"Okay, let's go back and get the bone knife." Qufu glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, and then turned towards the orc behind him.

Although this Qufu looked like a okay person, he actually suffered injuries to his hands and feet. Of course Mi Xiaoxiao didn't know about these things, because the old orc grandfather told her.

Although his wounds healed very well, but because of the injury, his hands and feet were weak, which directly caused him to be unable to hunt anymore.

"Well, the little female is waiting here for a while, and we'll be back in a while." The old orc said as he prepared to go to the tribe.

"Wait!" Mi Xiaoxiao called them out.

Although it is only a few minutes away from the tribe, it still takes some time to come and go at their speed.

It's not that Mi Xiaoxiao discriminates against the disabled, but that he is worried about time and their physical strength.

"What's the matter, little female?" Qufu and the others turned around in confusion, why did the little female suddenly stop them?

"That's it. You were tired from fishing just now. If you want to go back like this, it will not only take physical effort, but also time.

So let's find some sharp stones by the river and use them first. "

She remembered that there was such a kind of stone that was very sharp and could be found by the river, but she seemed to have forgotten her name.

"Okay, then." The old orc nodded, and the little female made sense. They were not only tired, but also wasting time.

"Then everyone, look for it carefully! As long as it is a sentence you think is sharp.

Of course, at least the stones you retrieved must be able to open the belly of the fish. "

After Mi Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she also bent over and started looking for the stone in her memory. She remembered that it seemed to be black.


The hard work pays off. Although everyone finds different stones, they have one thing in common, that is, they are thin enough and sharp enough.

"Little female Xiaoxiao, we have finished processing here, and we have buried all the viscera of those fish."

Qufu raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with a smile on his face.

To be honest, this Qufu looks pretty handsome, and this person seems to be outgoing, that is, cheerful.

It's just that in Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes, there is still something missing, maybe he is closer to the modern big brother next door!

"Little female, we're all right here too." Grandpa Orc dropped his legs and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao.

I haven't been out for activities for a long time, so that after a while, my legs are a little sore. Sure enough, it's better to be young!

"Well, leave it to me next!" Mi Xiaoxiao broke open the last fish, buried the internal organs, and cleaned it.

"Then what do we do?" It's all left to the little females, so wouldn't they be useless?

"Well... Since everyone is so energetic, please help me move these fish back to the tribe!"

The salt is in the tribe, so these fish still have to be moved back to the tribe for processing.

"Okay!" The orc grandfathers all responded in unison, feeling quite dissatisfied with the old.

"Hey? Why doesn't he move?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Qufu who was walking at the forefront in confusion, shouldn't this man come to help?

"Hey, after Qufu was injured, he couldn't even carry heavy objects, so he couldn't hunt!"

The old orc grandfather looked at Qufu affectionately, and his eyes revealed some regrettable feelings.

"That's it!" Mi Xiaoxiao strongly lifted the big back basket with both hands, and looked up at Qufu. It turned out to be like this! It's really unfortunate.


"Okay! I'm going to make smoked dried fish next!"

Mi Xiaoxiao asked someone to get the salt, and then directly spread the salt all over the fish body with his hands.

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