Chapter 105 Heavenly Dao’s Punishment and Reward

The breeze slightly blew the desolate ground, rolling up the several feet deep blue ash, a huge black giant stabbed out of the dust, and then its whole body slowly crawled out.

Its double aolets beat quickly, and with the sound of a ‘da da’, countless giants around slowly appear, but they quickly hide in the dust and disappear…

Beast Emperor Mountain, when the dust settled, still left in place:

With the Tai Chi picture above his head, Hong Jun, who is stepping on the ten second rank meritorious golden lotus, only slightly paled.

Only the soul ancestor of the Xutian furnace was left, but at this moment his soul was also extremely weak, and a hideous and terrifying crack appeared in the Xutian furnace.

A flickering Xiantian ancestral spirit, Tai Chi ancestor. He remained in this state. When Shenni crushed the jade talisman, he just got up and used the spirit of the gods, and also escaped the catastrophe.

Above the town’s demon gate, there are ten second rank Rahu and the thirteen demon envoys of the ten second rank exterminating black lotus. At the beginning of the explosion, the thirteen demon envoys quickly summoned the town’s demon gate, and Luo Hu also hurriedly sacrificed the exterminating black lotus. , They are just breathing a little at the moment.

I don’t know how far away from the Beast Emperor Mountain, there are nearly two trillion cultivators who have escaped the catastrophe. They are also pale at the moment, their Spirit Power is exhausted, and they are directly meditating in the void.

Apart from that, all the others have fallen and no one exists!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

‘Boom Rumble…’

The Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared high in the sky, scanning the entire predicament with cold and merciless eyes.

Then from that ruthless vertical eye, endless cyan thunders-Karma thunders were blasted out, scattered everywhere in the prehistoric wasteland, whether it was Eastern Wasteland, Western Wasteland, Southern Wasteland, Middle Wasteland, Four Seas, and Starry Sky.

The endless lightning of Karma struck every unknown cultivator, and it was not a single blue lightning, but a series of seven.

“Ah, no, why is this?” An Eastern Wasteland cultivator just caught three cyan thunders and was bombarded.

“Heavenly Dao is unfair!”

“No, no, I haven’t done anything maddening, why is there a damnation!”

“Heavenly Dao, I’m not reconciled!”


Qingxuan of Closed Door Training also opened his eyes suddenly on the fantasy island, and then quickly calculated with both hands, sending nearly half of the island, about one hundred thousand cultivators, out of the island.

Then a voice transmission stayed in their minds: “You have ever left the island or made a killing, or swallowed the ancient elixir, or obtained the Lingbao refining material, or fought with people to destroy an area and destroy some Spiritual Roots… …, when Heavenly Dao called for the extinction of the beasts, I couldn’t wait for the tortoise to shrink. Let’s go through Heavenly Dao’s Karma cleaning!”

As for why only half is because the rest have never set foot in the prehistoric land, everything they have is given by Fantasy Sky Island and has nothing to do with Heavenly Dao.

After the seven thunders of Karma, the only remaining 30% of the cultivator fell hundreds of thousands of trillions.

Less than one billionth of a billion people had to bear the test of the seven Karma thunders. Of the nearly 100,000 cultivators that went out of the island of fantasy, only two survived, and all the others were killed by the Karma thunder.

Of course, Karma Thunder is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The higher the Cultivation Base, the more prehistoric gifts have been received, and the stronger Karma Thunder.

Even Fang Cundao’s raised eyebrows were seriously injured at this moment.

“How is it possible? Isn’t this Fangcun Island isolated from Heavenly Dao? Why can Heavenly Dao ignore the formation of the sky outside the island and hit the old way.” The eyebrows were extremely puzzled.

But Qingxuan would laugh if he knew the doubts of raising his eyebrows at the moment. I am embarrassed, Heavenly Dao is much stronger than the original trajectory, and you should be struck by lightning.

A black-robed man in an underground space in the Central Plains was also hit hard at this moment. He suffered eight Karma thunders, and it was not easy to survive. Thousands of people had fallen around him, and only three of them still had a breath.

“Damn it, how is this possible, I’ve already died once, didn’t Karma kill himself? Why did Heavenly Dao drop me a thunder penalty? And one more than others!” The black-robed man was angry.

“My lord, why don’t we go to the Ferocious Beast Dynasty to enter the robbery? Now only I and the other four people have fallen.” asked a black man who was struck by thunder and lightning.

“Shut up, are you teaching me to do things?” The black robe man said angrily.

“Heisha dare not!” The man sweated coldly on his forehead.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for you to be seriously injured and dying, I would have urged the brand in your body to give you a taste of how life is better than death.” The black robe man said loudly.

“The subordinate knows the mistake, the subordinate knows the mistake!” the man said tremblingly.

