"Why should I remember this kind of thing?" Li Suo glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, and said blankly.

"So, you never remember the way?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Li Suo with a smile and joked.

"It's getting late, let's leave you." Li Suo coughed awkwardly. This woman didn't look very good. She thought that apart from being pretty, she didn't have any specialties. She didn't expect to have a lot of things. .

Knows how to make drugs, is a medicine orc, articulate, analyzes things clearly, I did not expect that a small person will know a lot of things, and I really found that the longer I get along with her, the more differences I will find Of her.

"Cut." There are really a lot of bad excuses.

"Go, take you back."

"Do you remember the way back?"

"do not remember."

"Then how to go back?" Isn't this kidding her? If you walk in the woods like this, you can't find a way home.

"Don't worry, I can't lose you." Actually wanting to go back is just a matter of minutes, but, for some reason, he doesn't want to send her back so early. He obviously wouldn't be like this before, but now It's like a different person.

He had the look of this woman in his head, and he didn't even want to leave her anymore. He didn't know what was wrong with him. In short, if he wanted to drag it for a while, just drag it for a while.

"Let’s take a break first. You didn’t eat much in the morning. Let’s go to the nearby river to catch some fish to eat." Li Suo pulled Mi Xiaoxiao's clothes and said coldly, but there was obviously little in the words. I lost the sense of alienation from before.

"All right, anyway, you can't find the way now." It's better to look at the open point, but I don't know how Jin Xuan and the others are now. They haven't returned for almost two days. They should be very anxious now, but she thinks now. I can't go back.

It's really troublesome.


Compared with Mi Xiaoxiao's worry, Jin Xuan and the others were in a hurry. They kept looking forward from the place where the snake body was found, but they never found any trace.

I don't know what happened to Xiaoxiao now, but at the place where the body of the python was found, there seemed to be a familiar aura. It should belong to that man. If Xiaoxiao met him, it would be dangerous.

After all, the man used to say that he was going to kill them.

"Boss, we found a cave not far ahead, where there is a lady's breath, and there are traces of burning wood, but it seems that it has been a day or two." There were no clues in Jin Xuan. At the time, Scar suddenly hurried over from the front.

"Where? Take me to see." As soon as Li Shuo heard the news of Mi Xiaoxiao, he immediately frowned a little. He hasn't slept for one day and night, but now finally there is news of Xiaoxiao. This day and night was not in vain.

"Take me." Pal smiled softly and suddenly jumped out to block Li Shuo's path.

"Fuck." Li Shuo frowned as he looked at the man who suddenly blocked his way.

"Take me, I won't cause you trouble, on the contrary, I can help you." Pal looked sharply, not anxious, still smiling.

"Jin Xuan, let's go." Li Shuo ignored Pal, but said to Jin Xuan next to him, and walked towards the place where the scar was pointed.

"Heh." Looking at the backs of Li Suo, Pal said that it didn't matter, but he still followed. For some reason, he was really worried about Mi Xiaoxiao, and he was even more curious about what he heard that night.

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