"I'll make you a super spicy one, okay?" Mi Xiaoxiao said with a small mouth, Shi Nuo, this fellow is also very tasteful.

"Okay." Xiaoxiao did it specifically for him. Of course he was happy, but he didn't want Xiaoxiao to be too tired.

"Tomorrow Xiaoxiao will go hunting with us?" Looking at the females in the tribe, it seems that they are busy today, and so is Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao and the others caught a lot of fish today! It's enough for them to eat for several days, but Xiaoxiao is so busy, is there still time to set up traps?

"Of course I'm going. Haven't those traps been dealt with yet?" She had to go check it out, and then find a few new addresses to dig again.

By the way, take advantage of the time to set up the traps, look for other food, it is best to find more peppers at home.

Doesn't Shi Nuo like spicy food? I only have the peppers from the last time at home, but they are not enough. I have to find some more.

"Well, then we will rest early tonight, and then try to catch more prey tomorrow. After all, we will be out for a few days this time.

And the rainy season is coming soon. We have to step up and store enough food. "

Jin Xuan frowned, thinking about some cumbersome things, the more things he thought about, even if he was copying a few of him, it seemed that he was too busy.

"Don't worry, take your time, aren't there ten days left? Food is not a problem." Mi Xiaoxiao walked over and calmed Jin Xuandao.

"Well, go to sleep." Jin Xuan nodded, thanks to Xiaoxiao that their tribe can have what it is today.


"Xiaoxiao, I think it's okay here. Look, there are traces of the little bear walking by here, and look at this tree.

This was rubbed out when the bear was itchy, and there was no way to rub it out for many years. "

Shi Nuo pointed to the footprints on the side, and then took Mi Xiaoxiao to look at the traces on the tree near the footprints.

"Well, this is OK, just dig here! Let's find the next location." This morning, I hurriedly came here and ran no less than five places before finding these three places.

"Xiaoxiao, I also found a few places there, go, let me have a look!" Jin Xuan hurriedly chased up from behind, looking at Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Well, let's go! By the way, we still have to find some peppers to take home." Anyway, she won't be too much, and she can make some new pepper products when she takes it home.

For example, what pickled peppers! Chili sauce! Whatever, she will do it anyway, and then she can taste it for a different taste.

"Xiaoxiao little female, we have dug here." A male got his head out of a trap, with some stains on his face inevitably.

"Well, just like last time, insert these sharpened stakes, and then spread them to cover them, and you're almost done."

Only a few orcs were digging traps here, and the others followed Otto to hunt. After all, I couldn't let everyone be busy in one place, right?

"It's almost done. The three places over there have been completed. Only this one is left?" Everyone's processing speed is fast enough. In just half a day, ten traps have been completely processed.

"Okay, deal with it, you go hunting! As always, before sunset, we will meet with Otto and them in the old place."

Mi Xiaoxiao is facing the humanity of digging traps. She doesn't want so many people to act together. She is still more comfortable with Jin Xuan Shi Nuo, the three of them.

"That's all right, little female, pay attention to your own safety." One of the orcs nodded, this little female is simply a **** descending from the earth.

It seems that I know everything. The traps I dug this time will definitely be full of rewards. I am looking forward to the harvest tomorrow.

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