Chapter 157 Qingxuan Proving Dao Hunyuan Golden Immortal

In Honghuang, time is the least valuable, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of dollars will pass.

In Illusion Sky Island, in the Dao Palace, Qing Xuan opened his eyes, and there was a drop of milky white liquid suspended in his hand; it was the Hongmeng Chalcedony, the lifeblood of Qing Xuan.

After struggling for a long time, Qing Xuan gritted his teeth and swallowed this drop of spiritual liquid.

At this moment, Qing Xuan’s flesh is in pain, because with his current Cultivation Base, at least 70% of the energy of the spiritual liquid will be wasted, but there is no way. Will repeat itself again.

As soon as the Hongmeng Chalcedony entered the body, the huge energy frantically scrubbed Qingxuan’s true spirit origin. At this moment, his roots and feet are being promoted, and the Cultivation Base is also subtly ascension.

One year, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years…

One yuan will pass.

On this day, the entire Fantasy Sky Island trembled violently, followed by a huge coercion and continued Ascension.

For a while, all the creatures who were practicing on the Fantasy Sky Island knelt down in the center, and said respectfully: “I wish the Supreme Cultivation Base great progress, I wait and congratulate the Supreme!”

Even Bai Ran in front of the boundary monument was overwhelmed by this coercion, and after reacting, he faced the center to pay homage.

In the Palace of Proving Dao, Qingxuan’s Cultivation Base continues to Ascension, Hunyuan Jinxian 1st, Hunyuan Jinxian 2nd, Hunyuan Jinxian 3rd, Hunyuan Jinxian 4th, until Hunyuan Jinxian 5th, that skyrocketed The Cultivation Base finally stopped.

Opening his eyes, shook the palm of his hand, Qing Xuan nodded in satisfaction. At this moment, he was confident and invincible to Honghuang, even Leng Yunxin was fearless.

Take out the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, Ten Second Rank Good Fortune Qinglian and Qiankun Ding, and begin to refine the Restrictions of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level.

A hundred days later, the ten second rank good fortune Qinglian refined to 44 Restrictions, the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler refined 46 Restrictions, and the Qiankun Ding refined 45 Restrictions.

At this time, Qingxuan Divine Sense explored the heaven and earth, and saw three thousand Xiantian pill recipes appear in front of him.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, this three thousand pill recipe should be able to exchange a lot of merits of Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao called Qingxuan before for these three thousand pill recipe.

“But wait, I still have important things to deal with first!” Qing Xuan muttered to himself.

After sorting out his feelings, Qing Xuan walked out of the Zhengdao Palace.

In front of the Sanguangshen’s pool, a small tower flew out of Qingxuan’s body and turned into a huge height to stand in its original position.

Nodded, and walked out of the island again, without disturbing any creatures along the way. With Qingxuan’s Cultivation Base at this moment, as long as he wanted to hide, even Daluo Jinxian couldn’t find his whereabouts.

In front of the boundary monument, Bai Ran respectfully saluted Qingxuan.

“Lao Bai, I’ll go out for a trip, this time I will come back soon, and you continue to cultivate, when the deity has important things to arrange for you!” Qing Xuan’s eyes flashed slightly.

“The supreme has life, Bai Ran won’t hesitate to die!” Bai Ran bowed and said.


Qing Xuan nodded, and then disappeared in Bai Ran’s shocked eyes; Bai Ran Daluo Jinxian’s Cultivation Base could not see a trace of it.

In the east, a fast escape light glided high above the sky, and the aura that radiated shocked the creatures who were cultivating in various spirit mountains along the way.

There is no reason, no matter what the cultivator of Cultivation Base, all are overwhelmed to the ground, even a few big Luo Jinxian can not look directly at the blue light in the sky.

“God, what kind of power is this aura, so terrifying?”

“Apart from Heavenly Dao, I have never felt this kind of aura. Is this a powerful Cultivation Base that has made a big gain?”

“This, just because of my aura makes me difficult to breathe, how earth-shattering should I really shoot?”


“Which senior is this senior who is so strong? Could it be that the existence of Jinxian surpassing Da Luo is not successful?” a Rogue Cultivators who had just entered Da Luo muttered.

On Lingquan Mountain, General Jinlong was leading the dragon soldiers back to the Dragon Palace. Suddenly, a huge momentum appeared; General Jinlong bowed up and down instantly, and then directly knelt on the ground. All the dragon soldiers behind him were on the ground.

“What level of coercion is this? Master Zu Long is far from enough compared to him!” General Jin Long sighed in his heart.

And the dragon clan soldiers behind him even thought that Heavenly Dao had come.

The coercion came quickly and went quickly. When General Jinlong stood up again, he hurried to the Dragon Palace. In this case, he must report to Zulong.

Kunlun Mountain is divided into East Kunlun and West Kunlun.

East Kunlun is the place where Sanqing transforms into form, but at this time a blue light has come to West Kunlun, which is opposite to East Kunlun.

Qing Xuan stopped and walked slowly into the West Kunlun Mountain.

Suddenly, a formation appeared, blocking Qingxuan from the outside.

Qing Xuan was not surprised, such changes were already in his expectation.

The Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler appeared in his hand, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level’s combat power was fully released, and a magnificent ruler instantly hit the formation…

咚~The formation trembled violently, and it was clear that the guardian formation of the Lord could not resist Qing Xuan.

Once again swinging the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, the Taoist and Xuan Huang Chi Ying attacked one point at the same time; finally, after a hundred blows, the formation collapsed, obviously unable to support it.

However, this kind of guardian formation will re-condense after a while, and it won’t completely collapse.

As soon as the formation opened, a fresh Spiritual Qi rushed towards his face, Qing Xuan no longer hesitated and entered directly.

Entering West Kunlun Mountain, Qingxuan was surprised. The Spiritual Qi inside was no less than the current Fantasy Sky Island. However, the Spiritual Qi of Fantasy Sky Island has always been advanced, and this kind of wild blessed land only needs to be born. , It will slowly drop.

Qingxuan was not in a hurry, and began to walk on the Kunlun Mountain in the west like later generations shopping.

Unsurprisingly, Spiritual herbs are also everywhere here, and there are even dozens of holy medicines.

The years of the elixir are almost one billion years old. Many of them have reached their limit. If they are not picked, they will naturally die and be converted into nutrients again.

Not all elixir will be advanced into holy medicine, only those Spiritual herbs with extremely tenacious vitality can break through numerous obstacles and rank as holy.

Qing Xuan’s fingers pointed out again and again, and a plant of elixir was put away and placed in the good fortune green lotus; about 30% of the charge was collected, and Qing Xuan stopped moving.

And the sacred medicine Qingxuan also collected one plant of each, and then all planted it next to the Sanguang God Pool, where there was the chaotic soil left by the Qingxuan transforming body.

Originally, there were only a few holy medicines and a hundred elixir that were planted there. Now that these are enriched, I think it will be enough for future use; because no matter what is planted on the chaotic soil, it is possible to grow new seedlings.

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