Chapter 104 Some Settings of the Book’s Late Stage


Heavenly Dao Thunder

1: Black is for the destruction of the gods of thunder, specifically for the elimination of the heaven-defying level cultivator “Ru Qingxuan Daluo descended when the flowers bloomed in the ten second rank”.

2: The purple color is the Purple Heaven God Thunder, designed to punish the existence above Sage (Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian).

3: The red color is the God of Blood Tribulation Thunder, designed to prevent the battle between cultivators “The Starry Battle Between Qingxuan and Hongjun”.

4: Gold is the god thunder of yuan, specially designed for the test of each yuan under the cultivator.

5: Cyan is Karma’s god thunder, Heavenly Dao cleans the Karma that the cultivator has touched. The more thunder, the stronger the Karma.

6: The green color is the Resuscitation Thunder. When the Spiritual Qi of a region has completely dissipated, Heavenly Dao lowers the Resuscitation Thunder to restore the Spiritual Qi here.

7: Orange is the blessing of God Thunder, Heavenly Dao sends out to the cultivator to help it exert its strength far surpassing Cultivation Base Realm in a short period of time.

8: Blue is the original God Thunder, designed to erase the will of Minor World. It is the most destructive Heavenly Dao Thunder “Heavenly Dao Erasing the Will of the Dark World to Attack the Stone World”.



Jade talisman

1: Transmit the jade symbol and instantly cross Spatial Teleportation.

2: Sound transmission jade talisman, generally two pieces, can transmit sound at a long distance between each other.

3: Guard the jade talisman, the strong will store their Spirit Power in the jade talisman and bestow it on others. It can form a defensive shield at critical moments.

4: Take a picture of the jade talisman, record some of the pictures you have seen, and you can watch the “The Ancestor of the Viper Slaying Viper Was Recorded with a Picture of the Jade Talisman” anytime and anywhere.

5: Detonate the jade talisman, which is generally the formation center of the big formation. It is stored in the jade by the strong, and crushed at critical moments can detonate the entire formation.

6: Heaven-shielding Jade Talisman, a large-scale trapped formation activation talisman. Although it does not contain lethality, it can imprison an area.

7: Inscribed seal jade talisman, which records the jade talisman of Cultivation Technique “Qingxuan once inscribed the green lotus stepping on the virtual step in the inscribed seal jade talisman to help Qinghua Insight”.



Talk about the modified chapters of late stage

1: The Kaitian God Axe originally scored three points, but later changed to four points. Because of the association of the same as the Chaos Supreme Treasure, Chuangshi Qinglian not only differentiated into three Xiantian Supreme Treasures, but also ten top Xiantian Lingbaos, both of which are the Chaos Supreme Treasures. It shouldn’t be this big.

The handle of the axe turned into a chaos clock (Xiantian Treasure, 49 Restrictions),

The axe is turned into a Taiji diagram (Xiantian Zhibao, 49 Restrictions),

The axe body is transformed into a Pangu flag (Xiantian treasure, 49 Restrictions),

The axe is turned into a Samsara knife (Xiantian treasure, 49 Restrictions).

2: Top Ten Pinnacle Xiantian Lingbao changes

The top ten top Xiantian spirit treasures are all 48 Restrictions, attacking four defenses, five assists and one.

The defense is divided into:

Taixu God Armor

Ten second rank black lotus

Ten second rank merit golden lotus

Ten second rank industry fire red lotus

Ten second rank pure white lotus

The attack is divided into:

Emperor Fire Heavenly Sun Pearl

Kunlun mirror

Kunwu Sword

Flying Daggers

Supplemented by:

good fortune tripod

3: Detailed explanation of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth:

【Heaven and Earth Five Flags】

The five flags of heaven and earth, created by the five lotus leaves of Qinglian:

Central Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag: Golden lotus, with nothing to break, all evils to retreat, Wanfa not to invade.

Oriental green lotus color banner: relics shine, calm heart, avoid evil, Wanfa does not invade.

The southern flame light flag off the ground: Chaos Yin & Yang, upside down Five Elements, all evils avoid retreat, Wanfa does not invade.

Western plain-colored cloud border flag: strange images, full of heaven and earth, all evils retreat, Wanfa does not invade.

Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag: Obscure the universe, obscure the sky and the sun, avoid all evils, and Wanfa does not invade.

4: [Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Human]

“The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Human” are exactly six Xiantian Lingbao:

The Book of Heaven is also known as the ‘Zhen Ling Sheng Bang’ (47 Restrictions) and the God Whip (45 Restrictions);

The book from the earth is Shanhaijing, also known as ‘Tiandi Baojian’ (47 Restrictions) and Hunyuan Duster (46 Restrictions);

Renshu is Mingshu, also known as ‘Life and Death Thin’ (47 Restrictions) and Judge’s Brush (45 Restrictions). 》


Changes to the quantity of the prehistoric spirit treasures

1: A total of 36,000 pieces (the ones made by Qingxuan using the Qiankun Ding are not counted).


24,000 pieces of Xiantian Lingbao

Nine thousand pieces of Xiantian Lingbao

Top grade Xiantian Lingbao 2,600 pieces

385 pieces of Xiantian Lingbao

2: Nine pieces of Xiantian treasures: respectively

Tai Chi diagram, Pangu flags, chaos clock, good fortune green lotus, Qiankun Ding, slaying spear, slaying stab, Samsara knife, emptiness and haphazard piano.

