"I don't know." He has never cared much about things other than Mi Xiaoxiao, that Pal, as long as it doesn't hurt Xiaoxiao, it's up to him.

"Can I go out for a walk?" She always stays in the cave and gets sick, just like in modern times, her least favorite place to stay is the hospital. She is not afraid of injections or taking medicine. .

It's just that in order to better manage and protect the patients, the big hospitals generally prohibit them from being discharged during the hospitalization period. Although it is for better unified management, those patients are stuck in the white walls of the hospital all day long. Coupled with the pain in my body.

It's strange to have a good mood.

But this kind of management method is also good for the patients. After all, in the hospital, they can still move around freely. It's just that Mi Xiaoxiao simply doesn't like that place, but also, think about it, I am afraid that few people will like the cold place of the hospital. .

"It will take two days. The wound has not yet scabs." If you are not careful, it will cause bleeding. It is better to be careful and the patient should not run around. On this point, he quite agrees with Jin Xuan's idea. .

"Let's do it." Mi Xiaoxiao helpless, she should stay in the cave honestly, so as not to worry everyone, but if you want the wound to heal completely, I am afraid that it will not be possible to do it within ten and a half months. .

After all, she doesn't have the powerful self-healing ability of Jin Xuan and others, so she can only take it slowly and take care of it bit by bit, so if she wants the wound to scab, it will take a lot of time.

Suddenly, Mi Xiaoxiao felt that during this period of recuperation, he would be quite boring.

"Pretty Sister, Ze Kesuo came to see you! Hey! Seeing Ze Kesuo, did your pretty sister feel very happy?" Ze Kesuo held a big red apple in his hand and jumped up and down. Walking into the cave, a small face, not so white, with a deep smile.

The individual will see that he is happy.

"Why are you free to come to me?"

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Ze Kesi amused, and suddenly felt that her future days might not be so sad. If such a little guy whispers in her ears every day, it is estimated that not only will she not be depressed, but will feel a little "noisy".

"Pretty sister is injured and can't go out. Of course, Ze Ke Si will come to accompany you. Here, this red fruit is saved from Ze Ke Si's mouth. You can eat it quickly. Just eat it."

Ze Kesi looked up with a small excited face, and on that small face, which is now fleshy, the seven words ‘Only I am the best for you’ have not been engraved.

"Sister is not hungry now, you can eat it, I am waiting for the soup, but I remember that you like to eat this red fruit the most." This little guy, being able to get a red fruit from his mouth is already very good Now, God knows how much he likes to eat red fruits.

That's definitely the kind that doesn't eat for a day and makes a fuss. He can save one of his favorite fruits for you from his mouth, which shows that he is already very good to you.

"Then..., no, what I say is for you is for you, how can I eat it." Ze Kesuo had a pair of gray eyes, but they stared straight at the red fruit in his hand, swallowing it from time to time. Slobber.

Seeing that, it was like a starving ghost reborn. If she took the red fruit in his hand, she would have a little bit of bullying.

"Well, how about the two of us, one and half?" This little guy is quite persevering.

"Hey?" Ze Kesuo said in confusion, but he reacted quickly and immediately said: "This is good! This is good! Pretty sister, I really like you more and more!"

After that, Ze Kesi was about to pounce on Mi Xiaoxiao's body, but fortunately, Shi Nuo was quickly stopped by Shi Nuo's eyesight, otherwise, Mi Xiaoxiao would have to be unlucky again.

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