Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 612: This Pal is simply not flat!

"I really want to..." Pal blinked a pair of gentle eyes, looking at Mi Xiaoxiao, his eyes burning, he was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Leader, leader." Scar hurried over, with a little peachy crimson on his face, as if he had been running for a long time and appeared bright red.

"What's the matter?" As for the hurried, panicked?

"Uh, uh, the leader, there is a person from outside the tribe." Scar looked at Li Shuo, and said hesitantly, as if the person from outside was a bit hard to tell.

"Come here? Who? Nothing important, just don't come to me." There is no need for someone to come and find him in person? Then, every day, wouldn’t he have to be so busy, but Scar is usually not so reckless, is it something important?

"Um, the leader! He, he didn't come to look for you in the first place." People came to look for the leader's wife, okay! I really don't know why the leader didn't see him, so he knew that the fire came to him.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Shuo frowned. Is this scar being too good for him recently? I have to divide it into several paragraphs. Do you want to play with a sense of mystery?

"Look, look for the leader, Mrs. leader." Scar took a slobber, raised his eyes, and carefully glanced at his calm leader, only to find that the leader was looking at him with a gaze that could kill people at any time. .

Oh my god!

Scar was cautiously touching his little heart, saying that he was just coming over to deliver a message, as to?

"Male and female?" Li Shuo looked at the scar and said with a grin, fingers lowered his chin, and the streamer under his eyes turned, which looked rather evil, quite eye-catching.

"Ahem, this, boss, I said you can't stop hitting me?" Scar stepped back silently, trying to maintain a safe distance between himself and the leader. If you want to live longer, you have to stay away from the leader. .

"Yes." Li Shuo replied without thinking.

"Oh, thank you, the leader. The person who came is a man. It seems to be from the Taer tribe. I can't call the leader's wife by name. I can't help him. If he doesn't see him, he wants to break through, so..." So, he As a last resort, I had to come and find the leader.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao, do you want to go and see?" Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao who was busy, and his deaf ears made him very happy, as expected, Xiaoxiao was not interested in other males.

"Don't go." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Pal, who was sitting down with no one's attention, and her teeth were itchy, but she couldn't help him.

If you scold him! He still has a smile on his face, tenderly about to get out of the water, if you hit him! He might even come over and hold your hand, blowing to you, asking if it hurts.

It's just that the oil and salt won't get in, and there is no way to take him, so Mi Xiaoxiao can only stare at him viciously, but..., he still seems to enjoy it, so Mo Xiao is going crazy... …

This Pal is simply not flat!

Mi Xiaoxiao said that she was crazy.

"I heard no, Xiaoxiao can't say it." Li Shuo looked at the scar with a smile, that sullen appearance is simply a child who has won sweets and praise.

"Uh..." The scar's expression instantly condensed.

The black lines on his face kept falling, and there was a question in my heart, saying this... man, really the leader of their Cang Wolf tribe?

How you look at it, it's so naive! ?

too frightening! Could it be that the leader was stimulated by something? Or is it a mental disorder?

"Scar." Li Shuo's expression suddenly became a little serious, and he looked at Scar and said calmly.

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