Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 279: Converge and break into the tribe! (2)

"Li Shuo?" Mi Xiaoxiao thought, feeling warm in her heart. I didn't expect that guy would be quite loyal. It seems that she didn't mistake him!

"Okay, it's fine to find you now, and go back with us! The leader must be anxious." As soon as he looked at the leader, he knew that he cared about the little female Mi Xiaoxiao.

"It's not possible now, I have more important things to do." The fellow Tamo, followed them back to the Zili tribe, and he doesn't know how he is now.

No matter what, she had to go and see what kind of situation it was, and what kind of situation was Kameng, and whether it was as they said, dying, dying, and dying.

"More important things? What is more important than returning to the tribe?"

She has been missing for so long, the leader and Shi Nuo must be very anxious now, shouldn't they go back to the tribe at this time?

"Well, my savior, there is danger right now. I can't help but save him. How can I return to the tribe without confirming his safety?"

Although Tamo had a temperament a little arrogant sometimes, but as a whole, it was quite good, and he saved her twice in a row.

No, to be precise, it can be said that it was three times. At that time, Tamo didn't need to come out at all, if it wasn't for covering her...

"Savior?" Scar suddenly realized, he just said it! A decent person who was rushed into such a rushing river could survive intact. It turned out that someone saved her.

"Well, I will explain the specific situation to you later. The question now is, would you like to help me save him."

It's unrealistic to run into the **** horse of the Zili tribe alone, but they are different with the scar.

As the saying goes, is there a lot of people and power?

"This..." Scar was a little embarrassed. The leader said that he would see her within ten days, but this savior can't care about it?

After hesitating for a while, Scar sighed. The little female the leader likes, he has to wait on him no matter what: "Okay!"

"Well, then we will head towards the Zili tribe now." The people here are not one hundred, but there are also fifty people.

Li Shuo, this guy, in order to find her, is considered generous, she must thank him well when she goes back.

"Wait! Shan Chen, listen carefully!" Scar reluctantly patted a man who is still wandering around, unceremoniously.

"Hiss...! Scar, are you okay with trouble? It hurts, don't you know?" Shan Chen exploded again without a doubt.

Isn't he just watching the little females and seeing some wanderings? Wrong? Speaking of this little female, but he has seen the prettiest one, can't you just be in a daze?


"Do you still know that it hurts? You know that you are in a daze all day long. Okay, now you rush back to the tribe as fast as you can, and inform the leader that the little female has been found.

And..." Speaking of this, Scar fell silent.

After taking a glance at Mi Xiaoxiao and discovering his unintentional behavior, he mysteriously approached Shan Chen:

"Remember, only notify the leader alone. Don't go to the Taer tribe to notify Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo. This is related to the happiness of our leader. You have to give me a little relaxation."

Before he left the tribe, the leader specifically explained that once he found Mi Xiaoxiao, he only needed to notify him.

You don't need to think about it and know the leader's intentions. He has to be careful and don't mess up, otherwise he won't be as good as the time.

"Yeah, I understand!" Shan Chen smiled knowingly, then looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with a smile, and politely stretched out his hand: "Hello, little female, my name is Shan Chen."

"Oh, Shan Chen, hello, this is Mi Xiaoxiao." Mi Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the man in front of him was white and clean, and his first impression was not bad.

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