Chapter 158

In the west of Kunlun Mountain, Qingxuan came to the most center out. As expected, another formation appeared, and it was slightly stronger than before.

However, after a long time, it was still cracked by Qing Xuan, and at that moment, a weak spirit began to make a begging sound at Qing Xuan, begging Qing Xuan not to kill her.

Qing Xuan shook his head, he didn’t even bother to do such a thing.

“I know your origin and identity. The deity’s trip is to borrow your spirit treasure. You can come to the deity to ask for it at any time after you transform it. What do you think?” Qing Xuan Chong said with that spirit.

“I don’t know what senior needs to borrow, Junior must be perfect!” This spiritual wisdom is clearly clear, and the person in front of her said that if she borrows her, she must be given, otherwise she is afraid of losing her life.

“You can also be considered as an acquaintance. The thing that the deity borrows is your companion spirit treasure ‘good fortune tripod’!” Qing Xuan said the purpose of this trip.


After a little hesitation, this new born spirit still took out the good fortune cauldron; because she knew that if she said no, the next moment might have vanished in ashes.

“You are also considered a good source of fortune. You have two top-quality Xiantian spirit treasures, and they are both among the top; but you can rest assured, the deity speaks for it, and you can come to the deity to recover this spirit treasure in the future!” Qing Xuan slowly Said.

“Junior doesn’t dare, since senior needs it, he will be given to senior as Junior, and dare not ask for it!” This Lingzhi said intelligently.

“Bold, you can’t be the deity coveting your spirit treasure, the deity says one is one, and the second is two; you said that borrowing is borrowing, can you be the deity who is forcibly grabbing and arrogant?” Qing Xuan was slightly angry.

“Junior doesn’t dare, Junior doesn’t dare, senior forgive me!” Xinsheng Lingzhi was startled.

“This deity disdains you as a junior, let’s go!” Qing Xuan calmed down his state of mind.

“Senior walks slowly, I wonder if Junior can fall under the senior’s door? I would like to take the teacher’s ceremony to serve senior for life!” This new student is also smart, although it has not yet been transformed, the memory in the inheritance clearly tells her that there is a strong The importance of the master gate.

“You juniors are also smart, but you and I have no relationship between masters and apprentices, so you can’t force it; no matter what dangers you will encounter in the future, the deity can save your life once, and you have the right to be the Karma of this borrowing!” Qingxuan thought Said after a moment.

“Thank you senior! I don’t know the name of senior?” Xinsheng Lingzhi asked again.

“The deity Qingxuan!” After finishing speaking, Qingxuan put away Good Fortune Kanae and left here.

“Qingxuan…Qingxuan…” The new born Lingzhi slowly muttered, and then continued to absorb the surrounding Spiritual Qi and began to cultivate.


On the Magic Sky Island, Qingxuan in the Zhengdao Palace took out the good fortune tripod and nodded in satisfaction.

A small flag appeared in his hand. It was the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag collected from the Sea of ​​Blood.

However, the exaggeration is extremely high, and at most it is covering one area.

“Call them all back first! Heavenly Dao has a big move next!” Qing Xuan muttered to himself, and then began to use his master’s fortune to find where Qing Hua and the others were.

Nanhuang, who was just cracking a formation of Qinghua and had time to collect the spirit treasure in the future, he noticed a figure appeared in front of him.

“Tui’er Qinghua see Master!” Qinghua quickly bowed down.

“Well, the teacher has returned to the Fantasy Sky Island, and I want to ask you something, you hurry back!” Qingxuan disappeared after speaking.

“Yes, the disciple rushed back immediately, and respectfully send Master!” Qinghua said respectfully.

Putting away the double swords in the formation, Qinghua hurriedly flew to the fantasy sky island; but wondered what strength the master had reached, and he was able to land the image…

In the middle of the drought, Bai Xue’s breath suddenly disappeared, and finally…

A breath that was twice as powerful as it radiated from her body, but she finally advanced to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal; but that was not her own credit, it was all due to the two bottles of spiritual liquids given by Qilin Clan Seven Elder.

“Haha, I finally caught up with you, and the next step is to surpass you!” Bai Xue said arrogantly.

Jin Rui and others were used to it, so they didn’t bother to talk to her.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of several people silently, but it was Qing Xuan who descended.

“Jin Rui, Zi Chen, and Bai Xue see Master!”

“Long Ji see teacher!”

“Luo Ningshuang has seen the Supreme!”

“Junior Mu Xinyue has met senior!”

Qing Xuan was a little surprised, this way is really…

“You return to Illusion Sky Island at the same speed, the deity has returned, and there are important things to arrange for you to wait!” Qing Xuan said a long story short, and then the figure disappeared.

“Respectfully send Master!”

“Master is destined, let’s go back to the island quickly!” Jin Rui said.

“Okay!” Then everyone was ready to return.

“Let’s go with Miss Xinyue! It’s too dangerous for you to be alone in this great predecessor!” Zi Chen said, restlessly, Mu Xinyue.

“I… can I?” Mu Xinyue hesitated.

The scene just now allowed her to see the gap between her and them. The moment Qingxuan descended was just a quick glance, and she felt that there were no secrets in her body, so that Cultivation Base was 80% of the ancestor of Da Luo.

She was a little golden fairy, and she really didn’t dare to bother.

“Don’t worry, Master is very good. You have no relatives and no reason. Then you will stay in Fantasy Sky Island for cultivation. Anyway, Master has sheltered so many creatures, it’s not bad for you!” Bai Xue said. Tuberculosis began to express his opinions again.

“This… let’s go!” Mu Xinyue finally nodded and agreed; it was really difficult for her to stand alone in the prehistoric land.

In this way, a group of six quickly hurried back to Fantasy Sky Island…

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