Otherwise, it won’t be used until today. With a pot, it’s much more convenient to cook vegetables and soups. Of course, you don’t need to eat barbecue every day. Grilled meat to eat.

Sometimes Jin Xuan and the others will make some soup for themselves, but it is very troublesome. They are roasting some sweet potatoes, with one or two apples, which is also a meal.

"Eat more, the soup here is good, you can eat meat, here is edible, as for Jin Xuan, if you want something spicy, I will get you some, but here is a lighter one. I just don’t know if you like it or not."

Not everyone will like the taste of white radish.

"I'll try it." Xiaoxiao's things will definitely not taste bad.

"I'll give it to you." Mi Xiaoxiao took a wooden bowl and said with a smile, but she started to scoop it into the bowl with a wooden spoon. As the wooden spoon stirred, the mellow fragrance gradually emitted.

"It smells good, but I still want to try this." Tamo looked at the two flavors with completely different styles, stretched out his hand and smiled and pointed to the hotter soup, the light flavor, I will try it later.

"Do it yourself, put those cabbage in, it's a decent hot pot." In the modern era, although she didn't often eat hot pot, she still liked things like hot pot.

In other words, this is the first time she came here to make hot pot. Although it may not taste very good, it looks almost the same. It seems that there will be materials in the future, so I have to think about it and improve my taste.

"Hot pot? This is hot pot?" Such a novel way of eating, such a stimulating taste, I have never tried it before, and naturally I have never heard of it. Is this the characteristic of the tribe where Xiaoxiao was before?

"Yes, this is hot pot." It's just that what she ate before is much better than what she ate now.

"But I haven't heard of this way of eating." Jin Xuan raised his head and said as he looked at Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Because this is a unique way of eating in my hometown." In this era, it hasn't been invented yet! How could you have heard of it?

"Xiaoxiao's hometown?" Hometown? Does it mean tribe? Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

Mi Xiaoxiao was taken aback and said that he had missed it!


Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the few people who surrounded him. They were all people he knew, and they were worthy of his trust. Even if he told them, it didn't matter, because one day, she had to confess.

Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxiao said: "Actually, I am not in this world..."

"Hi! Xiaoxiao, don't you suggest me to join in? I smell the fragrance from a long distance, and I haven't eaten dinner tonight!" At this moment, a man's voice interrupted Mi Xiaoxiao.

The person here is really Pal with yellow animal skins. The wound on his face is still so hideous, like a wild beast, roaring and grinning on it.

"Why are you here?" Mi Xiaoxiao frowned obviously looking at the unexpected guest who suddenly broke in.

"Don't Xiaoxiao welcome me?" Pal still has a gentle face. Although it is not obvious from the surface, the words are soft.

"Do you think I should welcome you?" Playing word games with my mother? She's good at this!

"Hehe, whether you are welcome or not, am I here?" Pal looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, a pair of silver pupils filled with tenderness.

Oh, it means don't reject him when you come, don't drive her away? Do you want to be so familiar? Although she saved him.

"Actually, you can also go." Mi Xiaoxiao didn't even think about it, and her tone was a bit fierce. She said that she had finally developed a good mood and planned to tell the matter, but he was interrupted so abruptly...

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