3: A complete set of five pieces of Lingbao that are comparable to the power of the treasure

They are:

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian and Zhu Xian’s Array are combined in one [Zhu Xian Sword Array]

Xiantian Five Square Flags in One [Five Squares of Heaven and Earth Extinguish Demons and Gods Array]

Thirteen Demon Soldiers in One [The Demon Gate of the Town Domain]

Three books of heaven, earth and man in one [Daoshu]

The Three Emperors’ Enlightenment Device is One “Tentative”. (Lingbaos that are combined to the most precious do not count towards the number of Xiantian Lingbaos!)

One piece of Chaos Lingbao: good fortune jade disc (after Hongjun defeated Luohu, he got Luohu’s other half good fortune jade disc fragment, which was about 60% of the chaos once the treasure).


Introduction of nine Xiantian treasures

1: Pangu banner: has the power to tear apart the primordial chaos, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the good fortune the way of infinity, the power to dominate Wanfa, and the ability to open up the world. And can control the power of heaven and earth, attacking and good fortune are among the pinnacles.

2: Taiji Diagram: It can be transformed into a golden bridge, connecting Heavenly Dao Shengwei, and destroying all enemies that invade. Can turn countless time and space into the Hongmeng world. Can surrender countless treasures and weapons, Tai Chi diagrams are infinitely mysterious, and good fortune is infinite. It can resolve all attacks and is the treasure of defense.

3: Chaos Clock: It has confinement time and suppression space. Respond to any treasure Divine Armament’s attack, ignoring the damage of all magical spells. Offensive and defensive is integrated, placed on top of the head Xiantian is invincible, both offensive and defensive.

4: Samsara knife: Inherit the sharpness of the immeasurable god axe, one sword and one Samsara; it has the power of sniping across time and space, and can cut the past and the future; the Samsara knife is the nemesis of all evil spirits, evil spirits, and any incorporeal creatures. It is extinct; it is to kill the treasure.

5: good fortune Qinglian: the heritage of the creation of Qinglian, the flowers bloom twenty fourth rank, to defend the treasure of Xiantian; sitting on the lotus platform, the defense is amazing; the airflow of good fortune, every injury will be healed, every sickness will be dispersed, every handicapped There must be birth, and every shortage must meet.

6: Qiankun Ding: the treasure of refining tools, the body comes with a trace of chaotic fire origin, which can temper the flesh, but the power of the spirit treasure refined by Ascension can be returned to the spirit treasure. Houtian is Xiantian. And contains three thousand Xiantian pill pill recipe, the mystery is endless.

7: The thorn of the god of death: After Pangu used the immeasurable opening of the sky to kill the ten supreme demon gods, Yu Wei combined with the first ray of aurora of the prehistoric world, and absorbed the ultimate law of the ten supreme demon gods. Come silent, go without trace, move invisible, quiet without shadow, hidden in illusion, present in killing. Its majesty specializes in punishing the primordial spirit and killing the most precious treasure for the primordial spirit.

8: Killing Spear: After the creation of Qinglian is broken, the stem of the lotus is formed by combining murderous and destructive auras. After opening the sky, it fell into the abyss of Killing intent and absorbed the endless Xiantian Killing intent. The Killing Spear specifically defiles the soul of the soul. Except for the good fortune of the twenty fourth rank good fortune Qinglian, there is no supreme treasure or spirit treasure that can restore the damaged soul, which is the ultimate treasure of Xiantian evil spirits.

9: Void Misty Qin: Chaos Supreme Treasure After the good fortune jade disc is broken, twelve middle pieces of it are recombined and turned into a Xiantian jade embryo. After endless years, it finally completes the ninth number of the Xiantian Supreme Treasure. The twelve strings on it evolve twelve kinds of abilities, such as calming the mind, forgetting Wu You, relaxing the body, resolving confusion, breaking mundane dust, soothing diseases, eliminating evil thoughts, cutting evil spirits, killing souls, destroying souls, and killing Common people, kill the sky.


Finally, I will explain the effects of the four best lotus terraces and Taixu Shenjia

1: Ten second rank white lotus: 48 Restrictions, the best Xiantian spirit treasure; sitting on the lotus platform, defense is amazing; all evils retreat, cut Heart’s Demon, clear oneself, eliminate demons, and disperse sprites.

2: Ten second rank Black lotus: 48 Restrictions, the best Xiantian spirit treasure; sitting on the lotus platform, defense is amazing; resisting spell damage, weakening material damage, Shura refining the heart, and supplementing Magic power.

3: Ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus: 48 Restrictions, the best Xiantian Lingbao; sitting on the lotus platform, the defense is amazing, burning karma and karma fire, both offensive and defensive.

4: Ten second rank merit golden lotus: 48 Restrictions, the best Xiantian Lingbao; sitting on the lotus platform, the defense is amazing, can absorb the power of merit, protect the body and defend yourself, Wanfa has the magical effect of immortality.

5: Taixu God Armor: 48 Restrictions, the best Xiantian Lingbao; black armor, covering the whole body, unparalleled defense. There were seven Shattering Void spikes in the meeting, one on each of the four joints of the elbows and knees, and three on the back. Possess the ability to break through the void and hide.

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