Chapter 138

At the bottom of the Chishou Mountains, Shi Chen finally digested the information Xiao Feng gave, and then continued to ask: “Why do the worlds keep invading the prehistoric?”

“I don’t know this. Heavenly Dao in my world didn’t tell me about these secrets. Maybe my strength is not enough!” Xiao Feng shook his head.

“Okay, I have told you all that should be said. Since you are willing to join my world, you will stay with me in the Blazing Mountains from now on, waiting for the strong from my Blazing Heaven to come; Attacking the prehistoric world, I must get the greatest benefit from the Blazing Heaven Realm!” Xiao Feng Chengzhu said in his chest.

“There is one last question, how did the dimensionality reduction restriction arise?” Shichen asked at last.

“No one knows, it seems to have heard that it was set by the existence beyond the supreme, but it is just speculation, after all, how existence can exceed the supreme? It is simply impossible!” Xiao Feng shook his head and chuckled.

Hearing what Xiao Feng said, Shi Chen also shook his head, yes, how existent can surpass the supreme, even if the divine master is impossible; suddenly, Shi Chen suddenly wakes up, is it that the person who blocks the divine master is the existence that transcends the supreme? Otherwise, how can there be a God Lord who can ban the strength of the Great Dao?

Shichen was in a cold sweat, as if he knew the world’s greatest secret; could anyone really be strong enough to formulate the rules of the world? If so, how terrifying it should be.

At this moment, Shi Chen shouted: “No, I was wrong, ah~”


The entire body, origin, soul, and true spirit shattered at the same time and turned into nothingness; only three spiritual treasures were left floating here.

This directly shocked Xiao Feng on the side, and said to himself: “What’s wrong, why is he self-destructive, and so simply and completely; the great Heavenly Dao, bless me, I don’t want to be inexplicable. The ashes are gone!”

After a while, everything was normal in this space. Xiao Feng, with a gloomy expression on her face, shook her head and sighed, “Oh, the foreign race is really unreliable. Let’s rely on yourself!”

Then he looked at the three powerful spirit treasures, eyes reveal greed.

Just as Xiao Feng was about to take it, a fiery red figure stood in front of him, and quickly put away the Xiantian Lingbao that was in front of him.

Then he faced Xiao Feng and whispered softly: “I have to admire you. I even told you a secret that the king never knew. Now how do you want to die?”

“Who are you, huh? No, it turned out to be Hunyuan Jinxian!” Xiao Feng sensed the Cultivation Base of the person in front of him and was shocked.

Immediately, without saying anything, he rushed into the light curtain as quickly as possible.

“If you let you escape, this king won’t be worthy to prove Dao Hunyuan!”

Leng Yunxin quickly approached Xiao Feng with six wings, and then light blades appeared in both hands, and instantly stabbed Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng, who had never been guarded, was directly banned from all Cultivation Base.

Then Leng Yun’s gaze was fierce, and he slapped him with a palm on his chest, knocking him into the air by dozens of feet.

The Cultivation Base was sealed and Leng Yun’s palm was hard. Xiao Feng was directly in danger of death. Once again, he took a shot with one hand and grabbed Xiao Feng’s head directly in his hand. Where are the other people of the same race?”

“I said, I said, don’t kill me!” Xiao Feng begged for mercy.

“That’s right, Big sis is not a bloodthirsty person!” Xiao Feng, who was about to be seriously injured, was thrown to the dumbfounded Tianyin.

“Take him, let’s go up!” Leng Yunxin said.

“Yes, Wang!” Tianyin said respectfully.

At this moment, Tianyin was extremely shocked. Is this the King Own? Daluo Jinxian was so easily subdued when he reached Consummation.

In fact, if Xiao Feng didn’t run away at the beginning, he could have two tricks with Leng Yunxin, but he was terrified in his heart and exposed his back directly to Leng Yunxin, which led to his rapid and miserable defeat.


“Trash, you are a complete trash. If this god is not able to escape from this space, where will it resurrect you over and over again!” Shen Mie shouted loudly.

“God forgive the sins, the subordinates know that they are wrong!” Shichen’s face was ugly, and he didn’t expect that just thinking of the horrible existence in his heart would instantly fall away; in retrospect, it wasn’t right, he couldn’t even think about it now.

“Let’s talk, what’s going on, and who killed you?” Shen Mie calmed down his anger and asked.

“This… God Lord, my subordinates dare not say, I just thought about it for a while…” Shihhou said in fear.

“Huh? I fell after thinking about it?” Shenmie was surprised.

Shi Chen nodded, and then talked to Shen Mie about what Xiao Feng had said before.

“You idiot, is that something you can touch? Even the original god…” Shen Mie suddenly stopped talking.

Slowly, Shenmie said again: “Don’t worry about those, hurry up and continue to explore the prehistoric, as long as there is anything unusual, you can send the original god at any time!”

After Shen Mie finished speaking, a dazzling black light shot from the center of his eyebrows and instantly entered Shi Chen’s mind.

“This is a complete Cultivation Base of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, you can absorb it to restore the Cultivation Base of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Since it is a fall for this god, the original god will not be stingy!” Shen Mie said.

“Thank God Lord, thank God Lord!” Shi Chen felt the origin in his mind and said with great joy.

“Remember, don’t be passive and sabotage, use the power of the gods to figure out what you are doing!” Shen Mie’s eyes suddenly appeared cold.

“Subordinates don’t dare!” Shi Chen was sweating in cold sweat.

Although Shenmie was blocked, but when he rescued twice, with this Karma, he could easily calculate any action at the time.

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