Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 657: Back to the tribe and other news

"The leader, it's the cave above. It's just that there is too much water and it is in a humid environment all year round, so the ground is slippery. If you want to go up, you still have to be careful." Scar was standing in front of a pool that was not deep or shallow. , Pointing to the direction of the waterfall, said to Li Shuo beside him.

They managed to find this place, and it took a lot of effort for the boss to find such a cave. Moreover, the most important thing is that there are traces of Mi Xiaoxiao's existence in the cave. This is the most critical thing they are looking for.

At least it can prove that Mi Xiaoxiao is safe for the time being, otherwise he would not start a fire in this cave. First, it can cook the food, and second, it can bring warmth and light.

"I'll go up and take a look." Tamo stood up first, said to Li Shuo, and went straight to the cave. The whole figure disappeared into the waterfall the moment he went up, and it seemed that he had already entered. .

According to the description of Scar, this cave is located inside a waterfall. The location is quite remote and inconspicuous. It is usually difficult for anyone to find here, and people outside cannot find it at all. There is also a cave inside, unless you come like them. A carpet search.

Otherwise it's hard to find.

But after a while, Tamo came down again. The only difference from the ups was that he was soaked all over his body when he came back this time.

"This is indeed the same as Scar said. Xiaoxiao has been there, and it should have been one night. The carbon dust in it should have burned the day before yesterday, which is the first day Xiaoxiao disappeared. It seems that someone has saved it. Xiaoxiao's statement is correct.

This at least proves that Xiaoxiao is safe now, and we also have enough time to find her. "Tamer came and told everyone what he saw on it.

Because of Xiaoxiao's disappearance, he was not the only one who was worried.

"Keep going, you will always find it." Scar looked at the woods in front, wishing Mi Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared in front of her now.

Unfortunately, this may only be thought of in my head.

"You go back with a group of people, and the tribe will be temporarily handed over to you and Tru, and I will be back in one day." Li Shuo looked forward thoughtfully, and said suddenly, as if thinking about it. A decision that took a long time.

"But, boss, you..."

"Waiting for my news." When Li Shuo interrupted Scar, and Tamer, they disappeared instantly, leaving Scar and Pal to stay in place. As for the other orcs in the Cang Wolf tribe, they were willing to spontaneously. Look elsewhere.

Scar looked at the backs of the few people who were far away, and he couldn't help sighing. Chief, you have not rested for one day and night because of the affairs of the Chief's wife. If this continues, I wonder if you will be able to hold it. .

"Don't worry, I will look at him and promise to bring you a complete leader." Pal looked at the backs of the people in front of him disappearing into his vision, then turned his head and looked at him standing diagonally below him. Scar, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly.

"You? But this..." Can it work?

Scar expressed his doubts about him.

"Don't worry, I will follow them." Pal didn't seem to see the questioning look in Scar's eyes. After speaking, he followed directly. The speed is very fast. Scar looked at it, but he was not so worried anymore.

Hey, I hope the leader can find Mi Xiaoxiao soon!

Otherwise, these one by one will have dark circles under the eyes.

Thinking about it, he turned around and walked back, as if to inform everyone, and return to the tribe to wait for the leader's news.

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