Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 278: Converge and break into the tribe! (1)

"Are you talking about the purple tribe?" A man's voice sounded outside the cave, successfully attracting Mi Xiaoxiao's attention.

Gently put down the uneaten chicken in his hand, and focused on listening to the outside sound.

"Scar, did I say that your brain was forgotten in the tribe? I have said it several times? It's Zili, the Zili tribe!

Is a name really that hard to remember? "Shan Chen is speechless, such a simple name, has he said this way several times?

At least not more than five times, right?

"Fuck you, my brain is so good! Isn't it purple...cough cough!" I just hit this kid, what is the name of the tribe?

There is a kind of air called embarrassment flowing in the air.

"Hahaha! I also said that my brain is so good, Scar, you are slapping yourself in the face, hahaha! I laughed to death!" Shan Chen was a little farther away from the Scar, and laughed happily.

"Shan Chen, you stupid boy, I killed you! You'd better not hide!" Scar was angry, chasing Shan Chen was just a beating.

Scar? Scar?

Mi Xiaoxiao said silently in her heart, why does this name sound so familiar?

"Scar! I was wrong, can't it be wrong? Come on, don't forget, let's come out this time, but come look for that little female.

We have been out for eight days now. If we can't find any more females, how can we go back to the boss? "

Speaking of this, Shan Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried, where exactly was this little female rushed to?

Or, at all...

"Oh~, I don't know where she was rushed. Ten days have been said. Eight days have passed. It would be nice if I went to the purple tribe this time to find out some news."

I promised the leader and gave the result in ten days. Only two days have passed, so I have to step up.

Ten days? Little female? Washed away? leader? Purple tribe?

Mi Xiaoxiao listened to these words and chewed slowly in her heart.

and many more! Scar? !

It's Li Shuo's subordinate!

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxiao stood up fiercely, squinted his eyes and looked outside, only to see a man with a scar on his face, leading a group of people, marching in the direction of the Zili tribe mightily.

"It's really him?!" Mi Xiaoxiao can now be sure and sure that this person is the scar of the Canglang tribe, Li Shuo's subordinate.

"Scar? You wait!" Since you are your own, you don't need to hide, just go out.

Moreover, she is short of people now, anyway, the fellow Tamo is her savior, he is in danger now, and he can't help but save it.

Although he had some helpless impulse, but to think about it in another way, it also made sense.

After all, what Ka Meng said was his childhood sweetheart, growing up together, these affections, it is not to say that you don't want it.

Tamo's impulse is also justified.

"Mi...Mi Xiaoxiao?! You..., are you really okay?" Scar turned around, looking at Mi Xiaoxiao in shock.

At that time, the river was so urgent and there were so many stones and floating objects in the river. She was rushed into the river so urgent, and she actually survived miraculously.

Although he led the commander's life and came out to find Mi Xiaoxiao, he didn't return much hope for this.

"Of course, I have nine lives, how could I die so easily! By the way, you came out to find me?"

The words just said should be looking for her, right?

"Well, the leader went to the Taer tribe to find you, and then found out that you were not there, so he went directly to Shi Nuo and Jin Xuan, only then did he know that something was wrong with you.

So as soon as the leader returned to the tribe, he sent us out to find you. No, we have been wandering outside for eight days. Today we are looking for you. "

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