Chapter 155

After dozens of days of flying, the six Jin Rui finally came to a huge waterfall.

The dotted line of Karma on the Wordless Book of Heaven is now solidified, directly behind the waterfall.

“Miss Xinyue, just stay here and wait for us, lest we be affected by the war for a while!” Jin Rui said.

“Yeah!” Mu Xinyue nodded.

“Senior brothers and sisters, all of you stay here for a while, I’m going to scold the Fatty!” Before Bai Xue had finished speaking, he had already arrived in front of the waterfall.

Bai Xue opened her posture with her hands on her hips.

“Hurry up and get out of the fatty inside. Grandma won’t take your skin off today and count you as if you are connected with flesh and blood!”

The voice contained Shirayuki’s Spirit Power, passing directly through the waterfall to the ears of the two water lizards.

“Someone is here to seek revenge?” Salamander Daoist asked.

“It turned out to be a few of them ignorant!” Daoist swept his gaze and penetrated the waterfall to see Jin Rui and the others.

“Do you need help?” Salamander Daoist asked; he also saw six people outside.

“Then thank you fellow daoist!” Daoist said with joy.

“It’s okay, you and I are of the same origin, so we can help each other!”

After speaking, the two got up at the same time and walked outside the waterfall.

“Is there any livelihood in it, do you dig the ground and bury yourself? Can’t you hear your grandma’s call?”

As soon as the two walked out of Immortal Cave and crossed the waterfall, they heard Shirayuki’s shout.

“Una girl, she doesn’t know how to do it!” The salamander Daoist saw that arrogant Baixue couldn’t help but speak.

“The courtesy, that is for this girl’s dearest relatives, as for you are not worthy!” Bai Xue continued to shout.

“You Fatty chased and killed this princess for a hundred years. Today, this princess is here to take revenge. Those who are acquainted will be caught obediently!” Long Ji and others all came to Bai Xue and formed a confrontation with the opposing two.

“This is the Salamander Daoist, isn’t it? Are you sure you want to take care of your business and increase Karma?” Jin Rui looked at the Salamander Daoist and said.

“The fellow daoist of the water lizard is of the same race as me. Since you have to come to seek revenge, I naturally can’t just sit around!” Daoist the salamander said lightly.

“In that case, there is nothing to say, brother, do it!” Ziyun flute appeared in Zi Chen’s hand and he did it directly.

Sensing the sound wave, the water lizard and the salamander only trembled slightly, and they calmed down.

At this time, Luo Ningshuang, dressed in white, took the lead and threw out the mysterious rope in his hand like a long snake, hitting the salamander Daoist directly; sensing the strength contained in it, the salamander Daoist retreated.

“Flee there!” Luo Ningshuang sipped softly, and the biyu double ring spun out, killing the salamander straight from the left and right directions.

The salamander Daoist narrowed his gaze, and the flames rose in his hands, repelling the jasper double ring that came at an extremely fast speed; and then a big ring knife appeared, and directly smashed the Xuanmiaosuo.

On the water lizard Daoist’s side, there was no salamander Daoist to calm the sound wave with him, and his mind began to be a little trance; he immediately took out the Xingyao spear and stab it at Zi Chen.

Naturally, Jin Rui and others couldn’t let it succeed. The Star Hammer and Vajra were printed in front of Zi Chen, both of them exerted their power to directly shake the Daoist back.

At this time, Shirayuki’s attack arrived, and the timing was just right. Just as the water lizard Daoist retreated, the white hosta had already appeared in his pupils.

The water lizard Daoist panicked, his body shifted crazily…


Even so, the white hosta pierced his left cheek, bringing up silky scum from the back of his head.

“Ah~” Under the severe pain, Daoist let out a low growl.

But this is not over yet, thirty-six Dinghai Zhus in a ring shape have already encircled his waist.

“Dinghai Shenzhu, the heavens suppress it!” Long Ji chuckled softly.

I saw the 36 Ding Haizhu bumping into the water lizard Daoist one by one. The Ding Haizhu, which looked like a big thumb, carried a huge force like a hundred thousand catties of boulders.

The water lizard Daoist was shocked and urged Xingyao Spear to attack the sinking Ding Haizhu, but Jin Rui would not give him a chance. Vajrayin slammed down on his head again, forcing him to raise his spear and stab him above his head.

And Ding Haizhu, who had lost his block, slammed into his waist one by one.


A series of vomiting blood sounded, and the water lizard Daoist directly slammed down from mid-air and fell into the waterfall pool; Ke Ding Haizhu’s offensive was not slowed by this, but all rushed to the pool…


The water waves in the pool were splashed to a height of 100 meters, and the water lizard Daoist turned into a body, a lizard 100 meters long, and quickly escaped to the bottom of the pool.

“Dinghai Shenzhu, Ding!” Long Ji let out a soft drink, and the pool and the waterfall above were completely still.

And a lizard also appeared in front of Long Ji and the others again. At this moment, he was crawling out of the pool in a panic, then came to the ground and began to dig the ground.

At this moment, a jade flute fell from the air at great speed, and directly hit the lizard’s head; from its head, ripples radiated, and when the Ziyun flute returned to Zi Chen’s hand, the water lizard Daoist began to transform into the body. Constantly rolling on the ground, his two paws were constantly tapping his head.

“Die!” Jin Rui shouted.

Carrying terrifying power in both hands, holding the Star Hammer in one hand, and Vajra in the other, smashing the water lizard fiercely on the ground…


With a sound of gold and iron, Jin Rui was shocked and retreated.

In the eyes of everyone’s doubts, a middle-aged man dressed in black stood in front of the water lizard Daoist.

“Who are you, dare to be nosy?” Bai Xueyi asked.

“Little girl, she is not big, she has a good temper. Hei Sha, the person in this seat time, how are you doing?” The black man is the Hei Sha who has been investigating in the middle of the wilderness.

“Auntie who cares about you, if you know you, roll your tail quickly, otherwise you will be beaten into black charcoal!” Bai Xue said angrily.

I had already killed the water lizard Daoist Black Dragon Ji sister for revenge.

And Luo Ningshuang, who was fiercely fighting with the Salamander Daoist in the distance, suddenly turned her head and looked at Heisha; somehow, she felt extremely disgusted when she heard the time gate.

“Is it him?” Luo Ningshuang asked inwardly.

After confronting the salamander Daoist again, Luo Ningshuang turned back and retreated to Jin Rui and the others.

And the salamander Daoist also came behind Heisha, beside the water lizard Daoist.

“Ningshuang Big sis, are you okay?” Bai Xue asked.

“I’m okay, the fellow cultivators of the physical soul is really extraordinary, and I won’t let the wind fall!” Luo Ningshuang replied.

“I knew I had gone to the sixth floor to break through, and I was blamed on Zi Chenfei for pulling me!” Bai Xue pouted.

Zi Chen: “I…”

“What are you, isn’t it?” Bai Xue said, staring at Zi Chen.

“Yes~yes~yes!” Zi Chen held his forehead with one hand.

Seeing Zi Chen’s softness, Bai Xue cursed again: “The black blind man opposite, didn’t you see that we had enemies with him? Don’t you hurry away!”

Hei Sha was unmoved, and replied: “These two people are my time gatekeepers. If you want to kill them, you can get past me!”

“What shit time gate, ah, I think you are…” Before Bai Xue finished speaking, he found a white figure beside him directly rushing to the opposite Heisha to kill!

“This…, Ningshuang Big sis, why don’t you wait for me to finish?” Bai Xue was helpless.

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