had submitted the application for withdrawal!

“It’s not gorgeous, I can barely take a look at this one-ball matchup!”

Atobe stopped going to leave the field, stood still and prepared to watch the first-year contest between Seigaku and Shitenhouji.

“Then we will go one step ahead of Rikkai.”

Yukimura was the opposite of him.

The fluttering Rikkai Taisho Election Jacket rubbed the corner of Atobe

“Rikkai is big, you are so arrogant!”

“I just left!”

“Hey, don’t you finish it?!”

The Seigaku picks watched their last and strongest opponent leave without hesitation.

Echizen Ryoma burst out in a moment, and squeezed the racquet tightly.

PS, (timing on August 6th)

Echizen: I’m so angry, I left without watching me play!

Xiaojin: I still don’t know how powerful Minister Rikkai is, but Daxian Fox is really powerful. How about I run Rikkai a few more times to find them?!.

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