"How does it taste? It's not bad!" Mi Xiaoxiao looked forwardly at Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo, who was carrying the snail meat into his mouth, with full of anticipation.

This snail meat is still a little troublesome to fry, a bit fishy, ​​and, for this meat, she has been busy for a long time.

Not only must the fire be boiled, but the snail must be blanched again, and finally the meat must be picked out one by one with a small stick.

"Yeah, it's delicious, but this one seems to be a bit spicy." Jin Xuan nodded, but the taste in his mouth was indeed a bit spicy.

"I think it tastes just right." Shi Nuo put a few more in his mouth, and what he ate was a relish.

"Then you eat more." Mi Xiaoxiao put the cut slices of meat brushed with honey into Shi Nuo's bowl.

Mi Xiaoxiao wasted twice as much time for dinner tonight.

Today’s fishing activity ended early, and she didn’t find anything special in Cao Cong. Except for some wild vegetables that she had seen but had never eaten, the biggest gains were probably only those garlic and green onions. .

Of course, these snail meat can be regarded as unexpected gains, and Aike really found a lot, enough for Mi Xiaoxiao and the others to eat two meals, and only made one meal tonight.

The other one was installed by Mi Xiaoxiao with a few wooden stakes, and then soaked in water. It was all alive and could not die for a while.

As for Ai Ke, she also gave up a lot of tongue, and she reached out to take the meat that Mi Xiaoxiao gave her.

In addition to the fried snail meat, Mi Xiaoxiao also roasted all the meat left over from last night before Jin Xuan and the others returned from hunting.

Then carefully cut into slices, and finally brush a layer of honey on the slices that have been cut.

When all these were done, Jin Xuan and the others just arrived home with the allocated prey, and then they only had to wash their hands and eat.

"Well, Xiaoxiao also eat it." Shi Nuo smiled, and put the meat into the Mi Xiaoxiao bowl, while Jin Xuan looked at the bowl of snail meat with a bitter expression.

It was so delicious, but for him, it was a bit spicy. He wanted to eat it but didn't dare to eat it. It was really torturing.


At the end of a warm dinner, the three of them were full and even a little support, but Jin Xuanke was a bit unlucky. The whole person is still holding the kettle!

If you want to ask why, you can only say that it is self-inflicted. Who makes him greedy? Obviously, he said spicy, but his hands didn't stop, and he kept stuffing meat into his mouth.

No, it has caused too much to eat. Now that it is spicy, it is inseparable from the water. Mi Xiaoxiao is okay. She can still accept this level of spiciness.

After all, this is nothing in modern times. It is much more spicy than this. The spicy food she has eaten is not limited to this level.

It’s just that the peppers here are strange. They look like ordinary peppers planted by farmers, but they taste so spicy.

"Jin Xuan, are you better?" Mi Xiaoxiao leaned against the stone wall and looked at Jin Xuan Dao who was still drinking water.

"It's okay, it will be well soon." Jin Xuan turned his head with tearful eyes. He has never eaten any chili, but the spicy taste is really amazing!

"Don't eat so many peppers next time. I will make you one that is not spicy." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at someone who was obviously very spicy, but pretended to be non-spicy with tears, a little bitter to laugh.

"Good." Sure enough, Xiaoxiao was kind to him!

"What about me?" Shi Nuo moved Mi Xiaoxiao's head with his hand, making Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes look directly at himself, and the bottom of his eyes was surging from the wind.

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