Chapter 302 :Marui vs Kai

Liu’s expression suddenly became helpless.

“Seiichi, didn’t I doubles with everyone in the Rikkai internal practice match many times before?”

What do you mean “It’s been a long time since I saw you doubles”!

After the Kwantung Youth Election was over, Junshi Liu, who was echoed by all the mixed Doubles in the tennis club who was constantly selected by the minister, said Yukimura, did you remember something wrong, or the minister’s impression of “long time~” is different from ordinary people. ?

Liu Sheng silently glanced at Liu Gang, who had manipulated the whole situation without a trace, and said nothing.

The subsequent development proved the correctness of his approach.

“Really? That’s a mistake in my memory.”

“Then I have to trouble Liu for a few more rounds of doubles with everyone.”

After playing Higa, you have to beat the tennis clubs of two schools to make the finals. After playing five games this time, Rikkai only needs to play two or three games before the final.

Singles three, doubles two, singles two, only four people are required to compete.

Theoretically speaking, the eight candidates from Rikkai University can work in shifts.

But in fact, Yukimura has booked a substitute position for each match, so the above situation cannot be established. But even for seven people, as long as they are not too unlucky, they can definitely take a break. Because Kirihara Akaya will definitely fight to play…

But because of what Yukimura said just now–

“Puff, Liu, congratulations, the doubles of the next two games are handed over to you!”

Nioh added fuel to the fire.

Liu silently clenched his fists.

[Nioh Masaharu! Don’t you like doubles? Then I will fulfill your wish!][After two doubles Erni I won’t play Yanagi Renji without your partner!]

“Wentai, be careful of the other’s deputy minister.”

“I always feel that the posture in which he holds the racket is a bit crooked.

It’s like being uncomfortable, but that’s the normal way of holding the racket? Does he have his own way of holding the racket?

Although Liu felt a little suffocated, he still conscientiously told Marui who was about to play.

“No problem, I have adapted to singles.

Rikkai has no dead ends, even if he is a doubles player, his Marui Bunta’s singles strength is not weak!

“Currently the score is 2:0, everyone is waiting for me to win for Rikkai.”

Marui said.

As Marui said, the failure of singles three and doubles two has brought Higa to the edge of danger. If they can’t win Singles Two, then their national competition can be over.

Saotome is cursing and annoying; the cheerleaders in Higa are also dejected.

But Kite didn’t let people see his depression.

“Yanagi Renji, able to play such doubles, control the enemy and us in detail, and use the power of the partner to such an extent. It seems to have a humble personality, but in fact it is more terrifying than a poisonous snake!”

“Doubles two, we won’t be wronged.”

Kite has always had an extremely clear understanding of reality. For the strong, he will give corresponding recognition.

“Kafei, you know what you should do.”

But even if he admits Rikkai’s great strength, it does not mean that he will give up!

“Wrapped on me, Eishirou.

The dark brown-haired boy in a hat turned his right hand to racquet and then went on the field.

“Deputy Minister Jiafei! Come on!

“In Higa! In Higa!”

The few children who followed in Higa are currently cheerleaders, but it seems that next year or the year after they will be selected immediately for the new generation of tennis club members in Higa, they immediately cheered.

“Let me see, who will my opponent be?”

Turning his right hand again racquet, Kai Yujiroh touched his chin with his left hand and said.

As the deputy minister of Higa, Kai is also the child of their minister Kite Eishirou. However, he can serve as a deputy minister, relying on his own strength.

Kai thought in his heart that in the last draw, Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai University, clearly stated in front of so many people that he would not play until the final of the national competition. Then their deputy minister Sanada is very likely to be on Singles One. And Yanagi Renji, Rikkai’s strategist, has already played doubles.

“Singles three, Rikkai big Marui Bunta!”

Well, he knows who his opponent is, one of the doubles that Rikkai can do well.

“Isn’t Marui-kun a doubles player?”

Kai looked curiously asked.


Marui blew a bubble.

“But isn’t this a new combination arrangement? Didn’t you find that the original order of our Rikkai team has almost completely changed compared to the current one?

……………Please ask for flowers……

Marui asked rhetorically.

【Wait later you see the doubles on Sanada, that’s called “terrible”! I really feel sorry for Jack!

Marui blinked, waiting for his opponent to serve.

Kai’s smile on his face remained unchanged, and it seemed very approachable, but in fact, he had become cautious about Marui in his heart.

Don’t think that they don’t know about the Kwantung Youth Election in Kyushu. The explosive news of Rikkai’s eighth to five has spread throughout the middle school tennis world.

Although Marui Bunta was not selected, he defeated a member of the US West Coast Youth Selection Team in the Rikkai Colonel!

This is terrible, a doubles player can do this step. And today, I met him as the second singles

“Let me learn about your strength!”


Kai serve, aim at the left side of the baseline.

“The ball speed is good.

Marui moved quickly. Although his height has not been dominant, his speed is actually not slow.

And the moment of receiving the ball–


Marui said, unwilling to be outdone, and hit the ball back faster than the previous one.



Kai was not nervous, he even used the power of his wrist to turn the racquet again.


But he didn’t just care about being handsome, but to irritate each other.

“Seriously, OK!”

Marui’s eyes widened.

He returned the opponent with a wide angle slash.

Kai narrowed his eyes.

[That’s it]

This is how a baseline “race”” race begins!

The two people have been running around on the baseline ever since they started the ball.

Marui knew that Kai’s method of shrinking the ground can only be used back and forth, and cannot be moved left or right, so he deliberately mobilized the opponent to run left and right on the baseline.

And Kai–

[Even if it is technically achieved, but the doubles for such a long time, the physical strength will be insufficient, right? And the pace of recovery of physical strength must be slow!]

He didn’t dare to despise Marui, so he chose the baseline battle conservatively.

Marui Bunta has always been in the frontcourt on the doubles, and his volley level in front of the net is excellent, Kai Yujiroh has long heard of. So he believes that adjusting Marui Bunta to the baseline is the best way to win!

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