Chapter 301 : Spinning a silk net, imprisoned!

[From the current data, there is a 94% probability that although these two are proficient in the method of moving forward and backward, they can’t move left and right!][Moreover, if you can instantly change the course of the ball at the moment of the tennis shot, then you can completely seal the reduction! If you play a baseline ball]

Liu quickly calculated in his heart.

[Unfortunately it is doubles, if it is singles, I can completely trap my opponent on the baseline. But the doubles are not bad. Liu Sheng is really a good teammate. 】

Liu Sheng, who is called a “good teammate” by Liu in his heart, has glasses, but his eyesight is not weak.

He went online on the frontcourt, and the purpose seemed to be to prevent Chinenkuan from shrinking the ground.


The plan was successful, and so far, everything is going smoothly.

“This ball is mine!

“Da Fan Sao Qian!”

The game was easily cracked by Liu and Liu Sheng just now, how can Ping Guchang be willing.

But simply, he is not too upset and irritable, because he still has further hole cards.

Liu Sheng shook his pat calmly and quickly, but he knew in his heart that he was just acting as a bait.

The real blocker has always been Yanagi Renji in the backcourt!

Suddenly, Liu appeared in the sight of Pingguchang. 980

I don’t know when, Liu has already ran up there

There, it’s a ball drop point!


Letting the tennis ball roll on the racquet, Willow held racquet’s five fingers with different force.


His goal is so obvious, it is between Ping Guchang and Chinen Kan!

“Even if there is no left-to-right movement of Shuchi method, Pingguchang will catch up.”

Kite frowned.

“What is Yanagi Renji’s intention?”

He watched the game and couldn’t judge Liu’s intentions at all.

Liu Sheng runs and swings in his most comfortable position. He knows that Liu will cooperate with him and will unknowingly guide him to make a choice that may not be optimal but absolutely appropriate.

Just no longer thinking about anything else, Yagyu chased the tennis ball wholeheartedly.

“The first half of the layout is about to be completed.”

Liu Ren was on the backcourt, but in his heart he outlined the whole picture of the court and the position of the four of them.

Pingguchang Rin was transferred to the midfield, Chinenkuan had already reached the baseline at this time, and Liu Sheng was still in front of the net.

“Running in the hot summer is so exhausting, so everyone just don’t run.

Nioh saw Liu’s intentions.

He watched Chinenkuan and Heiguba Rin constantly move around in the front and back courts, and hit back a lot of balls that didn’t seem to be back.

He watched Liu Sheng only move two steps left and right in front of the net, which seemed to be constantly moving, but in fact it was only two or three steps away.

And Liu–

“Senior Liu has been in the backcourt!”

“He hit the baseline on the left a few times, and then went to the baseline on the right!’

“If the middle few rounds are opposite to Senior Liu’s position, they are all intercepted by Senior Liu Sheng. But if it happens to be in the same direction as Senior Liu’s position, then Senior Liu Sheng will pass the tennis ball to Senior Liu!”

Kirihaya looked at Senior Yoo, whom he admired, with bright eyes.

The seemingly fierce game, in fact, only the two doubles in Higa have been constantly being consumed.

If Liu and Liu Sheng kept moving on the surface, it would be completely misleading to each other due to their position.

In fact, Liu Sheng blocked Liu, and Liu’s movement attracted Liu Sheng’s attention.

I don’t look closely, don’t think about it, I don’t know that the two people of Rikkai have always kept a small range of running and moving!

Pingguchang Rin’s ball quotient is not low, and Chinen Hiro is also a very calm player. It’s a pity that they were in the game and didn’t know that Liu had a good calculation.

In Higa, the two people wanted to consume Liu and Liu Sheng with the help of the shrinking method, but Liu also used the principle of misleading sight to give the other two wrong information!

Implying them, inducing them…


Kite Eishirou finally said these two words.

(bhci) Although he is the minister in Higa, he can always see clearly when he is outside the court. And Kite’s tennis strength is indeed at the national level. He saw the fast-paced Liu and Yagyu’s ease and the increasingly obvious dullness of Pingguchang Rin and Chinenkuan.

He didn’t explain to the teammates around him whose expressions became surprised after hearing his words, nor did he remind the cheerleaders in Higa behind him. Kite just said these two words and just watched quietly.

“5:1, Liu and Liu Sheng are leading!”

One goal is often just one point. In this doubles second match, Rikkai Yamato Higa will have several or even dozens or dozens of rounds.

The rhythm is getting faster and faster, the sound of tennis being slammed by racquet keeps ringing, listening to people’s ears, it is like fast-paced infinite loop music.

At the beginning, Pingguchang and the others wanted to disrupt the rhythm of Liu and Liusheng with the shrinking method, but they didn’t expect that once the pace became faster, they would never be able to slow down.


“Why, why the score is almost always Rikkai big?!”

Ping Guchang wiped his sweat and finally discovered the weirdness of this game.

Except for the first time when the two sides tried, they won the next game, the next four games, they did not win the next game!

In the previous tens of minutes of the game, they also scored small points, but in the end, it was Liu and Liusheng who won the next game!

“Now I really want to drink bitter gourd juice!”

Rin Ping Guchang pulled out a smile stiffly.

He felt the dullness of his body, especially his legs.

For such a long and fast-paced use of Shuchi, even their minister Kite would be overwhelmed, let alone him!

Look at the opponent opposite, it’s not fake to have sweat on his body. But look carefully, it’s just a thin sweat!

And Chinenhiro, who stopped in the court midfield, noticed a terrifying fact–

“Ping Guchang, our position is exactly the same as before the fast pace!”

He looked at Liu Sheng, who was still standing in front of the net, and Liu, who looked indifferent and indifferent on the backcourt, only felt a chill in his heart.


The final sound of a tennis ball landing.

“6:1, doubles two, Rikkai Oyanagi and Yanagi win!”

With the help of data, partners and opponents, slowly induce step by step, and finally weave into a big net that covers the audience!

Rikkai Daliu’s doubles game was the same as before, but the score was much more beautiful than before.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you doubles, improved, Renji.”

Yuki got a compliment from Minister Yukimura.

PS, I finally finished doubles two! The previous picture of “Fan Shao Qian” didn’t prepare me at all. It scared me to write this chapter very badly, but I finally wrote it. .

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