Chapter 143


“Senior Brother Jin Rui, isn’t it a little bad for us to do this?” Long Ji asked with a pair of wide-eyed eyes.

“What’s wrong? Little sister, you are too shallow in the world, and you will get used to it later; if you fix the wind rules, this middle-grade Houtian Lingbao Clear Wind Pouch will be given to you!” Jin Rui will just snatch it. A three-inch purple cloth sack was handed to Longji.

Long Ji took it hesitantly with both hands, nodded and said, “Thank you Brother Jin Rui!”

“That’s right!” Zi Chen smiled from the side.

“Junior sister, follow the brother and sister, I promise to be a thousand times better than staying in the broken dragon palace; next time you listen to the command and just shoot it, what do you do with so much? Respect!” Bai Xue said when he came to Long Ji.

“Oh, oh, I see!” Long Ji nodded in confusion.

“That’s right, but I didn’t expect that Junior Sister is so strong, if it weren’t for lack of actual combat experience, she would be even better than your two senior brothers!” Bai Xue said aimlessly while pulling Long Ji as he walked.

“Uh, I feel that Senior Brother is amazing!” Long Ji was a little embarrassed to be praised.

“Well, the two of them are just so-so, even I can’t beat them!” Bai Xue continued to blow frantically.

“And…” Shirayuki is still talking

Long Ji’s heart was tragic, and he smiled secretly: This Senior Sister Bai Xue is good at everything, but she talks too much, and she never stopped along the way; glanced at her two senior brothers, they walked leisurely behind, neither Dare to approach them.

Suddenly an untimely voice sounded.

“You and the other four are here to join my Qilin clan?” A first-born creature with double horns stopped Bai Xue and the others and said.

“Who is so rare, don’t stand in the way, let go!” Bai Xue said without looking back.

“Boldly, my Qilin clan is one of the predominant overlord forces. How dare you ignore this and knelt down and admit your mistakes quickly, otherwise…”

The Qilin clan was interrupted by Baixue before he finished speaking, “Otherwise, what Qilin clan is not going to work with me, brother, beat him!”

Jin Rui had a big head and secretly said: Why is this little aunt and grandma offending anyone?

However, Zichen and Zichen came to them and said, “My junior sister may have a bit of a radical tone, this Qilin friend, please forgive me!”

“Excuse me, I thought you were very arrogant, but I didn’t expect it to be so; I tell you, few people in this predicament dare not put me in the Qilin clan To put in one’s eyes; in that case, join me and join the Qilin clan. It just so happens that our clan still lacks some vanguards to capture the blue lion clan!” Qilin clan arrogantly opened his mouth, he had already regarded Jin Rui and others as cannon fodder.

“This fellow daoist of the Qilin clan, I am used to waiting for idle clouds and wild cranes. I can’t be restrained, and I have no chance to join!” Zi Chen also said.

“Shut up!” The Qilin clan yelled again: “It is worthy of you to let you join the clan, but you still don’t know how to promote it!”

“I don’t know that it’s not us, but you!” Jin Rui thought that the Qilin clan is powerful now, and it’s okay to be patient. Who ever thought they were so arrogant.

“Okay, okay, you are so brave, wait for me!” As he said, he took out a sound transmission talisman and said: “The seventh team is here quickly, there are a few brave guys here who dare to insult our Qilin clan. !”

“Brother, what should I do?” Zi Chen said.

After Jin Rui’s contemplation rested, his eyes were fierce, and a big seal was directly sacrificed, which instantly patted the Qilin person on the head.


Under the strong gravity, the Qilin clan was directly photographed into meatloaf.

“Junior Brother and Junior Sister, let’s go and leave here!” Jin Rui retracted the Vajra seal.

As soon as they left on their front feet, a dozen Qilin people wearing the same costumes arrived here.

“This is Lin Jiu, who killed him?” said a person who looked like a squad leader.

“It looks like it shouldn’t go far, Captain, shall we chase after?” a member asked.

“That’s just to say, chase, dare to kill my Qilin tribe, absolutely can’t let it go; just slaughter him to alert the Blue Lion tribe, dare to disobey the Qilin tribe’s inclusion, purely looking for death!” The team leader directly spoke, and then took the lead to follow. The breath chased.

However, ten days later, a dozen of Qilin people looked very ugly because they were lost after chasing them.

“Captain, what should I do?”

“There’s no way, send a message to the captain, please make the decision! Since they can escape our tracking, either they are stronger than us, or they have flying spirit treasures!” The captain took out a sound transmission talisman and began to announce. Captain.

On the other side of the sound transmission symbol, a Qilin clan from the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal had a gloomy expression. Hearing the sound transmission of the subordinate team, this matter is to him; it is big or not, but it is not small.

It’s just a clansman from the early stage of the Golden Fairy who says it is big, but it’s not too small, because this is a naked provocation of the Qilin clan. If the Qilin clan does not perform, it is not that everyone dares to slay the Qilin clan unscrupulously.

After pondering for a moment, he then transmitted a voice message to the subordinate team leader to come back first. The battle with the Blue Lion clan was tense, and he couldn’t mobilize manpower to search.

However, no matter who it is, as long as the Qilin tribe is killed, it will permanently leave a killing mark on him. This is also the unique identification method of the three major powers; so no matter where Jin Rui and others fled, as long as they encounter Qilin The family will be recognized in an instant.

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