Chapter 139

In the wild, above the starry sky, Leng Yunxin brought six blood generals, and escorted five Daluo Jinxians of the Blazing Heaven Realm.

The other four people continued to yell at Xiao Feng. After all, he was captured by himself, and he directly sold them all.

“The great Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao, won’t forgive you, Xiao Feng!”

“Xiao Feng, you are simply a traitor to the Blazing Heaven Realm. On behalf of the Blazing Heaven Realm, I curse you forever!”


“Shut up, and if you dare to bother my king with words, I would have let you taste the pain first!” The blood killer drank heavily.

“You little Taiyi Jin Xianan dare to be so presumptuous?” Xiao Feng, who was scolded by his companions, shouted, as if only this way could release his aggrieved aggrievedness.



The blood kill is not nonsense, a sharp tail is suddenly tied to Xiao Feng’s chest, and a large mass of flesh and blood is suddenly brought out by pulling it out.


Xiao Feng took a breath, and the intense pain made him hold back the thought of cursing.

Leng Yunxin is distressed at this moment, she really doesn’t know how to contact Heavenly Dao, just when she is at a loss…

High in the sky, a crack slowly appeared, and the Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared high in the sky. For the breath of another world, Heavenly Dao is extremely sensitive.

“Heavenly Dao, these are the invaders of another world, the existence of the five Great Luo Jinxian above the peak, you should compensate for the hard work of this king!” Leng Yunxin saw Heavenly Dao’s eyes appear, and quickly spoke.

Heavenly Dao’s Eye glanced at it, and with a ‘click’, a group of Heavenly Dao merit came to Leng Yunxin; Leng Yunxin was naturally overjoyed and quickly began to absorb it in Lotus Position.

The Eye of Heavenly Dao turned its gaze to Xiao Feng and the other five people. It was not in a hurry to kill them; instead, it shot four streams of light from its horrible vertical eyes, and disappeared instantly.

In the east, Yujing Mountain, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and Hongjun said in shock: “Heavenly Dao call!”

Then he didn’t dare to hesitate, quickly sorted his bags, and headed for the stars.

In the West, Luo Huo, who was cultivating crazily, also received the Heavenly Dao’s call, and then he did not dare to hesitate. After explaining it to the eleven envoys, he disappeared in Sumeru Mountain.

Lunar Star, Qing Xuan, who was discussing Taoism with Wang Shu in Guanghan Palace, also saw the light coming in extremely fast.

After reaching out, closing his eyes and feeling for a while, he was also surprised, secretly said: Is it so fast?

“What happened?” Wang Shu asked quickly when he saw this.

“It’s okay, bother for a long time, this deity is leaving!” Qing Xuan said briefly.

“Are you here uninvited and not urged?” Wang Shu gave him a white glance.

“Haha, but there are some important things to deal with, and I will explain to fellow daoist next time when I have time!” Qing Xuan finished speaking without waiting for Shu to reply, and left quickly.

Wang Shu hesitated to chase it out, and Qing Xuan, who was standing on the lunar star and looking at the departure, murmured: “The gap between you and me is getting bigger and bigger!”

I glanced at the newly established Ice Palace next to Guanghan Palace, thought about it, and then headed to Youying Palace…

In the East China Sea, Fangcun Island, the raised eyebrow who had just walked out of the island unexpectedly received the Heavenly Dao call, and he did not dare to hesitate, and quickly went to the starry sky; the last time Karma Thunder is vivid, but now he dare not challenge Heavenly Dao. Authority.

Above the starry sky, Leng Yunxin stood up and felt the second-order Cultivation Base of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. With her state of mind at the moment, she couldn’t help but exclaim that it was too worthwhile.

When he was wondering why Heavenly Dao didn’t kill Xiao Feng and others, a familiar breath approached from far away.

“Qingxuan, are you here to congratulate my king for his great advancement in Cultivation Base?” Leng Yun said Qing Guang, who rushed to this place very quickly.

When Qing Xuan who was flying heard this, he couldn’t help but utter a headache. Why was she here? The most important thing is what she just said about Cultivation Base, how is this possible? Has Hunyuan Jinxian practiced so fast?

When Qing Xuan stopped, he had already arrived in front of Xiao Feng, and immediately looked at everyone present with doubts; the breath of the six figures is the same as that of Leng Yunxin, they should be her people, but at this moment They all turned into human forms. Although they didn’t understand how they were transformed, Qing Xuan didn’t ask much.

Instead, he looked at the remaining five embarrassed figures, his gaze swept away, good fellow, the lowest is the peak of the Golden Immortal Da Luo.

Then he thought to himself, and instantly guessed that he was someone from another world, because he had been in contact with the dark world and the stone world, and it was impossible for the most important cultivator to suddenly appear at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian.

He raised his head and looked at Heavenly Dao’s eyes, but Heavenly Dao did not make any movements.

“My king is talking to you, how dare you ignore me?” Leng Yunxin said again, his voice turning cold.

“Uh, lost, lost, congratulations fellow daoist Cultivation Base to enter again!” Qing Xuan secretly cried out a headache.

“You thought this would be fine, just take it!” Leng Yun was reluctant, and the forbidden spirit double-blade appeared in his hand, and he immediately attacked Qingxuan.

Qingxuan cursed in his heart: Madness, come again.

However, the movement of his hands kept moving, Hongmeng’s measuring ruler came out, and quickly fought against him…


Qing Xuan retreated hundreds of feet, but Leng Yunxin did not retreat a step.

Qing Xuan was shocked secretly, really advanced, it can be said that he is not an opponent at all.

The blood generals such as Shenshang shouted in excitement: “My king is invincible in the world!”

You know, Qing Xuan was respected as the first person in the prehistoric, but now he was easily repelled by Leng Yunxin, indicating that their king is now the first person in the prehistoric, and they can’t help but not be excited.

Ignoring the shouts of Shenshang and others, Leng Yunxin made another move, and instantly came behind Qing Xuan, and at the same time a small spike appeared in front of Qing Xuan’s eyes.

“What, why is the God Zhu thorn in her hands?” Qingxuan quickly offered a good fortune to protect Qinglian.




The enemy Qing Xuangang blocked the two blades of Divine Punishment and Forbidden Spirit, and was hit by Leng Yunxin’s palm and flung away instantly.

Even with some good fortune Qing Lian defense, Qing Xuan quickly vomited a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, this was the first time Qing Xuan was injured in the flood.

Leng Yunxin was still about to make a move, but suddenly saw a black light coming at extremely fast, and then the corner of his mouth bent again with a slight arc.

Luo Hu was sorrowful. He naturally saw Qing Xuan and Leng Yunxin, and he also saw Qing Xuan’s tragic situation clearly. He should have been extremely pleased to see Qing Xuan eating deflated, but at this moment there is a feeling of being connected with life, because at this moment he Not in the distant Sumeru Mountain, but not far from them.

He was about to suspend the journey, but found that the woman had disappeared. He was shocked and quickly sacrificed the World Extinguishing Black Lotus and the Nine Devil Pagodas, but…


With a crisp sound, Luo Hu was slapped flying like a fly, and the speed was much faster than Qing Xuan. Before he stopped his body shape, the Zhu Shen thorn appeared in his eyes.

Luo Yu felt the threat of Death in an instant, and he hurriedly sacrificed all the blood-changing sword, western plain cloud boundary flag, the sharp spear, and the four swords of Zhuxian…… so as to block this lore.


A sound rang, and all of Luohu’s spirit treasures were knocked into the air by the impact. Although the Divine Punishment was blocked, the vigor contained in it still severely injured him. At this moment, his injuries were much heavier than Qing Xuan.

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