Chapter 142 Time Gate

Northern Wilderness, within the cave spirit.

“Bold, who are you, dare to trespass into the Xie Niu clan?” A person on the seat shouted at the black robe figure who had just walked in.

Others whispered: I have not grasped such a good performance opportunity.

Suddenly, a figure rushed to the black robe at extremely fast speed, and a long knife in his hand slashed directly at it, shouting: “My ancestor Haiyang will teach you how to be a man!”

The black-robed man sneered, and in the shocking eyes of everyone present, his right hand lightly caught the oncoming long knife; then his left arm slammed into Haiyang, directly hitting it on the far wall. , Blood spit out desperately.

This hand directly stunned everyone present, and all the music, singing and dancing on the court suddenly stopped, and they quickly fled here one by one.

“This…this kind of strength, is it also that Da Luo Jinxian can’t make it?” One of them hesitated.

However, the person who can defeat the half-step Da Luo so easily is definitely the Da Luo Jinxian, and all of them have begun to look at the Xie Niu patriarch above.

Feeling the gazes of everyone, the patriarch Xie Niu couldn’t sit still. He looked at the figure in the black robe below and said: “Who is fellow daoist? What is it for here? Stingy!”

“Such inferior wine is also worthy of my mouth. Since I dare to occupy my Immortal Cave, bear the anger of this seat!” Shi Chen roared.

“Your Immortal Cave, don’t think that you are Da Luo Jinxian and you can reverse black and white like this. The patriarch has practiced here for more than 300 yuan, and the nearby cultivator doesn’t know that Dongling Tian is the ancestral site!” The same furiously said.

“I am too lazy to talk to you, die!”

After Shi Chen finished speaking, he immediately radiated his aura, and the powerful pressure instantly pressed on everyone’s hearts, even the Xie Niu patriarch couldn’t help but squat in his heart.

“Your Cultivation Base is Daluo’s high rank?” Patriarch Xie Niu asked hesitantly.

However, Shi Chen did not respond, and disappeared directly from his eyes, and a flash of light from his left hand instantly patted the head of the Xie Niu patriarch.

Xie Niu can only do his best to dodge in a hurry, but…


A figure slammed down on the wall, then the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and he got up with difficulty.


All the half-step big Luo Jinxian present widened their eyes, how could the Xie Niu Patriarch be so vulnerable?

Is he too weak, or is he too strong? Then everyone’s eyes blended, confirming their inner guess.

It’s not that Xie Niu is too weak, because he easily defeated the team of seven or eight half-step Ronaldo before, otherwise everyone will not come to the banquet obediently, then there is only one possibility…

Everyone glanced at Shi Chen and began to slowly retreat outside the cave.

“Who dares to move again, die!” Shichen’s cold words sounded again.

“Senior, I’m not familiar with Xie Niu’s patriarch, this time I was only intimidated by the party!”

“Yes, right, Dong Ling Tian is the residence of seniors. This Xie Niu ancestor does not know what is good or bad, so he dared to occupy the magpie’s nest. It is not a pity to die!”


Xie Niu looked up and looked at these “friends of the same kind” with a face full of disbelief. He had flattered him so much before, and even compared him with the dragon clan, but he was anxious to separate the relationship in a blink of an eye.

“No matter what your relationship is with him, if you want to survive, you now have only one chance to be branded by Divine Sense, or you will die!” Shichen’s cold words sounded again.

“What, this… senior…ah~”


Everyone present was an ancestor of a party, how willingly to be controlled by others, just one of the leaders wanted to say something, but it was instantly taken by the hour and squeezed directly.

“Who else has a different opinion?” Shichen asked again.

At this moment, everyone was afraid to speak, their eyes were frightened, and their backs were soaked.

Without any obstruction, Shi Chen has planted its mark in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Suddenly, everyone had mixed feelings, and they all hated Xie Niu all over; secretly said: It’s okay to have a big Luo event, and they are still dragging them together. The moment before they were still the patriarchs of the clan, they became the patriarch in a blink of an eye. puppet.

“From today, you are all my time gatekeepers. Don’t worry, since I accept you, I won’t kill you again; but you have to do what I want, understand?” Shichen looked at everyone with their heads downcast. Opened his mouth and said.

“Yes, yes!” Everyone was silent.

“Let’s listen, this seat is going to be Closed Door Training breakthrough recently. You will all go out to explore the Northern Wilderness; if there is any mysterious place or the situation that your ability can’t perceive, wait for this seat to leave the customs and report at any time. !” Shi Chen ordered.

“This, senior, aren’t there many places like this? Even if it is just a Northern Wilderness, it is not something I can fully explore?” One person bit the bullet and asked.

“This seat naturally knows, you can wait for all of them to be recorded, and when the time comes, the seat will be calculated one by one!” Shi Chen replied blankly.

“Yes, senior!” Everyone nodded.

“Go ahead, I’m going to Closed Door Training now!” Shi Chen was obviously impatient.

“That, senior…” Old Ancestor Hai Yang said hesitantly.

“What do you want to ask, please call me the master of this seat in the future, you know?” Shi Chen said sharply.

“Yes, yes, sect master, the subordinate wants to ask what kind of Cultivation Base level is Hunyuan Jinxian?” Hai Yang asked carefully.

The other thirty people listened, including Xie Niu ancestor.

Shichen sneered: “You waited for the road to be cut off, and I asked for nothing. What this seat can tell you is: Hunyuan Jinxian is Realm above Daluo, even if it is only the first level of Hunyuan Jinxian, it is better than Daluo Jinxian. Ten times stronger!”

“Okay, I’ve said everything that needs to be said, so retreat, and bring your clansmen under the clan, and look around. If you find a valuable clue, you will have a reward!” Shi Chen waved his hand.

“Yes!” Everyone retreated with shock at Hunyuan Jinxian.

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