“Aojue, Ye Yang, Heisha, the three of you are still alive now, hurry up and heal your injuries!” The black robe man said lightly. Soon, I also started to recover from the injury in Lotus Position…

The fourth wife of Xiantian in Void Sea is also panting violently at this moment, cursing secretly in her heart. If it were not for the use of the Four Divinities, the four of them would have to finish the game…

Only Taiyin Xingyueshu, without the thunder of Karma, her catastrophe had been offset by Hongjun’s borrowing of treasures. If Qingxuan hadn’t arrived, she would have fallen. In addition, because of the direct abandonment of the Star Seal, it escaped the Karma Thunder cleaning.

The Eye of Heavenly Dao is staring at two people at this moment, a golden man and a plain-dressed woman.

The two were sitting on pins and needles at the moment, especially the golden man. He could not have imagined that Heavenly Dao would send out the thunder of Karma to purge those who had not gone to the Royal Beast Dynasty to participate in the war. He was the culprit even more, he was afraid that Heavenly Dao’s eyes would directly kill him.

After staring for a long time, finally Heavenly Dao’s eyes shot out nine cyan thunderbolts and hit them separately.

Although the two are the culprits, the two are just verbal expressions. The real decision maker is the divine rebellion. The last of the nine Karma thunders is comparable to the weakened version of the purple sky divine thunder. Whether there is a glimmer of life depends on their own. …

After the entire wilderness was cleaned by the Thunder of Karma, the Eye of Heavenly Dao conveyed an idea to the entire wilderness:

The Thunder of Karma is the accumulation of gifts from the heavens and the earth from the beginning of your prehistoric birth. All resources, such as Lingbao, Spiritual Roots, Spiritual Qi, killing, destruction…, Karma was born and participated in the catastrophe of the beast. Yes, the Heavenly Dao exception eliminates the Thunder of Karma and is accompanied by merit. Those who didn’t participate, wanted to hide on one side for comfort, all fell into the thunder tribulation, and could survive the seven thunder tribulations, but could not survive the fall.

“My God, why didn’t Heavenly Dao say it earlier, I almost didn’t take the seventh step. I knew it. I must have been robbed. At least I have merits. Now I am seriously injured. Realm has a downward trend.”

“Sure enough, Heavenly Dao is ruthless, he will die for nine years, and he will be close to ten deaths without life!”


At this moment, all the cultivators finally know that there is Karma’s Tribulation. They are thinking that next time Heavenly Dao has a call, they will be the first to go. At the very least, you can get merit, rather than being struck by lightning.

On Fantasy Sky Island, Qingxuan had deep eyes and murmured: “Sure enough, everything is different from the historical trajectory. The Thunder of Karma appeared inexplicably. He felt something wrong when he went to Lunar Star to save Wangshu. Heavenly Dao actually stopped him. The duel with Hongjun and asking him to hurry to the Minor World is obviously self-consciousness. This is why Qingxuan wants Wang Shu to hand over the Star seal unconditionally.”

Lunar Star, Wang Shu sitting in the Lotus Position was also fortunate. Fortunately, she had handed over the Star seal, otherwise she would not escape the thunder. Then I thought, did he already know that Heavenly Dao would be like this?

If Qingxuan knew what Wang Shu was thinking, he would only say: “I know a ghost, and I’m just guessing. Fortunately, I killed a beast king, otherwise I would have to be struck by lightning!”

Ignoring the various forms of prehistoric sentient beings, at this moment, Heavenly Dao’s eyes made a ‘click’ again, and the profound yellow merits began to fall. First, the two quadrillion cultivators who participated in the battle of beasts and escaped their lives.

At this moment, they were all grateful that they survived and gained the Heavenly Dao merit, which is a win-win situation.

They watched the merits fall without squinting, and then entered the depths of their minds. Then I was overjoyed, without any hesitation, and started Lotus Position to absorb the Heavenly Dao merits.

In less than three breaths, a strong breath came from their bodies. The injuries caused by the explosion healed instantly, and the Cultivation Base had a breakthrough first-level, and Realm also had a breakthrough first-level. Some even Realm Ascension has two third-level and Cultivation Base has broken two consecutive levels.

Heavenly Dao is all about merit and deeds. The more you give, the more you get. If the credit is small, you get less. But even the least of Realm Cultivation Base broke first-level.

“Haha, it’s worth it. I knew I had used my tricks in the first place, and I would definitely be able to kill a few more fierce beasts!”

“Yes, yes, my Cultivation Base in the middle stage of the Golden Fairy is directly at the top of the Golden Fairy, and there is no hidden danger, and the foundation is solid!”

“Haha, I have finally become the Golden Immortal of Da Luo! It’s worth fighting against the half-step Da Luo of the fierce beasts!” It is a half-step Da Luo Eastern Wasteland cultivator who absorbed the merits granted by Heavenly Dao and directly advanced to the Da Luo golden immortal.

“Oh, I really regret it. I still have a group attack that is useless. If I knew I would not keep my hole cards!” A cultivator who was perfect in the wild gold fairy thumped his chest. He only has two levels of Realm Ascension and one Cultivation Base Ascension. Order.

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