Chapter 154

“By the way, Miss Xinyue, you have been here for so long, have you ever heard of a cultivator called Daoist?” Jin Rui asked suddenly.

“Yeah~ It seems familiar. By the way, is it a Fatty holding a spear?” Mu Xinyue replied after thinking for a moment.

“Yes, yes, it’s him, Miss Xinyue has seen it?” Zi Chen exclaimed.

“I haven’t seen it before, but I’ve heard that he has had several Yuanhui when he came here, and he has been discussing with Daoist in Jizhen Dongtian; the two are of the same race, so they have never left!” Mu Xinyue Reminiscence said for a while.

“The Salamander Daoist, what Cultivation Base?” Jin Rui said hesitantly.

“Like the water lizard Daoist, it’s a half-step Daoist!” Mu Xinyue replied.

“This…” Zi Chen and the others had a headache.

But fortunately, I met Mu Xinyue, otherwise he would just rush over like them and return without success.

“You have hatred with him?” Mu Xinyue asked again.

“Senior brother and sister are here to avenge me. Some time ago, this water lizard Daoist chased and killed me for a hundred years!” Long Ji clenched his fists in anger.

“I may not be able to help with this!” Mu Xinyue said, because she only has the perfect Cultivation Base of Jinxian.

“Brother, you said if I blew up this top-grade Houtian spirit treasure that I had just gotten, can I seriously injure one?” Baixue took out the spirit treasure given by Qilin Clan Seven Elder before.

“Junior sister, are you sure you can blew the top-grade Lingbao?” Zi Chen looked at her speechlessly.

“Can’t it?” Shirayuki stuck out his tongue.

“Of course not!”

This time everyone spoke together.

“No, no, why are you so excited one by one, cut!” Bai Xue curled his lips.

Jin Rui and the others twitched their mouths, let alone how precious the top-grade Lingbao is; the most important thing is that the top-grade Lingbao can only be detonated by the Cultivation Base above the Daluo Jinxian, and Baixue has a late stage Taiyi Jinxian that detonates a ghost. !

“I can try to hold one!” An abrupt voice sounded, and Jin Rui and others looked at Luo Ningshuang in disbelief.

“Ningshuang Big sis, what did you just say?” Bai Xue dug out her ear with her hand, as if she had heard it wrong.

“I said I can try to hold one. My physical body and the strength of the soul have reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation. If I only hold the Da Luo for a half-step, I still have some confidence!” Luo Ningshuang said again. .

“Did you pass the sixth floor of the Shenhuan Pagoda?” Zi Chen suddenly thought.

“Yeah!” Luo Ningshuang nodded.

“Isn’t it, you can stand that kind of torture, Big sis?” Bai Xue said in a cold voice.

“I see you, you don’t know the blessings in the blessing, the soul and the physical body Cultivation Technique supreme have been prepared for you, but you have been slacking off because of your fear of hardship!” Luo Ningshuang gave them a white look.

“Let’s discuss how to avenge Junior Sister Long Ji!” Bai Xue changed the subject in an instant.

“I hold the salamander Daoist, and the four of you fight directly against the water lizard Daoist!” Luo Ningshuang gave a final word.

Everyone glanced at each other, then nodded one after another!

In the extremely real cave sky, a waterfall with a width of several tens of meters falls from a high cliff, magnificent; a group of cranes are gliding in the middle of the waterfall; as one of the seventy-two cave sky, the natural scenery is pleasant; and behind the rushing waterfall, There is a huge Immortal Cave.

In Immortal Cave, two Daoists are sitting opposite each other in Lotus Position.

“Fellow daoist, you have been restless recently, what’s the matter?” an old man in a red robe asked.

“I don’t know what’s wrong, there seems to be danger coming to me quietly, did you think the dragon sent someone to catch me?” The water lizard Daoist looked hesitant.

“This should not be possible. Zhonghuang is the territory of the Qilin clan. As a dominant force, even if the Qilin clan is slightly inferior to the dragon clan, it should not be underestimated, unless the dragon clan wants to launch a full-scale war!” Daoist thought for a while and said. .

“That’s true. The Dragon Race is not the Dragon King alone. I shouldn’t be worthy of such targeting by the Dragon Race!” The water lizard Daoist thought for a while and was relieved again.

“By the way, what do you think about the thing Heisha said some time ago?” Daoist asked about another thing immediately.

“This, you can’t be too rash. Joining a power will also have constraints. It is 80% impossible to think about it like this; but… if there is really a breakthrough to Da Luo Jinxian’s Cultivation Technique, then…” The salamander Daoist was already in his heart. Intentional.

“Fellow daoist’s words are reasonable, and Hei Sha’s words are all his own words. If there is really a super power in the time gate, it is not impossible to join!” Daoist replied.

“So, how can I transmit the voice to Heisha now? As long as I see the master of the time gate, everything will come to my mind!” Daoist said hesitantly.

“Fellow daoist can’t, we will definitely not be taken seriously if we send it directly to the door like this, we will continue to wait until Hei Sha comes to invite us again; so we will agree again!” The water lizard said flatly.

“It’s still the fellow daoist to see far, just as the fellow daoist said!” said the salamander Daoist.

After speaking, the two of them continued to practice, the Immortal Cave fell into tranquility again, only the sound of flying and falling into the pool outside the cave…

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