"Uh, that, cough cough, I'm sorry pretty sister, I, I didn't mean it." Facing Shi Nuo's fierce gaze, Ze Kesuo was a little at a loss for a while, and he began to hesitate to speak.

But he was really innocent this time. It was just that he was too excited. He couldn't stop laughing when he heard that the beautiful sister was willing to share such delicious red fruits for himself.

No way, this red fruit is not there. If the red fruit is ripe, he can pick it. It is now when the leaves are falling, but there is no red fruit to eat, although the red fruit is picked when the leaves are falling.

But now the trees have begun to shed their leaves for a long time. Even if they have red fruits, they are almost rotten. There are very few fresh ones in the wild, but if you look carefully, there may be a few more.

So no matter how good it is, there is only one a day. Of course, he has to stay close to the hard-won fruits that he likes.

Earlier this morning, I just took this into my hand. Before I washed it, I took a bite. I saw Jin Xuan running past him. He told him not to respond, but it reminded him that he was still recovering. Pretty sister.

The beautiful sister was injured. In fact, he himself understood that there must be half of his own reasons, but the beautiful sister deliberately didn't blame him.

Since the beautiful sister is so kind to him, why don't you give me something in return?

Seeing the crystal clear red fruit in his hand, Ze Kesi gritted his teeth, turned and ran in the direction where Mi Xiaoxiao was, and it was the scene where two people were eating a fruit together.

"Do you want me to give you half again?" Mi Xiaoxiao's face was still slightly pale, a smile was raised, and she looked at Ze Kesi, straight to the bottom of her eyes.

"No, no need. I said it’s half for one person." He really didn’t want to talk anymore if he wanted a beautiful sister. He obviously brought it to the beautiful sister, but he didn’t expect to be divided into half by himself. He already Very embarrassed.

If it is divided in half, it is too unreasonable.

"Let's do it!" Mi Xiaoxiao helpless, this Ze Kesi is still very interesting sometimes, as long as he doesn't play sideways.

"That's right! Pretty sister, I saw that person from the Taer tribe today." Zekezuo was eating the red fruit, and he couldn't stop talking.

"Tal tribe? Who?" Could it be Aike? It shouldn't be her, after all, she is pregnant, it is impossible to come here all the way, and there may still be slight gaps between the two of them.

Is it Lu Lina?

She is more likely.

"I don't know, but the two of them are about the same length as Pal, and there are some things on their faces." Ze Kesuo recalled carefully, and then said vaguely: "Oh, yes, those are two males."

After finishing speaking, without watching Mi Xiaoxiao's reaction, he devoted himself to gnawing his red fruit.

"There is something on the face, two, male..." Mi Xiaoxiao whispered these words, and instantly guessed who it was, but she didn't expect Shi Nuo, who was silent on the side, to speak one step ahead of her: "It's German and Chinese. Collapse."

The tone was extraordinarily determined, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"What are they doing here?" Is there something to help? But why didn't you come in?

"I don't know." Ze Kesuo replied honestly, he just saw it by chance, not necessarily knowing what they were doing.

"I'll find someone to have a look." Seeing Mi Xiaoxiao a little curious, Shi Nuo replied without even thinking about it.

"Just made the soup, do you want to taste it?" Pal carried a stone pot of soup, accompanied by the rich aroma, carefully walking into the cave.

"Trouble you, um, don't need it tomorrow!"

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