Chapter 333 : Chitose’s mind, forcibly singles

Rikkai and Hyotei who were watching the game almost looked back at Nioh who said this.

Is he sure he is right? Shitenhouji will lose, how is this possible?!

Kirihara Akaya couldn’t help but waved his right hand twice in front of Nioh’s eyes to test if his senior was asleep.


In silence, Yukimura yelled his staff softly.

“You’ll know when you look at it.

Nioh stretched out his hand and waved away the hand of the younger generation, capriciously not giving any explanation to curious people.

Because he doesn’t need to explain, the final result is almost here anyway!

The score in the last round reached 40:0, ~ Shitenhouji’s match point.

Nioh watched the game, ready to wait and watch-everyone else had a shocked expression.

At this time, in and outside the court, besides Nioh, Yukimura, who has the strongest mental power and the highest attainments, finally noticed-what.

The smile at the corner of his mouth stiffened for a moment, and his heart was surging.

Yukimura felt a sudden burst of mental power on the court.

The violent time was really only a moment, extremely short, and even Atobe, who was very sensitive to mental power, didn’t notice it.

But Yukimura knew that it was impossible for him to sense errors.

That is true. At the moment Kawamura Takashi swings, his mental power instantly rises!

Boom! Boom!

Ishida Gin’s racquet fell to the ground, and he looked at his racquet arm in shock.

Just when he received the ball, he realized-the power of this ball, he couldn’t catch it!

“That’s awful.”

Watanabe’s sloppy expression on her face faded.

“A Yin has a broken arm!”

It’s all reached the match point, and something like this happened.

Shiraishi’s eyes sank, and he glanced at his coach instantly and reached a consensus.

“Shitenhouji, this one, abstain!”

If it’s just a little injury, Shiraishi will let his team members go by default, because he knows his teammates can support and is willing to do so. But it hits to the point of a broken bone

“A Yin, come back.”

Shitenhouji’s minister spoke up.

This sentence is no longer spoken as a friend, but an order from a minister to his members.

Shiraishi at this moment seems to have a cold aura, not as approachable as before and playing jokes with his teammates.

“A Yin, the game was great!”

“It’s really unexpected that your opponent can catch so many swing balls!”

“It’s just that you are really unlucky.”

“The opponent is a man!”

Shitenhouji’s contestant stand was silent for less than three seconds, and became active again, which made people look stunned.

You know, the current score is 2:1, and the lead is Seigaku. If the next game loses, then

“Just let the game start again from doubles!”

Even if the school motto is “funny”, Shitenhouji is very serious about winning the game! Their dedication to victory is never weaker than other schools!

On the display card, the names of the players in the Seigaku column appeared. Unexpected doubles combination-hand Kunimitsu and Inui Sadaharu!

“Shoujia actually went to doubles?!”

Sanada couldn’t help clenching his fists.

“It’s okay. Doesn’t that guy value Seigaku the most? If they can’t win a game before, then his singles is meaningless. If they win a game before, then the doubles of the player is a strange trick!’

Atobe snorted, then said.

Then they found that the display card on Shitenhouji’s side was not showing up.

“what happened?!

“Did something go wrong? Why didn’t it start?!”

Amidst a sound of suspicion, the names of two players finally appeared on the display card: Cai Qian, and Chitose!

“How come I have already submitted the application for withdrawal!”

Chitose, who was originally sitting in the audience watching the game, was a little surprised for a while.

Naturally, he wants to compete with Kunimitsu, but he has already retired!

“Chitose, don’t be distracted, it’s time for you to play!”

“I didn’t receive anything from you!”

Watanabexiu shouted at him.

“Me too. As a minister, I didn’t see any special paper products.”

Shiraishi spread his hands, expressing his support for the name currently appearing on the display.

“The strong come first, and the strong have a choice. Chitose, you want to play too!”

Oshitari Ken also stood with his hands in his pockets, and seemed to have no surprises about the current results.

“But it turns out”

It turned out that it was you who should be on the court, Qian Ye!

Chitose’s heart was tight, and his heart was a bit sour, but more determined.

He clenched racquet tightly and walked to the court.

[Jiping, I have also found a group of teammates who support me out of the shadows of the past!]

“Will this be a “Selfless State’ contest?”

Finally saw a “normal” game.

Yukimura said jokingly.

But before the others could speak, they heard Shiraishi’s voice.

“Caiqian, Chitose will use the’Limit of Aura Glowing’. In doubles, use the’absolute preview, Caiqian, do you know what you should do?”

Shiraishi stared at his heir and said.

“Oh radiant” or “brilliant”, in this realm, only singles can play the greatest role, so

“I know. After serving, I just watched it.”

“Senior, it’s okay to be one-to-two, right?”

…………Please ask for flowers……

Shitenhouji’s younger generation raised his head and said to Chitose.

Chitose Senri silently glanced at the teammates in the yellow-green team uniforms on the Shitenhouji player bench, and then nodded to the junior.

There is nothing to say. For his own wish, for these teammates who have been together for less than a year but have already had the friendship behind him, all he can do now is to win this game!

“In this way, I’ll go off the court too!”

“Shoujia, everything is up to you!”

Inui Sadaharu didn’t even hesitate, and forcibly handed the game to his hand.

Like Shitenhouji’s trust in Chitose, Gan never doubted the strength of their Seigaku minister Kunimitsu!

“Forced singles?”

Nioh’s eyelids twitched fiercely.

This group of people, what do they think of doubles?!

“It’s so exciting, right? Senior Nioh?”

Kirihara Akaya felt that he was going to be infected by the emotions on the court. He was looking for the senior sitting next to share his feelings, but suddenly realized that Nioh’s emotions were a bit wrong.

[Why is the pressure suddenly low in Senpai!!”

Frightened, Kirihaya couldn’t understand why the emotional changes of the predecessor who had been good before had such a big change.

There are many people who don’t understand, such as Sanada and Atobe.

But there are still many people who understand this emotion, such as Fenghe Anato, and Marui and Kuwana.

As for Hyotei’s Oshitari–

“Hahaha, Qian is really terrible! He doesn’t even have the qualifications to be a doubles background board!”

Gloating at misfortune, Oshitari Yuushi looked at the two players on court and the qualified “background board” player of each side, with a smile in his eyes.

And his original doubles partner Xiangri: I’m sorry, he is not my partner anymore. Regarding the partner, do you know what a foreigner is? I think Oshitari Yuushi became my partner without Shido! Now my partner is Hiyoshi!

“Yiu Sheng, do you have anything to say?”

Marui approached Yanagi who was sitting quietly in an eliciting tone and said.

“Sorry, I don’t have any special feelings.”

Liu Sheng’s face was calm.

What special feelings can he have? Anyway, Nioh will be singles afterwards, and he himself can’t play singles!

On the contrary, it is Nioh. If he wants to, it is not a problem to be one-to-two!

So under Marui’s gaze, Yanagyu also depressed.

PS: Too many slots. I couldn’t get it back after four days of writing, and Li Bing also had a sense of picture when he was together. This is the result of deleting a large part of it and shrunk it into one chapter, otherwise there will be two chapters. If you want to watch the finals, skip booking first. Pay attention to my title. The final is on the title. work.

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